Variety of apples of the Czech selection "Champion": description, photo, characteristics. Subtleties of growing Champion apples


Many gardeners have heard about large apples and the yield of the Champion variety. However, the tree has its own characteristics, without the knowledge of which it is simply impossible to collect a large number of fruits. This variety is widely used for commercial purposes, but it is not difficult to take care of an apple tree in an amateur garden.

What is the peculiarity of the Champion variety apple tree

Gardeners noticed that a high yield of apple trees is possible only in the southern regions of the country. In the suburbs and central regions, the number of fruits is slightly lower, but for an ordinary lover this is not critical. And all because the tree does not tolerate frost and harsh climate. In winter, it requires special attention.

Although the variety has a number of other advantages, among which are rapid growth and the ability to bear fruit on any soil. Unlike domestic varieties, the Czech apple tree successfully develops and enters fruiting even on difficult soil.

In addition, the apple tree is rarely affected by scab, which is the undeniable advantage of the variety.

What does a tree look like?

The apple tree gained its distribution due to the taste qualities of the fruits and their mass. The variety was bred by Czech breeders in 1970 on the basis of the well-known Golden Delishes and Renet Orange Coke varieties.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the apple tree of this variety is compact and low, it belongs to undersized species. The height depends on the stock, on average the tree grows up to 2.5-3 m. If the seedling was grafted onto a dwarf stock, then a more compact plant form will be obtained. Often medium-sized varieties are used as rootstock, then an adult apple tree reaches 5 m, but comes into bearing later. However, such a tree can be grown in harsh climates; it tolerates frosts more easily.

Skeletal branches are located throughout the trunk at an angle of 50 °, which makes the crown oval. Lateral shoots are poorly developed, which facilitates the process of leaving, the crown does not need frequent molding, it remains sparse for a long time.

Fruiting begins 3-4 years after planting, flowering begins in mid-spring, passes amicably. The flowers are white with a slight pink tinge. During flowering, the tree is completely covered with buds, but the fruits are tied only 30%. To get more fruits, varieties of pollinators will be required in the garden, since the Champion apple tree variety is self-infertile. The best pollinating varieties:

· Pilot;





· Teremok;


Observing this rule, it is possible to collect up to 25 kg of apples and one tree.

Appearance of Champion apples: photo and main characteristics

Fruits have high commercial characteristics, so trees are often grown on an industrial scale.

Apples are round, aligned, very large. The weight of one reaches 200 gr. They are covered with yellow, thin, but dense skin. The entire surface is painted red-orange blush. The pulp is medium density, creamy, very juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour, dessert type.

Shelf life is good. Harvest retains its presentation for 2 months after harvest. To extend the shelf life will help the refrigerator, where the fruits lie up to 5 months. Harvesting is carried out in the stage of technical ripeness, when the apples have acquired a yellow-green color. Blush appears in the process of ripening.

The variety belongs to the autumn, the crop ripens in mid-September. Timing may vary by region. Experienced gardeners are advised not to overexpose the fruits on the branches, as ripe apples often fall and spoil, the presentation is deteriorating. But on a young tree this rarely happens.

Varieties of apples of the Champion variety with photo

The variety has two varieties. Outwardly, the trees are similar to the mother variety, but the color of the fruits and taste characteristics differ.

Champion Renault apples have a richer flavor and intense red color.

The fruits of Champion Arno are sweeter, their flesh is more friable, the color of apples is bright red.

Features of planting apple trees of the Champion variety

In order for the fruits to meet all the declared characteristics, the apple tree must be planted in accordance with all the rules.

First of all, a well-lit place is selected for seedlings. If you plan to land in an ordinary way, then the ridges are located from north to south. Thus, the fruits will receive more sunlight, get a beautiful blush. The place should be protected from cold winds, with low groundwater. Landing in wetlands is not allowed.

For planting, young trees with an open or closed root system are suitable. Learn that seedlings with an earthen lump are planted throughout the season, but trees with an open system only in early spring or autumn.

Advice! In the central part of the country, planting is best done in the spring, seedlings bought in the fall are stored throughout the winter in a cold basement or dug in the garden.

Landing rules

Landing pits are prepared in the fall. If the weather does not allow, then in the spring, no later than a week before the proposed landing. The earth must settle well.

1. The top layer of soil is removed, mixed with mineral fertilizers, humus and peat. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not used.

2. Pits are filled and left to shrink.

3. The seedling is set in the hole, spread the roots and sprinkle with earth. The root neck and the site of vaccination are not buried. Otherwise, the tree may die.

4. The trunk circle is tamped and watered well, mulched on top with peat or straw.

After such a planting, the apple tree will delight the fruits in 2-3 years.

How to care for the Champion apple tree: features of top dressing, competent pruning

Caring for this apple variety is different from others. In order to consistently receive good harvests, agricultural machinery will have to be observed.

Watering and feeding the seedling

The Champion apple-tree belongs to drought-resistant species, therefore often it is not necessary to water it. If the summer is rainy, it’s enough to wet the ground several times a season.

Do not use cold water for irrigation. The temperature drop at the roots leads to various diseases. It is better to moisten the soil with water warmed in the sun.

In the spring, it is useful to introduce granular fertilizers in the root zone, where the surface roots of the plant are located. Additional recharge at this time will not hurt them. At the very beginning of the growing season, the granules should contain more nitrogen. And after that they switch to phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

At the end of summer, top dressing is done on the sheet, using phosphorus solutions. This will save the crop from spoilage during storage. It is useful for the prevention of liming the soil.

Pruning to increase yield

After planting, the apple trees quickly start to grow, but after the first fruiting, the shoots weaken. To stimulate the formation of ovaries, pruning is required in the future.

The specifics of pruning is to cut the crown. On the tree leave branches no older than 3 years. One-year-old shoots without a generative kidney are cut out. They grow poorly, slow down the vegetation of the whole tree.

The seedling will bear fruit well if the young shoots end with a bud, their growth is not less than 30 cm. They do not leave weak, old or sharp-growing branches.


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