9th week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 9 weeks gestation.


At the ninth week of pregnancy, the tummy is not yet visible, but the changes that are happening to you, especially in your behavior, are becoming more noticeable to people around you. So if you do not want to advertise your position, then it becomes all the more difficult.

Changes in the body at 9 weeks of gestation

At this time, your uterus has already increased significantly, and in size resembles a large grapefruit. The volumes of blood and lymph also increase, which is explained by the preparation of the body for the accumulation of nutrients. During this period, many women notice on the chest the appearance of a blue “pattern” of veins, which expand due to the new condition of your body. All this leads to a gradual weight gain of a pregnant woman. Some women begin to experience shortness of breath when walking fast. Morning sickness and malaise may still be present, but not so pronounced. Be patient a little more, very soon toxicosis will cease to torment you!

The condition of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation

Your child is gaining weight with you, and in the ninth week weighs almost a whole gram! Its growth from the top of the head to the buttocks also increases and can range from 22 to 30 mm. Very quickly develop internal organs - liver, kidneys and bladder; the cerebellum begins to form, which in the future will be responsible for coordination of movements, joints form and bones are strengthened, and the rectal canal is separated from the urethra. Tiny fingers can already be distinguished on the handles and legs.

The face of the baby acquires its individual features, the eyes are covered for centuries, and the chin is still firmly pressed to the body. This week, the nasal passages open and the ear canals of the baby finish to form. One of the main achievements of your crumbs at this stage is the first movements that you have not yet felt.

Possible sensations at 9 weeks of gestation

Due to the expansion of the veins, hemorrhoids may begin to bother you this week, so pay attention to proper nutrition to prevent constipation. Your diet should be balanced and must include prunes, beets, apples, rye bread, milk and honey. Especially sensitively listen to the sensations in the abdomen, since, according to statistics, the largest number of spontaneous abortions occurs precisely in the ninth week of pregnancy. If you feel pulling or cramping pains, immediately run to the doctor! Timely qualified help often helps to save a pregnancy from a breakdown.

Necessary medical supervision

At this time, the body of the expectant mother is already beginning to slowly prepare for future breastfeeding of offspring and begins to produce placental lactogen - a hormone that prepares the breast for lactation. However, in women with diabetes, such a hormone can cause pregnancy complications, so during this period you should carefully monitor your blood sugar. To do this, the doctor will direct you to the necessary tests. Also, at the ninth week, a pregnant woman can be referred for a routine ultrasound, with which it is necessary to exclude gross malformations of the fetus.

General recommendations

In connection with pregnancy, your body has new needs, and your task is to ensure a comfortable coexistence for yourself and your baby. For example, if you notice breast enlargement and tenderness, get yourself a special supportive bra that will help prevent stretch marks on the skin. Choose comfortable and beautiful clothes that will not squeeze your tummy, which is already growing slightly. Try to avoid high-heeled shoes so as not to increase the load on the legs.

In no case do not lift weights, especially with a sharp jerk, as this can provoke a miscarriage! Also pay attention to hygiene - if you are in public places, try to wash your hands more often, so you can reduce the risk of infection with viruses and bacteria.

Try not to be nervous over trifles and do not forget that your mood and emotions are transmitted to the child, so let them be pleasant!

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Gulya 03/28/2016
I don’t feel pregnant at all! It’s even strange ... There is no nausea, no toxicosis, I treat smells as usual, I haven’t seen my stomach yet ... I already had all kinds of suspicions ... but the doctor reassured me, said that I should be happy. But how can one rejoice, if not what, in the sense it is not noticeable what!)))

Ale 03/28/2016
And for some reason I lost a little weight, instead of gaining weight ... The doctor said that this is normal and the weight will increase in the future. I’m also thinking of enrolling in courses for mothers, after all, in a group of like-minded people it is much easier!

Katerina 03/28/2016
I have no hemorrhoids, but there are simply problems with the chair. You need to adjust the power. We signed up with my husband in a club for future parents, we communicate, we study, I learned a lot of new things, and indeed it's nice to talk with those who understand)))

Anna 03/28/2016
It’s so great to realize that your baby is growing! That you will give life to a real person! I’ll think about it directly, and a sense of pride overwhelms for all mothers. and dad too))) I try not to be nervous, not to worry about nothing, but there are no serious reasons!

Fairy 03/28/2016
Thanks for the clarifications and recommendations! My veins and chest are really swollen. Now be sure to buy a bra! I already wear loose clothes, although the tummy is not yet visible. I just want to give birth more quickly !!


Watch the video: Your Changing Body, at 9 -12 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).