Oregano - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Oregano - a general description

Oregano (Oríganum) is a perennial herbaceous plant or shrub of the family Ignatifolia. It has many other popular names (bone-breaking grass, forest mint, mater, motherboard, flea shrub, bugs) 30-75 cm high. The bare, often creeping rhizome turns into an upright, slightly pubescent stem, without leaves in the upper part.

The leaf is opposite, petiolate, whole-edge, oblong-ovate, pointed at the tip, has a dark green color on top and a light green bottom. Small tubular flowers are pink or pinkish-purple, with pale purple corollas with a pinkish tint. Often, stamens protrude from the corolla. One plant contains up to 1000 seeds, blooms in the second half of summer.

Oregano - types and places of growth

Species varieties around the world, there are about 50 species. The homeland of the plant is considered to be South-West Asia, since ancient times it is also known in North Africa. It can be found throughout the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to Central Asia. Oregano loves light and dry soil, so more often it can be found in dry forests, in bright places - clearings, meadows, edges.

Western and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan are places of constant growth of oregano. It was introduced to America only in the last century and immediately began to be cultivated as a medicinal plant and spice. In Russia, it grows everywhere, except for the most northern regions, it can be found both in open spaces and in bushes.

Oregano - healing properties

This medicinal herb has been used since ancient times for a calming effect in children with nervous disorders, it has the property of sleeping pills. Oregano stimulates appetite and improves bowel function - it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and removes bile. The plant is capable of exerting many therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic and hemostatic. In case of neurosis, the sedative property of the grass is used. Oregano also has other properties that can be used for insomnia and headache, biliary dyskinesia, and cholecystitis.

Oregano - dosage forms

The plant contains essential oils and tannins, a high concentration of ascorbic acid. Leaves of grass and buds (fresh and dried) are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures, as the medicinal raw materials are also used the upper parts of shoots, flowers and leaves, powder from ground grass.

Steamed grass is used for skin diseases; alcohol tincture and vegetable oil infused with oregano are also used.

Oregano - recipes

1. Oregano is used as a part of the collection against smoking: mother and stepmother, medicinal marshmallow, oregano. Oregano is taken half as much as other herbs. Three tablespoons of the collection are poured into a half liter thermos with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. A filtered broth relieves withdrawal symptoms, cleanses the lungs and simply soothes.

2. Oregano, infusion of grass from a headache: pour 1 spoon of grass 0.5 liters. boiling water, after 30 minutes strain, you can take 1 cup.

Oregano - contraindications

Medicines with oregano are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, since it is this herb that is used in medicine to normalize the menstrual cycle with delays and for early termination of pregnancy. It is not recommended to use infusions for patients with cardiovascular disorders. It is not advisable to use essential oil for patients with hypertension.


Vera 04/21/2016
I didn’t say that with the help of oregano it is possible to terminate the pregnancy, at first, of course. And menstruation to recover. Perhaps this is not useful to me, but just in case you need to remember. And in general, a good soothing weed.

Glory 04/21/2016
Here is what I need !!! I so want to quit smoking! And the problem is that my nerves can’t stand it !!! And with the help of this herb, the lungs will be cleansed, and I will calm down. Maybe, finally, I will give up this bad habit too!

Little thing 04/21/2016
And I didn’t know that such grass is still growing in America))) I thought that it was personally our property))) My grandmother, laid sprigs of oregano under the pillow, and slept a baby’s sleep, even at an advanced age. And I do it now too.

Galya 04/21/2016
I wonder why it is also called - bug grass? And the wormwood ?? Apparently, all these insects gather on it. Maybe their smell attracts her. I also know that as a sedative, this weed is very good.

Galya 04/21/2016
I wonder why it is also called - bug grass? And the wormwood ?? Apparently, all these insects gather on it. Maybe their smell attracts her. I also know that as a sedative, this weed is very good.


Watch the video: How Much Oregano to Consume to Cleanse Your Gut (June 2024).