Proven recipes for delicious pickled watermelons for the winter. How to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter


Pickled watermelon flesh, slightly brackish, spicy, but still with a delicate, truly watermelon flavor - a wonderful appetizer to the "little white", and just like that - to the mashed potatoes, under the stewed rabbit.

Preparing this pickle is relatively simple, the products are at a minimum, so it’s worth a try.

Pickled watermelons in jars for the winter - general principles of preparation

• Before marinating watermelons in jars for the winter, you need to properly prepare glass containers for preservation. Cans are thoroughly washed using warm water, washing contaminated places with baking soda, the remains of which are thoroughly washed off. The washed dishes for sterilization are set for a quarter of an hour over steam or calcined at 150 degrees in the oven for 10 minutes. Cans must be cooled directly in the oven, with the door not tightly closed.

• For pickling, they use well-ripened watermelons, ripe ones will not work, because the flesh will spread. The berry is pickled with or without peel, the seeds are left or carefully selected. The pulp is cut into slices or slices so that they effortlessly pass into the jar and fill them loosely, being careful not to damage the watermelon pulp.

• The taste of pickled watermelons is affected by the marinade itself and the spices and spices added during the preservation. Very often, seasonal berries and vegetables are used for pickling with watermelons in jars for the winter: tomatoes or grapes. As a food preservative, vinegar, food citric acid (or its solution), or aspirin are used.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons with honey and garlic


• 5 kg of ripe watermelon;

• 315 gr. any flower honey;

• large non-iodized salt - 180 g .;

• three small garlic heads;

• five liters of filtered drinking water.

• 9% table vinegar - 6 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Examine carefully and rinse the watermelon under the tap in warm water, then wipe dry with a towel. Cut on both sides of the edge to the pulp, cut into circles 2 cm thick. Cut each such circle into segments so that the pieces pass through the neck without effort.

2. Sort the garlic into slices and peel them.

3. In prepared sterile jars, in a three-liter capacity, put a third of the watermelon slices and about the same amount of garlic, whole cloves.

4. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with sterile metal lids prepared for seaming, and leave.

5. After a quarter of an hour, drain the infusion from the cans into a large pan, dilute the honey in it. Add salt, set to maximum heat. Boiling, pour the marinade into jars and add two tablespoons of vinegar to each, cover with seaming lids.

6. Install, without touching the walls, the cans in a pot that is suitable in volume. Line its bottom in advance with a thick, terry towel. Pour cans over the shoulders with hot, non-boiling water and put to a boil. After boiling water in the pan, slightly reduce the heat, close the lid and leave to sterilize.

7. After sterilizing for 20 minutes, remove the cans and carefully roll them with a can wrench.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons with aspirin


• large watermelon, weighing about 12 kg;

• three teaspoons "lemons";

• 270 gr. salt, non-iodized;

• 150 gr. Sahara;

• 9 tablets of ordinary aspirin.

Cooking method:

1. Clean, always dry, steam the cans over the steam, with the neck down for a quarter of an hour. After that, turn them over and place them on the table.

2. Cut the watermelon into slices, cut off the peel from them, but be sure to leave a little white pulp, do not pick seeds.

3. Loosely, so as not to deform the pulp, put the pieces in a prepared glass container, they should not reach the neck by 2 cm, and fill them with fresh boiled water.

4. After fifteen minutes, drain the infusion into a large saucepan and set to boil for intense heating.

5. In cans, for each three-liter capacity, pour two tablespoons of sugar, one same spoon of salt and three teaspoons of “lemons”.

6. On top, put three tablets of pharmacy aspirin, fill everything with boiling broth and hermetically seal with sterile caps, carefully rolling them with a special key.

7. For additional sterilization, turn the preservation upside down and place it on the blanket, wrap it tightly. Open only after cans with canned food have completely cooled down.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons with spices, spices and vinegar


• well-ripened watermelon - 2 kg;

• one liter of filtered water;

• 50 ml of food, 9% vinegar;

• sugar - 3 large spoons;

• fresh horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;

• three clove umbrellas;

• two tablespoons of table salt;

• Lavrushka - 2 leaves;

• a small bunch of celery, dill and parsley;

• allspice - 6 peas.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the greens and leaves of horseradish well with water, shake off its residues and wipe dry with a cotton towel or place on it to dry.

2. Cut watermelon into small slices and cut the peel from the slices, select the seeds.

3. At the bottom of carefully steamed cans, lower the leaves of horseradish, and gently, so as not to crush, lay out pieces of pulp, shifting with branches of fresh herbs.

