The meaning of the name Angelina


By name Angelina greek roots. In a literal translation, the word means - "messenger, messenger." Also the root word "angelos" in mythology was the definition of unity of Artemis and Zeus. Some linguists consider it possible to translate the name as "like an angel."

In Orthodoxy, the name "Angelina" has undergone several changes. A particularly large number of options arose in the Soviet era. This happened under the influence of Western culture, despite its prohibitions. As a result, today there are several derived names from Angelina - Angelika, Angelika, Angela, Angela, Angelina.

Angelina - character traits

Angelina is an unearthly creature. From childhood, she lives in her own world, which she invented for herself. In her imagination reigns calm, love and harmony. She will entrust her secrets only to those people who, in her opinion, give the impression of being trustworthy and decent.

She is naive in her expectations, because she does not cease to believe in virtue. At first, especially in her youth, Angelina makes multiple attempts to change this crazy world. However, by middle age there comes a moment of insight. She does not give up her ideals, but she no longer wants to "re-educate" the people around her, seeing the complete futility of such activities.

Angelina can be a real fighter for the truth, but only until a certain point. It is these fragile angelic creatures that most often suffer from moral trauma. Angelina will not be so depressed from financial loss as from an insult to moral and hurt pride.

Most often, Angelina is a beautiful wife, mother and mistress. Only its full flowering, as a woman, will occur closer to 30 years. Prior to this period, she was hopelessly trying to look for something that did not exist in the world - complete harmony. Her angelic patience can result in a hellish conflict if it comes to the honor and dignity of her and her beloved people.

And Angelina knows how to love. She is ready to sacrifice herself, although this is usually not required. Despite a certain discrepancy between the inner content of this lady and the possibilities of the surrounding reality, she nevertheless manages to adapt and prioritize at a certain stage in her life. She begins to realize that there is nothing perfect on earth, and accepts life as it is.

Angelina - name compatibility

Angelina, all her life striving for love and creating a cozy nest. She will be happy in marriage with a man capable of reciprocal feelings. She will have to burn herself in a relationship more than once. But in the end, she will find someone who will make her female happiness.

For her, family is a matter of life. Even a career is not as important as strong family ties. Angelina will find happiness with Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Vladimir. But men - womanizer, they cease to interest her very quickly. Realizing the futility of such a relationship, Angelina will not meet with Andrei, Roman, Eugene.

Angelina - famous people who bore this name

Angelina Vovk is a famous TV presenter.

Angelina Jolie - American actress, mother of many children.

Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany.

Angela Davis is an American human rights activist.

Angelina - interesting facts about the name

Angela Merkel became the youngest woman politician, Minister of Germany. According to authoritative publications, Angela Merkel is recognized as one of the most influential political representatives of our time. Sometimes she is compared with Margaret Thatcher, thus indicating the degree of talent and professionalism of this outstanding person.


nickname 03.11.2016
I want to call my daughter Angelina. Angels, tell me, are you happy in life and in marriage?

angelina 06/01/2016
Everything is clear to me too.

angelina 06/01/2016
oddly enough, pretty sure!

angelina 04/28/2016
all about me

Angelina 01/20/2016
I'm in shock! Straight about me !!
