How to learn to see lucid dreams


Dreams have always been and remain the most mysterious, mysterious phenomenon that causes curiosity in everyone without exception. A man, falling asleep, plunges into a completely different world, where there are no boundaries, where the laws of nature and physics have no power and influence. Each person would like to create their own dreams, to be a creator in the world of dreams. Meanwhile, this desire is quite feasible, you only need to master the special technique that allows you to see lucid dreams. Then the world of dreams will become much richer, brighter and more accessible to human consciousness.

Secrets of mastering the technique of lucid dreams

What is the essence of such dreams?

First, the sleeping person is aware that he is currently sleeping.

Secondly, through such awareness, he as if constructs his own dream, creating his own unique world in sleep mode.

The beginning of a lucid dream lies with an unexpected understanding of the fact that a person is sleeping.

Lucid dreams, as a rule, are much brighter and more emotional than ordinary ones. Without self-control skills, it is impossible to learn to see such dreams. First of all, you must first prepare for the expansion of your consciousness. To do this, you need to learn as much as possible about the features of your dreams and learn how to remember them.

You should have a special diary where every morning immediately after waking up, it is important to write down dreams in great detail, as well as emotions that a person experienced at one time or another. Notebook with pen should be at hand, because it is important to record dreams without getting out of bed.

It is proved that already 15 minutes after waking up, a person forgets 70% of his dreams, and only short fragments that caused the greatest number of emotions remain in his memory.

Dreams are directly related to our emotions. Instead of a notebook, you can use a voice recorder. Having woken up, you should lie down without movements for 2-3 minutes, focusing on the dream, and only then proceed to its description.

Keep in touch with reality

A person must be able to highlight reality and recognize the world of imagination, called dreams. The following exercise will help you achieve this goal.

You should focus all your attention on a certain subject and not take your eyes off it for 10 minutes.

Then you need to turn your back on the selected item and wait a minute, in order to subsequently look at it again. If this exercise is repeated regularly, it can be carried out in a dream.

A person will feel the difference between the crisp, clear shapes that he is looking at after turning again and between the blurry, foggy objects in his sleep.

The use of the senses

To achieve success, you need to use touch, smell, sight, hearing - in a word, all that with the help of which a person receives information from the outside world. At the very beginning of the path, you should not set yourself multi-level tasks and complex goals. Better to start with the simplest. For example, with a cherry pie. How to make a cherry pie dream?

  1. After the person has gone to bed, he needs to give himself an installation. "I will see a cherry pie tonight. I will control this dream."
  2. It should be aloud as accurately as possible to describe this cake and the emotions that it causes. "The cake is lush, ruddy, round, roasted. It reminds me of my childhood. It smells like cherries. The smell of cake spreads throughout the room."
  3. Next, you need to connect your imagination and imagine how a person performs an action in relation to the cake. All actions should be described aloud and presented at the time of description. "I take a knife, cut a piece of cake and bring it to my lips. The cake is hot. I take a bite and taste cherry in my mouth ..."
  4. Then you need to visually capture the cake. At the first stages, when a person only masters the basics of a lucid dream, he needs to look at the image of the cake for at least 20 minutes without taking his eyes off him and mentally repeating the steps described above again.

The following technique is simple, but with regular training is very effective.

You need to lie on the bed or conveniently settle in another place so that extraneous sounds do not distract. Then you should imagine any object and try to hold its image in consciousness for 15 minutes, like a picture.

At first, extraneous sounds and thoughts will interfere with the person, but each time his ability to hold the image will increase.

After 15 minutes, you should get up and distracted: perform an action completely unrelated to this subject, rest for half an hour, so that after the lapse of time you return to your previous place and repeat the same thing.

Using an alarm

Before you go to bed, it is important to program an alarm so that it wakes a person in exactly 5 hours.

Waking up, you should drink a strong coffee drink and lie back in bed. Once back in bed, you must repeat steps 1 to 4 described above.

It is recommended to get as comfortable and relax as possible.

Coffee, if desired, can be replaced with chocolate, which will tone and contribute to the correct falling asleep.

Pay attention to diet

The sleep of a person is largely influenced by what he takes in the evening.

So, some products can provoke nightmares, while others are pleasant dreams that are easier to control. Do not eat heavy food (fatty, smoked foods) before falling asleep. It is also better to avoid alcohol.

It has a negative effect on the nervous system, becoming the main obstacle to understanding the technique of lucid dreams.

It is recommended to use dishes with a variety of spices, added in moderation.

Light spices stimulate the imagination and improve the functioning of the senses, also stimulate brain activity.

It is not so difficult to master the technique of lucid dreams. It is only necessary to train regularly and use knowledge, skills in practice.


Watch the video: 4 Easy Steps to Lucid Dream Every Night! (June 2024).