Onion in milk from cough - does it really help get rid of a cold? Milk with cough onions - how to prepare a medicine?


The occurrence of cough during a cold is a very common occurrence. However, those patients who most often face this unpleasant problem know firsthand that it is necessary to treat the symptoms of cough in the first few hours after its occurrence. Otherwise, the disease can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.

Traditional medicine methods

In folk medicine, there are many different methods of treating cough, they can be used by both adults and children, as they are completely safe.

The most effective remedy is milk with cough onions. At the same time, it has several effects on the body at once - antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. A similar mixture was used in the 20th century, for the treatment of colds. Moreover, onions were used even if the cough arose due to tuberculosis microbacteria, namely, Koch's bacillus. In addition to onions, garlic has a good disinfectant, because in both products there are a lot of volatile products, and after they enter the body, a kind of barrier is established.

Onions in milk from cough: useful properties

Many eastern sages are of the opinion that the real medicine should be bitter. During the years of our ancestors' life, there were no pharmacies, and therefore people had to treat all colds with the drugs that they had at hand. The simplest remedies for treatment are ordinary products, which everyone probably has at home. Garlic, onions, milk - there are so many that just can not be listed. Since that time, many recipes that continue to be used and sow the day have been able to reach us.

Milk against the common cold is a truly miraculous remedy. Many ingredients are added to it, after which they are drunk in small sips. Thus, you can quickly remove all the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen in the larynx. Hot milk can help at any stage of the development of the common cold, with or without the addition of anything.

Onion - it is also used in folk medicine. Onions contain many useful substances, for example:

1. Essential oils.

2. Vitamins B and C.

3. Carotene.

4. Organic acids.

It is understandable that such useful substances, traditional medicine simply could not ignore.

Milk with cough onions: recipes

As mentioned above, warm milk has an effective effect on the whole body as a whole, especially at the time of colds. If you add certain drugs to it, or rather ingredients, then the effect of a natural product will increase several times.

Below are the most effective recipes:

1. Take 10 small onions, one head of garlic and a liter of milk. Finely chop the ingredients, fill them with milk and put on fire. Cook until the onions and garlic become soft, then remove from the stove and add one spoonful of honey. If a child is sick, then he needs to give one tablespoon of the mixture, each time before eating, adults need to take two tablespoons. Continue the course of treatment until the symptoms of the disease completely recede. If you mix garlic with milk separately, then the effect will be exactly the same.

2. Take one large onion in one glass of milk, put everything on the fire, cook until the onion is soft. After that, rub it well in milk and drink a glass twice. The drug helps if the cough is not expectorated.

3. In order to get rid of a strong attack of cough, you can use the following recipe: boil one glass of milk, add a pinch of sage herb to it. Set for 5-10 minutes, then boil again. Scroll the onions through a meat grinder and mix with milk. Drink a glass during the day. If the cough is very strong, you can drink half a glass immediately before going to bed.

4. A mild cough suppressant. Pour one glass of milk into the refractory container and place the container on the fire. Bring the milk to a boil, dip a small onion into it (clean it first). Chopping the onion is not necessary, you can put it all. Boil, milk with onions for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and remove the onion. Take the resulting product in small portions for one day. It should be noted that the decoction prepared in this way not only eliminates sore throat, but also softens the cough. The walls of the stomach at the time of taking the drug will be completely protected from irritation.

5. The following recipe allows you to get rid of complicated bronchitis. The recipe for the drug is as follows: peel 10 heads of onion and 3 heads of garlic. Before you put the boil ingredients, grind them well, on a grater or meat grinder. Pour warm milk into the pan, preferably fresh, add the garlic and onion and cook until they are completely boiled. Immediately after this, remove the container, and carefully rub the vegetables with milk again. In the resulting product, you need to add a small amount of dog mint juice. The finished composition must be taken during the day, observing a certain interval - 50-60 minutes. There are no special contraindications in the use of the drug. Not recommended for those who cannot tolerate onions or garlic.

Onion with milk for cough - tincture

In folk medicine, a sufficiently large number of effective recipes for coughs and colds. Almost every such product contains milk and onions. In order to prepare the next remedy, or rather tincture, you need to use products that are likely to be found in the house of every mistress. It is worth recalling once again that onions with milk can relieve you of cough, bronchitis and severe sore throat. That is why in your arsenal you need to have several useful recipes that you can prepare in case of a disease.

In order to prepare the tincture, you need to take one large onion. Finely chop it on a grater. You will get gruel, which you need to pour three glasses of hot milk. Pour everything into a small container, close the lid and wrap it with something warm. Put the mixture for a few hours in a dark place. A glass of the received funds should be drunk before you are going to bed, and the second glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Before drinking tincture, warm it, as it must be warm. You can get rid of any catarrhal disease in just a few days.

Any remedy described above can be used for other symptoms of a cold. Thanks to milk with onions, you can get rid of sore throat, barking cough. To slightly soften the taste of such a medicine, it is recommended to add honey or butter to it.

Onions in milk from cough: contraindications

Any drug, regardless of whether it is traditional or not, has certain contraindications or minor restrictions on its use. In no case do not use onions with cough milk if you have the following diseases or disorders in general condition:

1. Individual intolerance to milk or onions. Unfortunately, our body is designed in such a way that it simply cannot tolerate certain products; these ingredients are no exception.

2. If the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or has liver diseases, in no case should you take either pure onion or its juice.

3. It is not recommended to combine milk with onions and thyroid diseases. Also, people suffering from diabetes need to be careful in the use of such a medicine.

4. Onions with cough honey are contraindicated in children under the age of one year.

Everyone else can take the drug without any restrictions. But as already mentioned, the main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner, immediately after the first cough symptoms have arisen. In this case, the patient will improve overall health, and after a few days the disease will completely recede.

Any folk remedy will be effective in the fight against many diseases. If possible, a preliminary visit to a medical facility is recommended.


Watch the video: 2 Home Remedies Using Onions For Cold, Flu and Stuffy Nose That Really Work (June 2024).