Zodiac signs that do not know how to love for real. There are five of them.


Not all people have a sincere manifestation of feelings. Moreover, this quality is very dependent on the zodiac group to which this or that person belongs.

Professional astrologers are sure that the individual signs of the zodiac are completely unable to love. Want to find out who got into this symbolic blacklist? Then read on.


Representatives of this sign are able to talk beautifully about love, without feeling any feelings. You can even say that love for Gemini, in fact, does not really matter. Not surprisingly, they take advantage of this sublime feeling.

This sign does not strive for family. And if Gemini decides to a new stage in his life, then only under certain conditions. It is also worth noting that the Twins do not want to work on improving relations. Creating harmony in the family through hard mental work is clearly not their way.

Want to experience the whole gamut of incredible love experiences? Cool your ardor. The twin will not be able to satisfy your desire.


These are recognized connoisseurs of love relationships without any serious obligations. Of course, representatives of this zodiac group will be able to substitute their shoulder in a difficult life situation, but they will quickly lose their mood in the long run.

If you recently started a love relationship with Aquarius, then you are guaranteed to come across an avalanche of burning passion and romance. However, keep in mind that this period will end quickly. Aquarius must overcome the spleen. Remember that any stagnation for the representatives of this sign is a real torture.

By the way, Aquarius is rarely the first to break off a relationship. The reason for this behavior, as a rule, is the most common pity for your soulmate.


This sign is distinguished by secrecy and cruelty. That is why Scorpios are quite neglectful of other people's problems. In addition, representatives of this sign are famous for their unpredictability. Their mood changes with the speed of light! Today, Scorpio can be funny and funny, but tomorrow its fun will quickly turn into aggression. In general, coexisting with this sign is not easy.

If you want to sincerely love Scorpio, then you should stock up with extraordinary stamina. Do not want to make such sacrifices? Then build relationships with Scorpio is not worth it. Still disappointed.

Do not forget that all Scorpios are complex individuals who, often, are in no hurry to show their feelings.


People born under this sign are distinguished by their obstinacy and selfishness. Moreover, they are used to shifting responsibility for certain actions to other people. Cruelty and demonstrative cynicism are typical phenomena for Capricorn. It should also be noted that Capricorns are very fond of causing unreasonable scandals and are not used to asking for forgiveness for their misconduct.

Interestingly, absolutely all Capricorns are naturally endowed with excellent leadership abilities. However, their problem is that they use their skills to establish a totalitarian style of communication in the love sphere.


For this sign, tender, quivering feelings are completely not characteristic. Of course, all Cancers are romantic and very interesting personalities. However, their bright qualities are manifested exclusively at the very beginning of a love relationship. When Cancer reaches its goal, it instantly becomes boring and secretive.

It is worth noting that Crayfish can not stand household problems and a quiet pastime. But an overabundance of all kinds of outstanding events is also not to their liking. In general, as you have already noticed, Cancer is a very controversial sign. It can hardly be called an ideal love partner.

Do you agree that far from all the signs of the zodiac can love?


Watch the video: Who Are the Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs? (June 2024).