How to please a family with home-made beef sausage? Homemade beef sausage: recipes without soy, preservatives and dyes


General principles for cooking beef sausages

For cooking homemade beef sausages, you should choose good pieces with a little fat. The best sausage comes from the neckbut you can take other parts. However, it must be remembered that if you took a piece from your leg, then the dish will turn out to be very dry, tough and rather rough. To make ham sausage more tender and juicy, you need to add a little pork to the beef, preferably fatty.

There are many recipes for homemade beef sausage. Usually it is boiled sausage, but you can also cook dried or smoked, if there is a smokehouse. There are also several options for making minced meat..

First, minced meat can be cooked using a meat grinder with a large or small grill.

Secondly (and many consider this method the best), meat can be chopped or cut into cubes with a side of 2-8 mm, depending on the recipe.

Sometimes it is necessary to add bacon (or lard) in the minced meat for home-made sausage: either in a meat grinder, or chopped in the same way as meat.

If you want to add bacon, take his choice very carefully. It should be dense, white or slightly pinkish in color, not sticky and not loose, but elastic. The smell from him should be pleasant.

It goes without saying that beef should be perfectly fresh, dense, with the smell of meat, without any extraneous odors. If it is possible to purchase meat from a friend of the farmer, then this is just the right option. If not, you can reduce familiarity with sellers in the market. They often leave the best pieces to regular customers.

Having brought the meat home, it should be washed and examined very carefully so as not to miss the bone fragments that may remain in the meat after being chopped. Next to the bone, the meat should be washed, carefully rubbing it with your fingers.

Home-made beef sausage is supposed to be cooked in a belly (pork or beef intestines), which often becomes a stumbling block for those who want to enjoy a delicacy, but do not know how to get this ingredient. Of course, for villagers or for acquaintances of the farmer, acquiring a shell is not a problem, so these lucky beef sausages can be cooked at any time. But the rest can find a way out of the situation, namely, to acquire a belly through the Internet. Along with sites that offer this product in industrial quantities, there are many that are willing to sell in very small batches suitable for home use. You can store it in the freezer, or you can fill it with salt and just put it in the refrigerator. When preparing homemade beef sausage, before stuffing the steak, it is necessary to soak it for 15-30 minutes.

It is better to cook homemade beef sausage in large batches: part will be quickly eaten, and part it makes sense to put it in the freezer and remove it as needed.

Salt is better to take nitrate, at the rate of 17 g per kilogram of meat.

Recipe 1. Homemade beef sausage for frying


Beef - about 5 kg

Pork with layers of fat - 1 kg


Salted bacon - 0.5 kg

Garlic - 2 heads

Pepper and other spices - optional

Cooking method

Rinse beef and pork thoroughly and inspect to make sure there are no bones.

Cut beef into cubes with a side of about 6-7 mm, and pork and lard with a side of 4-5 mm.

For stuffing the belly, it is better to use a special nozzle on the meat grinder, but you can also use a confectionery syringe or something else.

Cut about a meter of rounds, tie one end with a knot and fill the intestine with chopped meat, but loose. In the process of preparation, the natural shell is compressed, which must be remembered in the process of filling it with meat. If a cavity with air appears somewhere, it must be pierced with a toothpick or a needle. Tie the other end with a knot. You can use thick cotton threads.

Just fill in a few more of the same pieces of the shell until the stuffing is over. The resulting sausages can be pulled together in several places to make sausages. Having curled them in a spiral, put them in a shape of sufficient size (juice should stand out), pierce them in several places, grease them with oil and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees for 30-40 minutes, periodically pouring the juice that has stood out. The remaining sausages can be stored in the freezer and cook as necessary.

Recipe 2. Homemade Spicy Beef Sausage

This version of home-made beef sausage will please fans of spicy and spicy, and its smell is very pleasant. However, if you do not like some of the spices, you can replace them with others.


Beef - 3 kg

Salo - 750 g

Oil, preferably olive - a third of a glass

Onions - one and a half cups of already chopped

Garlic - One Small Head

Black and white pepper, fennel, ginger, nutmeg, coriander, oregano, etc. - to taste, a total of about 10 tablespoons

Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Salt to taste

Cooking method

Chop the onion and garlic in any way and lightly fry with the addition of oil for 3-4 minutes. Cut the meat into pieces the size of a pea, it is better to chop the fat even with a meat grinder or a blender, but you can also use a knife. Add spices, salt and sugar to the minced meat, mix thoroughly and refrigerate overnight under a lid.

In the morning, pass the minced meat through a meat grinder and put it to cool again, then beat the mass with a mixer and then you can fill the belly.

Stuffing should be done loosely, bandaging it every now and then, making long sausages not fall. Put the finished product for another 12 hours in the refrigerator, and then cook on the grill, having previously pierced it in several places with a needle.

Recipe 3. Homemade beef sausage "Slavic"


Beef - 4 kg

Fatty pork (e.g. neck) - 0.5 kg

Fat (fat) - 0.5 kg

Starch - 0.5 cups

Icy water - 0.8-0.9 L


Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Ground black pepper

Cooking method

Cut the meat very finely, chop the bacon. Starch in water. Knead the beef by adding water with starch for at least 15 minutes, carefully rubbing the pieces. When the mass becomes viscous and uniform, add pork, stir a little more, and then put the lard and knead completely, adding salt, sugar, pepper and garlic.

