Why you can not cry in front of a mirror: beliefs and superstitions. How to neutralize the omen


The mirror is a magical, mystical and not at all simple object, it is a fact. Since ancient times, mirrors have been attributed various properties, used in rituals, ceremonies, fortune telling. With the help of this item, you can direct damage, protect yourself from it, make a talisman for milking at home and the whole family.

It is with the help of mirror reflections that you can look into your future, find out fate and much more. Surely, you also heard a sign that you can’t look in the mirror if you are crying. Another interpretation is that you cannot cry while in front of a mirror. Let's see if this is true, what can happen, how to neutralize the omen.

Sign Values

Mages, priests, sorcerers, and other representatives of the esoteric world often use mirrors in their rites. This item is a vehicle between two worlds: ours and the other world. If carelessness is shown when using a mirror, you can inadvertently incur negative consequences.

We often look in mirrors; they are hung in houses and apartments, and are used in interior design solutions. This item is an integral part of our life. Moreover, everything happens, our emotions are manifested, sometimes we are very worried about something and cry. Mirrors become witnesses of our experiences, suffering and sadness. Ever since ancient times, when mirror surfaces were just beginning to appear, they were used to see themselves, a belief appeared - you should not cry or show other negative emotions in front of a mirror.

It is believed that the tears shed in front of the mirror will remain with the person for many, many years.

How does this work out? Mirrors are, in a way, collectors of information, energy and emotions. Everything that happened in front of the mirror is accumulated and stored, then it is mysteriously converted into an energy message, a program and returned back. In addition, it often happens that accumulated negativity can be transformed into entities and poltergeists who are assigned to a house, apartment or family members - nothing good comes of such a link.

The ban on the manifestation of negative emotions in front of reflective surfaces, in fact, a lot. Here are some of them:

  • The mirror will not only bring back tears, but also double the effect. In human life, events that bring grief, tears and unhappiness will occur for a long time.
  • Failure will begin due to energy negativity at work, conflicts and quarrels with colleagues and superiors. All this can lead to dismissal.
  • The energy of tears, mental suffering and pain is very powerful. The mirror will capture all this for a long time and will return daily, taking away vitality, worsening the energy balance. Even a good mood will not help.
  • For the same reason sudden illness may begin, ailments appear.
  • The mirror remembers not only emotions and events, but also captures how we look. When a person cries, his face does not look beautiful, rather repulsive, up to a grimace. The mirror projects this facial expression of a person for a long time. This leads to a loss of external attractiveness, beauty, accelerates the aging process. Moreover, if a person looked at himself, crying and suffering. This image is fixed in our consciousness for a long time, associated with reflection. Nothing good will come out, that's for sure.
  • There is an old sign that tears shed in front of the mirror cast trouble on a person. Of particular danger, in this regard, are ancient mirrors that have accumulated energy and information for decades or even centuries. From such mirrors various entities fall into our world. They are assigned to a specific person or house, do not give life to anyone, suck out vitality, energy. Such a neighborhood can lead not only to deterioration in all spheres of human life, but also to illness, even death. Only psychics, magicians, sorcerers and other representatives of the esoteric world can get rid of such entities.
  • The mirror is a kind of carrier of information about a person, his internal state. Everything that the mirror knows and sees can splash out on a person, bring it to frequent illnesses. Pregnant women need to be especially careful.

No wonder there is an old Russian proverb: "Do not cry in front of a mirror - you will cry for happiness!".

Do not tempt fate. Our ancestors strongly recommended not to show negative emotions in front of reflective surfaces, not to look at yourself.

Cry in front of a mirror in a dream

Our dreams do not obey us, we cannot control them. Therefore, a dream may occur, where we cry in front of a mirror. What does it mean? Will it attract trouble?

There are a number of interpretations related to mirrors. For example, if you liked the reflection, then good events are coming. When we don’t like the way we look in the mirror in a dream, we need to pay more attention to our relatives. Higher powers give a sign that relatives need your support.

If you laughed in front of a mirror, tears await you in real life. Did you see yourself crying in front of the mirror? This is a good sign, soon you will make peace with a loved one and loved one.

How to neutralize the omen

There are several ways to help eliminate the effects of omens. The first one is suitable if you do not mind the mirror. We simply cover it with a thick cloth or wrap it, we take it out of the house. The main thing is that no one else looks at him, otherwise the mirror will give this person everything that has accumulated.

Take a rag or cloth for cleaning the house, moisten with water and wipe the surface of the mirror. We don’t wipe it dry, just wet it - the negative will evaporate along with the dried moisture.

You can talk with your reflection. Explain to the double from the other world what happened to you, why you cried. Negatives can be taken with them and left in the twilight world.

Trick the mirror. Put yourself in order, restore beauty and look at yourself, smiling, being in a good mood. Try to do this often, as you program the mirror to receive positive energy.

If a tear has fallen on a reflective surface, be sure to wipe it, do not let it dry itself. Otherwise, troubles will surely overtake you.

Everything that is connected with any signs, at times, does not find exact confirmation. Everything remains at the level of superstition. However, even psychologists say that it is better to see yourself only in a good mood, with a smile on your face. It cheers up and gives a positive. Set yourself only for good, let positive and positive energy always be with you!


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