How to alleviate the condition during early toxicosis?


Toxicosis is a generic name for pathological conditions that are characterized by nausea, frequent urge to vomit, and other signs of body poisoning.

According to WHO statistics, about 90% of women at different stages of pregnancy experience this condition.

Early toxicosis manifests itself in the period from 7 to 14 weeks after conception, and late - in the second half of pregnancy.

Symptoms of early toxicosis

The main symptoms of early toxicosis include the following:
• weight loss;
• vomiting and nausea, especially in the morning and after eating;
• the type of food or its smell causes nausea;
• decreased appetite;
• increased salivation;
• drowsiness;
• feeling unwell;
• irritability.

Recommendations for alleviating the condition during early toxicosis

Stress is one of the main reasons for the development of toxicosis, therefore, to alleviate the condition from the very beginning of pregnancy, you need to remain calm, spend as much time as possible in motion and in the fresh air.

If you feel tired, you should immediately rest: sit in a comfortable chair or sleep. Experts recommend airing housing as often as possible, especially the kitchen - the place where the most odors accumulate.

Stuffy places such as public transport must be avoided.

With toxicosis, even your favorite foods and dishes can be disgusting, however, for the normal development of the fetus, the mother needs nutrients, so do not refuse to eat - experts recommend, if necessary, change the diet for pregnancy.

You should not eat foods under the pretext of usefulness, if you do not like them - food should be fun.

Nutrition for early toxicosis

For breakfast, it is advisable to eat light foods: oatmeal with milk, boiled chicken breast or kefir with cookies.

Eating should take place at a moderate pace.

After its completion, you need to sit at the table for five minutes, and then take a walk or do small things around the house.

You should eat often, but in small portions. It is best to divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals.

It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and spicy foods from the diet. Nutritionists recommend eating stew or boiled meat, soups, cereals and mashed potatoes.

In the daily diet must be different fruits. Water and juices will help restore normal levels of fluids and vitamins in the body - frequent vomiting leads to a deficiency.

You need to drink between meals. It is best to drink still water and freshly squeezed juices. To ease the feeling of nausea, you need to eat beef, egg whites, ham, broccoli, shrimp.


Watch the video: 10 Warning Signs Your Liver Is Full of Toxins (June 2024).