4. From above put a lavrushka, pepper peas and fill in all with boiling drinking water.

5. After six minutes, carefully using a plastic cover with holes, drain the liquid from the cans. Boil it again, and pour it into jars.

6. After about three minutes, drain, and simmer, adding sugar and salt.

7. Once it boils, pour in the vinegar, immediately pour the boiling marinade into a jar of watermelons and roll the lid well with a key.

8. For a day, leave conservation under the covers, turning upside down.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons with mustard powder and citric acid


• watermelons of any degree of maturity;

Per liter jar:

• a spoonful of mustard (dry) powder;

• "lemon" - a teaspoon.

Per liter of filtered water:

• 100 gr. sugar

• large, necessarily non-iodized, salt - 60 g.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the washed watermelon from a thick peel, cut into small slices. You can remove the bones.

2. Arrange the pieces in sterile jars of a liter volume, and pour cool boiling water over the neck.

3. After 20 minutes, drain the broth in one pan and cook from it, with the addition of sugar and salt, brine. To correctly calculate the required amount of bulk components, decanting a decoction, measure its volume.

4. Pour mustard powder in a bowl with watermelon, add a lemon, fill it with boiling brine and immediately roll it up.

5. For additional sterilization, place preservation for a couple of days under a warm blanket, placing containers on the covers.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons with grapes

Ingredients for a 3 liter bottle:

• two kilos of ripe watermelon;

• a pound of light grapes;

• five cherry leaves;

• ten peas of black pepper;

• three boxes of cardamom;

• fresh mint - 3 leaves;

• a spoon of vinegar essence;

• a spoonful of stone non-iodized salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed watermelon into small pieces or slices. Remove the seeds with the tip of a knife, cut off the peel.

2. Rinse the grapes and pick the berries from the branches, discarding the rotten and cracked.

3. Under running water, wash the cherry leaves and mint well, wipe them dry with a linen napkin and spread them on the bottom of a sterile three-liter bottle.

4. In loose radishes, put watermelon slices in a container, overlying them with grapes, and pour everything with boiling water for 10 minutes.

5. After this, drain the decoction from the cans, dissolve the sugar and salt in it and place on an intense fire.

6. Pour vinegar into a boiling key marinade and immediately pour it into the filled cans. Seal them tightly by rolling the covers with a key and set to cool under the covers.

Delicious pickled watermelons in jars: how to pickle watermelons

Ingredients for a 3 liter bottle:

• one and a half kilograms of red tomatoes;

• a large pod of sweet, preferably red, pepper;

• two branches of fresh celery;

• five large cloves of garlic;

• four large pieces of watermelon without peel;

• head of salad onions;

• a spoon of garden salt;

• a teaspoon of crystalline citric acid;

• granulated sugar - 2.3 large spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Select the seeds from the watermelon pulp, peel the garlic and onion and wash them, dry.

2. Also rinse the branches of celery and tomatoes. Peel the seeds from the seeds and, having washed off the leftovers well, cut the pepper in half.

3. At the bottom of the steamed cans, place a sprig of celery and a couple of cloves of garlic. Gently lay the tomatoes on top, supplementing them with slices of watermelon, sliced ​​onions and sweet pepper. On tomatoes, put a second sprig of celery and garlic, pour boiling water.

4. After approximately 20 minutes, drain the water, boil again, and pour again into cans, soak for 10 minutes.

5. On the basis of the infused from the cans infusion, boil the brine, adding it with sugar and salt. Add the "lemon" and, as soon as it boils, pour the marinade into the filled jars.

6. Roll up the glass containers with metal canned lids and set to cool on the lids and, preferably, under the covers.

Pickled watermelons in jars for the winter - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Vinegar used as a preservative must not be poured into boiling marinade and boiled in it. It is better to add when remove the marinade from the stove or directly into the jars. If the recipe clearly insists on violating this rule, perhaps the boiling water is immediately poured into jars. Such an exception is permissible.

• It is better to put citric acid a minute before removal from the fire, so that it dissolves well, and aspirin is placed directly in filled containers before pouring.

• A lot of nitrates accumulates in the peel of the berry, so it is better to cut it, but not completely, it is advisable to leave a little white pulp.

• Experienced culinary experts recommend that when pickling watermelons in jars for the winter using vinegar or citric acid, sterilize filled containers before rolling. Preserves preserved with aspirin are stored for a long time without sterilization.


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