Inflammation of the palate: causes, symptoms. Methods of treating inflammation of the palate in humans


The palate is the upper part of the oral cavity, which separates it from the nasal inner shell. It has very sensitive tissues, therefore it is highly susceptible to irritants. Consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the palate and methods for eliminating this ailment.

Inflammation of the palate: causes

The muscular structure of the palate is covered with a thin film, which usually accounts for inflammation. The following factors provoke this condition:

1. A burn of the mucous membrane of the palate due to the use of too hot food or liquids (tea, for example).

2. Damage to the integrity of the mucosa (its bruise or scratch) of the palate due to the use of solid food.

3. Various dental diseases (caries) can also cause inflammation of the palate.

4. All types of stomatitis and other fungal diseases of the oral cavity that are not treated.

5. Severe infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, oropharynx and upper respiratory tract (inflammation of the tonsils, flu, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.).

6. Osteomyelitis can cause inflammation of the palate in advanced cases, when it begins to affect not only the bone tissue of the patient, but also his mucous membranes.

7. Diseases of the nerves of the face (all kinds of facial neuralgia).

8. Prolonged use of artificial prostheses to eliminate structural defects in the palate can cause discomfort, inconvenience and provoke inflammation.

9. The ingestion of a small piece of food or bone in the palate can become a place for the collection of microbes and bacteria, which over time will cause severe inflammation and suppuration.

10. Pulpitis in severe form.

11. The development of tumors in the sky, which can be both malignant and benign. This condition is considered one of the most dangerous, because the tumor can quickly progress and affect the tissues of the oral cavity.

In addition to the above reasons, some medications that provoke an allergic reaction in the body can also cause inflammation of the palate. Typically, this condition manifests itself in people prone to allergies with unauthorized medication (without a doctor’s prescription).

In addition, an accidental overdose of one or another type of drug can cause an allergy on the palate.

Inflammation of the palate: signs and symptoms

Inflammation of the palate has the following symptoms:

1. First, a person will feel acute pain, which will prevent him from chewing food normally. Over time, the pain will only increase, and be felt even when swallowing.

2. If the disease caused a fungal infection, then characteristic white streaks and erosions appear in the mouth. They will be localized on the inside of the cheeks and under the lower lip. These ulcers will begin to burn strongly and spread rapidly through the oral cavity. In this condition, a person can also have an unpleasant putrefactive breath.

3. If the inflammation caused an infectious disease (sore throat), then the palate will turn red and become swollen.

4. In case of acute inflammation, the patient may increase body temperature, chills and fever. Increased salivation due to swelling of the tongue is also often observed.

5. If the disease caused a disease of the teeth, gums or oral cavity, then the person will have all the signs of this disease (a tooth may hurt, swelling may appear on one cheek, the affected gum will enlarge and redden, etc.).

6. In the case when the palate was struck by bacteria due to the ingestion of a small bone or rough food, pus may begin to collect under its mucous layer. This is a very dangerous condition, since pathogenic bacteria will multiply rapidly and cause severe intoxication of the body. In this case, a yellow-brown purulent secretion begins to be released from a person's mouth. Also, fever, nausea, headaches and fever can develop.

7. With the development of oncological pathology, a person may suffer from constant aching pains in the palate, headaches, weakness, malaise, loss of appetite and swelling of the palate.

Inflammation of the palate: diagnosis and treatment

If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It can be a dentist, therapist or otolaryngologist. After the initial examination and history taking, a specialist can prescribe taking a culture from the oral cavity, taking a general blood test, an allergy test, and consulting with other narrow-profile doctors.

In addition, the patient is also strongly recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body for violations in its internal organs or the immune system.

This is explained by the fact that in some cases, inflammation of the palate can cause gastrointestinal diseases or various disorders of the immune system. For this, the patient is prescribed ultrasound, CT, blood tests for the state of the immune system.

The treatment for inflammation of the palate depends on the specific cause that caused the disease. First of all, when starting therapy, doctors advise to exclude any factors that may aggravate the inflammation of the palate. These are: smoking, drinking alcohol, eating spicy or hot food, as well as lozenges.

Treatment of inflammation of the mucosa of the palate has the following features:

1. If the disease was caused by various mechanical damage to the palate, then the patient is recommended to rinse his mouth daily with a decoction of chamomile, sage or saline infusion (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of boiling water). After a five-day course of treatment, the patient's condition improves.

2. If inflammation caused by dental disease, then the patient needs to see a dentist. After a series of procedures, the doctor may also prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. In case of damage to the mouth with fungi, the patient is prescribed topical preparations. The best of this group are the drugs Stomatofit and Rotokan.

4. If the patient has nerves or tonsils inflamed, he is recommended to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to normalize the nervous structures.

5. With severe pain, combined anesthetics are prescribed. The best of these are Komistad and Klagel.

6. If the patient's palate begins to fester, then antibiotics are prescribed for him. You need to take them for at least a week. Moreover, if the purulent secret does not go outside, then the patient needs to clean the mucous membrane of the palate surgically.

7. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs are prescribed to the patient.

8. In case of ulcers of the mouth, disinfecting drugs are used. They will contribute to the healing and analgesia of erosion. The most effective drugs in this group are Lidochor gel and Chlorophyllipt.

Besides, contribute to the healing of wounds in the mouth and rosehip oil and sea buckthorn. You need to apply them with a cotton swab on each ulcer separately every two hours. The duration of treatment should be at least five days.

Inflammation of the palate: treatment and prevention

Fortunately, in most cases, palatine inflammation can be prevented. To do this, follow these tips:

1. Observe oral hygiene. This means that you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and after each meal you should use special bactericidal mouthwashes.

2. Do not eat too hard food (hard varieties of cookies or sweets), as they can not only scratch the delicate mucous membrane of the palate, but also break a piece of tooth.

3. Be sure to visit the dentist once every six months. This is the only way to protect yourself from the development of complications in dental diseases.

4. Do not eat too hot food.

5. Avoid drinking excessively caustic alcoholic beverages, as they will irritate the palate. Moreover, frequent smoking is also negatively displayed on the mucosa of the palate. It is also advisable to give up this addiction.

6. It is important to fully support your body and increase immunity. To do this, it is recommended to start playing sports, have a full sleep, avoid stressful situations and become tempered. In addition, every off-season should definitely take vitamin complexes.

7. As a prophylaxis, once every six months, a control examination of internal organs and an examination by doctors should be performed.

8. It must be remembered that without a doctor’s prescription, you can’t take any medications, as they can cause allergies.


Watch the video: A Bump On The Palate (June 2024).