Cool the mass and fill it loosely into the belly.

Ready sausages are placed in the oven and dried for one and a half hours at a temperature of about 70 degrees. Then put the sausages in a pan and cook for about 40 minutes with an extremely weak boil (the surface of the water should remain almost motionless).

Cool the sausage and use for sandwiches, etc.

Recipe 4. Homemade anti-crisis beef sausage

The result is a tasty and fairly budget product. And in this case there is more meat in this homemade beef sausage than in the purchased one!


Beef - 1.5 kg

Potato - 1 kg

Fat - 0.3 kg

Garlic - Half Head

Onion - Half Head


Black and allspice, coriander, nutmeg and more, to taste

Cooking method

Boil the meat in salted water for 1.5 hours, cool and grind using a meat grinder with a coarse mesh. Peel and boil the whole potatoes for 5-7 minutes, grind immediately with a meat grinder along with the lard, interfering the lard in the hot potato.

Cool all the ingredients and combine them with spices, chopped onions and garlic.

Thoroughly mix the mass and fill the belly, dividing into "sausages". Boil the resulting sausages in water with the addition of salt, peppercorns and bay leaves.

Recipe 5. Homemade Beef Sausage "For Breakfast"

This home-made beef sausage is most reminiscent of the usual purchased cooked sausage in appearance and consistency, but, of course, it is much tastier and healthier than it.


Beef - 4 kg

Pork cheek - 1 kg

Garlic - Half Head

Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons

Salt - about 2 tablespoons with top

Ice water - about one and a half glasses

Spices (black and white pepper, nutmeg, ginger, coriander, etc.) - to taste

Cooking method

Sugar diluted in water. Pass the meat and cheek through a meat grinder with a fine grill. Stir in sweet water in minced meat, knead very carefully, add chopped garlic, salt and spices.

Stuff the belly with the prepared meat, giving the form of sausage loaves. Stuffing is loose. Tie loaves at both ends. If you get air bubbles somewhere, pierce them with a needle.

Chill the finished loaves in the refrigerator for 10 to 12 hours.

Hang the sausage in the oven (or put it on a grid covered with foil) and dry (turning over if the loaves are lying) for about 4 - 5 hours, gradually bringing the temperature in the oven to 85 degrees. It is advisable to use a sensor to determine the temperature of the meat, which immediately stick in one of the loaves. The sausage is ready when the temperature inside the loaf reaches 67 degrees.

Remove the prepared sausage from the oven and hang to dry in a cool place for about 12 hours.

Recipe 6. Homemade low-calorie beef sausage


Beef - 3 kg

Milk - faceted glass

Water - one and a half glasses

Onions - 4-5 medium onions


Black pepper

Tomato paste, sour cream 15% fat - 5 tablespoons each, for sauce

Cooking method

Chop the onion and fry in a pan with a little oil. Pass the meat, onion, garlic through a meat grinder with a fine grill, it is better even twice.

Stir thoroughly by adding spices and adding milk. You can beat the mass with a mixer.

Fill the belly by twisting it to get small sausages. Puncture them in several places with a needle and fry over low heat. Dilute tomato paste and sour cream in water and cook or bake sausages in this sauce.

Recipe 7. Home-made dried beef sausage

A dryer is needed to make home-dried beef sausages. Craftsmen make it from old system units and other improvised devices that have served their purpose; instructions can be found on the Internet.


Beef - 3.5 kg

Fat 1.5 kg

Salt - 90 g

Cognac or brandy - 3 glasses

Spices (nutmeg, black pepper, coriander, etc.) - a total of 15 g

Cooking method

Twist the meat in a meat grinder twice. Cut fat into small pieces. Stuff the minced meat thoroughly by adding cognac, salt and spices and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Fill the loaf tightly. Ensure that no air bubbles remain. Tie loaves at both ends and hang them in the dryer. In the evening, roll the loaves using a rolling pin and place under oppression in the refrigerator. Put in the dryer again in the morning. So repeat until the sausage is ready, which is usually about 20 days.

Homemade Beef Sausage: Tips and Tricks

  • If the meat is completely fresh, then it is usually recommended to hold it in salt water for a couple of hours.

  • To make meat and fat for home-made beef sausage better cut, they must be placed in the freezer for 40 minutes.

  • It is better to chop the fat with a knife, otherwise the fat will remain on the knives of the meat grinder, which is undesirable.

  • Spices for cooking sausages (coriander, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, etc.) are better to grind immediately before cooking, and garlic, if the recipe is required to put fresh, not fried, it is better to mash in a mortar, and not pass through a press.

  • In the process of cooking all the tools and the stuffing itself must always remain cold. This is necessary so that the formation of meat mass goes right. If you feel the meat to be warm to the touch, put it in the refrigerator for a while.

  • If you don’t have a special attachment for a meat grinder, you can fill the belly using a funnel made of a cut plastic bottle, where the stuffing can be stuffed using the back of the spoon.


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