How dangerous are pink discharge during pregnancy? Causes and consequences of pink discharge during pregnancy


The onset of pregnancy is confirmed by the cessation of menstrual flow. And of course, any unnatural, and even more pink discharge during pregnancy is associated in future moms with interrupted fetal development or other pathological processes.

It will not be superfluous to be safe and get competent advice from a gynecologist in each case. But in order to avoid unnecessary unnecessary unrest, it is worth finding out whether pink discharge during pregnancy is always a sign of pathology and threatens pregnancy.

Causes of pink discharge during pregnancy

The problem of pink discharge during pregnancy is faced by many mothers. Regardless of the hue of the discharge, which can be light pink, pink-white, yellow-pink, the presence of red blood cells, or rather blood, is confirmed.

Under the influence of hormonal changes, the mucous membranes of the genital organs during pregnancy become looser and more prone to injury. The growing uterus requires an enhanced supply of oxygen, which is ensured by increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Therefore, any microtrauma provokes minor discharge of blood, observed in the form of pink discharge during pregnancy.

Do not panic if you find a selection:

1. After visiting the gynecologist. Examination on a chair, the introduction of instruments into the vagina, the collection of smears can injure the sensitive mucosa and provoke pink discharge during pregnancy.

2. After ultrasound using vaginal sensors.

3. After having sex. This does not mean that sex must be excluded during pregnancy, but it is worth acting more carefully.

4. After douching. But douching is best avoided if the mucous membranes respond in this way to this procedure.

In these cases, the pink discharge stops independently for a short time and does not threaten the health of the baby.

Causes of pink discharge in early pregnancy

The condition of a woman after conception is very changeable. Any deviations are alarming, as they may pose a threat to a fetus that is vulnerable during this period.

But pink highlights do not necessarily indicate a threat in this period. The appearance of discharge a few days before the expected menstruation indicates the implantation of the embryo. In this case, they may have not only a pink tint, but also a dirty pink, yellow-pink or have a creamy structure. Implant bleeding lasts several hours and is associated with a violation of the integrity of the small vessels of the endometrium.

There may be a discharge of pink color during pregnancy, coinciding in time with the probable periods. This does not mean pathology and does not threaten the baby. Many women experience this phenomenon, which is explained by insufficient progesterone levels. The hormone deficiency causes microdamages and partial detachment of the endometrium.

There are pathological factors in which pink discharge during pregnancy should become reason for urgent medical attention:

1. If the discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain, unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower back, and the discharge itself becomes more abundant or brown, scarlet, help is immediately required. This condition indicates the detachment of the ovum or the appearance of retro-placental hematoma, which is the threat of abortion. Only timely medical help can stop the process and save the fetus.

2. With a frozen pregnancy, no manifestations may be observed at all. But the discharge that has begun, including pink, should alert.

3. In an ectopic pregnancy, the discharge can be either slight pink or have a rich color. In addition to discharge, severe abdominal pain, fainting, weakness and dizziness are observed. Rupture of the fallopian tube threatens the life of a woman and requires urgent assistance.

Causes of pink discharge after the first trimester of pregnancy

In the second, third trimester, any unnatural discharge confirms the presence of obstetric pathology. Even insignificant pink discharge during pregnancy at these dates should alert.

If discharge occurs after sex, it speaks of cervical erosion. Of course, the treatment of erosion will have to do after childbirth. But it seems to physicians to prevent undesirable development of pathology.

Along with pink secretions of pain in the abdomen or lower back, sensations of uterine tone may indicate placental abruption, premature birth or late miscarriage.

In any case, pink discharge during pregnancy in the later periods should not be present. And having appeared does not become a reason for independent search for the causes. Only competent consultation of a gynecologist will prevent a sad outcome.

Causes of pink discharge before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervix acted as a barrier closing the exit of the uterus and preventing the entry of infections. As the birth approaches, the cervix gradually shortens and softens, causing cork comes off. It can be either pink or brown or almost transparent with streaks of blood. This process is physiological and should not scare a woman.

The discharge of the plug indicates an early birth and can occur from the 38th week. In some pregnant women, the cork leaves immediately before birth.

Such pink discharge during pregnancy reminds that the climax is approaching and it is time to prepare things and documents for visiting the hospital. This does not mean that childbirth will begin literally tomorrow, but very little time is left before them.

If the discharge does not stop, they become copious, change color to red, immediately call an ambulance. Such signs are present if placental abruption has occurred.

Diagnostic methods for pink discharge during pregnancy

With the appearance of pink discharge during pregnancy, it is foolish to look for an answer in women's forums or to be interested in the experience of experienced girlfriends. Each organism is individual. And the manifestation of the same pathologies can differ significantly in pregnant women. The prognosis of pregnancy depends on the urgency of treatment to doctors in some situations. Therefore, if even the slightest doubts have arisen about the causes of pink discharge or they are accompanied by other pathological symptoms, a visit to the gynecologist is obligatory.

To clarify the causes of deviations will need research in the form of:

• examination of the vagina, cervix;

• cytological and microbial smear tests;

• estimates of the size of the abdomen;

• listening to fetal heartbeat;

• identification of the position and mobility of the child;

• cardiotocography;

• ultrasound to assess the condition of the fetus and placenta.

If necessary, additional diagnostics may be needed in the form of:

• sowing materials to identify pathogenic organisms;

• antibiogram, which allows to determine the response to drugs;

• Doppler sonography for the study of vascular abnormalities in the placenta, fetus and umbilical cord.

Pink discharge treatment during pregnancy

To prevent the development of negative processes, pregnant women at any time are recommended to observe rest, avoid nervous tension, weight lifting and hot bathing.

Treatment of any pathologies during pregnancy is fraught with a number of difficulties. Most effective drugs are prohibited. And often you have to choose between the appropriateness of treatment during pregnancy and the threat to the baby.

Thus, in the treatment of infectious pathologies that cause discharge with unpleasant odors, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics. Any infection poses a greater threat to the baby than a correctly selected drug.

With the threat of miscarriage or premature birth due to placental abruption, the course of therapy is selected individually. The most commonly prescribed method is the administration of safe antispasmodics, hemostatic drugs, hormonal and painkillers.

Pregnancy is not the right time for therapeutic experiments. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the use of any drugs on their own decision or on the recommendation of a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Pink discharge during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

In most cases, gynecologists calm pregnant women. Pink discharge in small amounts, proceeding painlessly and without the presence of unpleasant odors or other unpleasant sensations, does not threaten either a woman or a crumb in her stomach.

A pregnant woman should be guided by her state of health and other signs accompanying pink discharge. Some symptoms should not only alarm, but clearly confirm the urgent need to see a doctor.

Pathology can be judged if the discharge appeared:

• due to physical exertion, taking a hot bath, nervous experiences;

• become brown or red;

• significantly increased and became more intense;

• sensations of pain in the lower back or abdomen;

• the temperature has risen;

• frequent or painful urination.

Such disturbing symptoms may not be present during normal pregnancy and may appear during placental abruption or of the ovum. In this situation, every minute is precious. Timely assistance greatly increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

If strange smells, itching are observed against the background of the discharge, the temperature rises, and the discharge itself turns from pink to yellow-pink, greenish, we can assume an infectious process. Any infection causes irreparable harm during pregnancy and requires urgent treatment.

Finding pink discharge during pregnancy, do not make yourself independent diagnoses, and especially do not start experimental therapy. Only competent consultation of a gynecologist will be able to dispel doubts or suggest ways to solve the problem.


Watch the video: "Spotting During Pregnancy" by (July 2024).