March 4: what are the holidays today. Events, birthday and birthday on March 4.


Holidays March 4

Police Day in the Republic of Belarus

A professional holiday in Belarus, the Militia Day, is celebrated on March 4th. The idea of ​​organizing the people's militia was submitted by the Bolsheviks, and on March 4, 1917, it was approved by the All-Russian Zemstvo Union. On the same day, the fighting squad disarmed the gendarmerie in Minsk, and Mikhail Frunze was appointed head of the city police according to an official order. Two years later, the people's militia becomes the official body of the BSSR.

The purpose of the organization was to maintain the revolutionary order, the struggle against the interventionists, insurrections and various armed groups. She created the ground for the rebirth of society and its formation on a new path of legality. Police officers showed particular heroism in the years of the Great Military Forces, when real horror reigned on the warpath. They, like other heroes, fought at the front, guarded objects, defused spies, saboteurs, while maintaining law and order.

Even in peacetime, Interior Ministry officials are trying to do everything for society, so that each member can feel safe on the street, at home, transport, and at work at any time of the day or night.

Theatrical cashier's day in Russia

Such an unusual professional holiday in 2009 was offered to honor the leaders of the theater "Shelter of the Comedian", erected in St. Petersburg. In their opinion, the theater cashier is a profession that is also useful and necessary for society and deserves attention, because it helps to orient the viewer and maintain material well-being in the rich life of the theater. The initiative to create the Theater Cashier’s Day was also supported by other leaders of similar cultural institutions in Russia, thanks to which the holiday firmly consolidated its position in the calendar.

March 4 in the national calendar

Arkhip Day, Philemon Day

On March 4, people remember the names of two apostles - Saints Arkhip and Philemon, who lived in Colosse. In the Scriptures, one of the apostles - their teacher Paul noted that Philemon had so completely dissolved in the faith that he turned his native home into a monastery. There, according to legend, believers gathered every day, and the services were carried out by Philemon's son, Arkhip, a man who accepted martyr's death for condemning pagan celebrations.

On this day, young ladies in Russia enjoyed the pleasure of bothering the kitchen. People believed that the more dishes served today on family tables, the more successful for them would be a year. But to satisfy their hunger, the peasants had to pray before the meal. And the remaining dishes in the evening were distributed to the poor and orphans - all the good things that were made at Arkhip and Philemon were valued and multiplied many times.

A special place on the family table on this day was allotted to the sunny loaf (shingle) - a symbol of home comfort and warmth. They, as a rule, were treated to all without exception: friends, relatives, neighbors, and passers-by were not deprived of a warm piece of delicacy. The crumbs left after the feast were thrown behind their backs, because according to the sign, everyone who will perform a simple rite will definitely not be left without bread next autumn.

The people of the holy apostle from the seventy Philemon nicknamed Veshny, which means the imminent arrival of warm spring days. On March 4, animals were also observed: if by chance white hares met on the way, then one would expect heavy snowfalls; coloring hares symbolized warmth. About the coming ice drift we knew flying by clusters of gulls. On the night of March 4-5, it was impossible to observe the stars, since the falling celestial bodies foreshadowed trouble. If the fading light in the sky still flies, you should say three times: "Amen! Scatter!"

Historical events of March 4

March 4, 1238 - Battle of the City River

The battle on the City River, which is a tributary of the Mologa, took place between two troops — the Russian Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich and the Mongol-Tatar detachment of Burundi. After the invasion of Burundi, the great Russian prince tried to gather troops in the forests there, but after being subjected to a sudden raid by the Tatars and not having had time to prepare, he was defeated. In the battle on the City River, Yuri was unable to survive, as well as his allied princes. The resistance of North-Eastern Russia was broken under the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatar army.

March 4, 1821 - Lt. Col. Turgenev Sergey Nikolayevich goes to resign

After retiring, Lieutenant Colonel Turgenev took his family and settled in the village of Spassko-Lutovinovo Mtsenskogo uezd. It was here in the vast estate that the literary life of his son Ivan Turgenev began, who later told me about the wayward nature of his mother: “Dralia almost every day is nothing.” All the household, including the lieutenant colonel, suffered from the stern hostess, but he did not interfere in the educational process, since there was not enough time for him.

March 4, 1877 - Emil Berliner's creation of a microphone

The prototype of the first microphone was created a year before Berliner’s most important invention, Alexander Bell, but the prototype was based on a liquid transmission and had a lot of flaws, the main one being the fuzzy sound quality. Emil Berliner, having examined the transmitter, decided that he could make the device no worse than that. Year of hard work resulted in success. The inventor has managed not only to clear, but also to strengthen the surrounding sounds, giving mankind the opportunity to improve telephone communications. The Berliner microphone was capable of transmitting sounds over long distances. The indignant Bell, having learned about the rival, decided to sue him for "stealing the idea," but the authorities fully supported the new invention and his "parent."

March 4 were born

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) - an outstanding composer, Italian violinist, conductor and teacher.

From early childhood, the boy had a bright talent. Antonio learned to play the violin from his own father, and at the age of thirteen he had already written his first work. In 1703, an outstanding talent becomes a priest, and his continued rapid development in creative activity continues. Composing spiritual and secular music was Vivaldi’s direct responsibility. Surprisingly, this occupation was given to him very simply, the young man got tremendous pleasure from the fact that he could do his beloved work. In 1705, his edition of 12 sonatas was published, and a year later Vivaldi made his debut in front of a wide audience of viewers in the French palace. In 1709 he held his second concert. For five years, the composer delivered 8 successful premieres. In 1740, Antonio left Pieta to become a court composer. In total, Vivaldi wrote more than 500 performances, more than 100 sonatas, as well as several symphonies and serenades, many of the works praise Vivaldi to this day.

Vyacheslav Malafeev (born in 1979) - Russian football player, considered one of the best goalkeepers in the world.

Slava started playing football at the age of 9. In 1997, he graduated from the football school with honors and entered the Zenit-2 team, and after a couple of years joined the Zenit club. His first game took place on July 7, 1997, the club participated in the match against “Alania”. Malafeev is the bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship and the champion of the Russian Federation in 2007.

Boris Moiseev (born in 1954) - a famous pop artist, choreographer, dancer, singer, honored artist of the Russian Federation.

After school, young Boris entered the choreography school, which he graduated with honors. After that, the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theater opened its doors to him. In 1975, Moses moved to Kaunas, where he continued to improve and work in the local theater as a dancer. In 1978, Boris created the "Expression" trio and worked with him for about ten years at the A. Pugacheva Theater. In recent years, he most often appears on stage as a pop singer with a wide variety of compositions.

Name Day March 4

Peter, Casimir, Arkhip, Philemon, Bogdan, Eugene, Dmitry, Dositheus, Maxim, Konon, Nikita, Timofey, Theodore, Theodore, Theodotus, Apphia.


Watch the video: Calendar: Week of March 4 (June 2024).