Rhubarb jam: how to cook


Rhubarb Jam - General Description

Rhubarb is considered very useful because it contains ascorbic acid, pectin, sugars, rutin, malic and other acids. That’s why rhubarb is also preserved in order to enjoy not only tasty, but also healthy jam.

Harvesting rhubarb and, therefore, canning is necessary only until mid-June. Experienced housewives believe that it is not advisable to do this later, since hot weather and an increase in summer temperature provoke coarsening of petioles. Yes, and oxalic acid begins to accumulate in rhubarb. And she, as you know, is not harmless.

If you collect the rhubarb on time, then you can make jam, stewed fruit, candied fruit, jelly, filling for pies, and more.

Rhubarb Jam - Tableware

It is important to note that rhubarb cannot be cooked in tin or copper dishes, as this can lead to oxidation. Pots and bowls from other materials are quite suitable for cooking. Roll rhubarb jam should be in pre-prepared jars. In particular, glass jars must be cleaned with soda and then sterilized.

Rhubarb Jam - Fruit Preparation

As already noted, rhubarb must be collected in early summer. Cut stems should be cleaned with a knife from a very thin skin. If this is not done, then the pieces in the jam will be tough. And after cleaning, the rhubarb stalks can be cut into pieces and further cooked.

Rhubarb Jam - Recipe 1

To make rhubarb jam, you need one kilogram of rhubarb and sugar. The cooking method is very simple.

1. Rhubarb must be washed, dried, and then cut into cubes (it does not need to be peeled off).
2. Prepared cubes of rhubarb should be put in a pan, fill with a kilogram of sugar, leave for a day so that the rhubarb gives juice.
3. After a day, the contents of the pan should be mixed, and then put on low heat.
4. Stirring occasionally, such rhubarb jam should be cooked after boiling for 10-15 minutes - no more.
5. After waiting for the jam to cool, it should be cold placed in jars and closed with plastic lids.
6. This jam should be stored in a cold place.

Rhubarb Jam - Recipe 2

Rhubarb jam can also be made with cherry leaves. As ingredients, you need to use a kilogram of rhubarb, a kilogram of sugar, 100 grams of cherry leaves and 200 grams of water.

The cooking method is as follows:

1. It is necessary to take young stalks of rhubarb and rinse them. Then cut into small pieces so that the length of the pieces is equal to the width of the petioles.
2. You will need to cook and sugar syrup. In particular, syrup is made from a kilogram of granulated sugar and a glass of water. And in the process of cooking a handful (about 50 grams) of cherry leaves should be added to it. In this case, it is worth waiting for the complete dissolution of granulated sugar, and then remove the cherry leaves.
3. Directly boiling syrup should be filled with pre-prepared pieces of rhubarb.
4. The mass must be cooled, and then add another 50 grams of necessarily fresh cherry leaves. And already with the leaves bring the jam to a boil. Cook until cooked, identifying this by clear stalks and thick syrup.
5. Pack still hot jam in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. This rhubarb jam has a very pleasant smell of cherry leaves.

Rhubarb Jam - Recipe 3

You can make rhubarb jam with oranges. Rhubarb and oranges should be taken in the ratio per kilogram of rhubarb half a kilogram of oranges, that is, maintaining a ratio of 2 to 1. You will also need a half kilogram of sugar with a bag of gelling sugar for jam or a kilogram of regular sugar (but in this case it will take longer to cook the jam).

1. First you need to cut the rhubarb into small pieces of about 1 centimeter, put the chopped rhubarb in a bowl in which the jam will be cooked and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of sugar.
2. You will also need the zest of one orange, which can be removed with a knife or with a grater.
3. Oranges themselves without a crust should be cut into small pieces, while removing all the bones.
4. Oranges, as well as the juice released when slicing fruit, should be added to rhubarb, and then sprinkle all this with a tablespoon of sugar.
5. The dishes must be covered, and then left for 4 hours - during this time the sugar will completely dissolve.
6. After four hours, the pan should be put on fire and be sure to add the contents of a bag of gelling sugar (per kilogram of fruit half a kilogram of ordinary sugar).
7. Bring the mass to a boil and pour the remaining sugar into the pan. There, add the grated zest, then again let the jam boil. After this, jam at a low boil, you must cook another 5 minutes.
8. Hot jam should be poured into banks, then immediately close the lids.

Rhubarb Jam - Tips from Experienced Cooks

There is a very simple way to make rhubarb jam more palatable. When cooking jam, when the mass has already reached a boil, you should remove it from the heat and let stand for about 6 hours. Only after this jam is again put on fire. This procedure can be repeated three times, the last time bringing the jam to readiness. This is a more troublesome method of preparation, but the syrup in the jam will turn out transparent, and the pieces of rhubarb themselves will look like candied fruits.

By the way, you can make the finished jam more fragrant by adding a little cinnamon during cooking.


Tatyana 08/29/2016
I have long wanted such a recipe. Thank you.

Valery 08/19/2016
Thanks, I'll try the last recipe.


Watch the video: Rhubarb Jam (July 2024).