Painful headaches: how a smartphone can help against migraines


Migraine treatment is often difficult. To achieve relief, interdisciplinary measures are often required: exercise, relaxation techniques, and psychotherapy. Doctors are now introducing a new form of treatment for migraines, in which the smartphone plays a central role. The application should document the headache, help in the implementation of relaxation exercises and hardy sports.

New headache treatment app

German scientists are developing a new migraine app for smartphones. In the future, it will be able to reduce the frequency of headache attacks.

According to studies, approximately 15-25% of all women and 6-8% of men are already responding positively to smartphone therapy.

Since many different approaches must be taken into account when treating migraine, the application can provide good support here.

The new M-Sense app is designed to provide comprehensive support for migraine patients. He should document migraine attacks, identify triggers, help in sports and recreation, and also include communication with a specialist.

Effectively saves the doctor’s time

With SMARTGEM, scientists want to explore the effectiveness of migraine treatment. For patients, doctors are hoping for a clear reduction in seizures and painkillers. The goal is to improve the quality of life of patients and prevent the chronicity of the disease.

What should the new application do?

Using the M-sense smartphone app, patients can document their headaches, as explained. As a result, therapy can be monitored and possible triggers for migraine attacks determined. In addition, the application includes a therapy module that supports stress relief.

Even for family doctors, the application can serve as a good source of information. With M-Sense, they can telemedically communicate with neurological experts to discuss possible treatments for their patients. Medical forums and expert chats should be offered to the patient in order to reduce communication with medical specialists.

Documentation, therapy module and self-help training

According to doctors, the application is a combination of documentation, a therapy module, and self-help training. Telemedicine consultations, medical forums and expert chats are also offered. The project is funded by more than three million euros.

Access to headache medical specialists and pain therapists is limited. According to the study, the application will be able to improve the consultation and treatment of patients living in remote parts of the city.

Supported by Health Insurance

Various health insurance funds support an innovative care project. In addition to improving the quality of life, the performance of migraine patients should also be improved.

The effectiveness of the new form of treatment is currently being investigated in a controlled study in which 1200 patients participated. Subjects must suffer from migraine attacks more than five days a month. If successful, SMARTGEM will become a model for nationwide care for migraine patients.

About migraine and what can you do yourself?

Migraine is a common disease that can really disable a person. In addition to throbbing, one-sided headache, additional symptoms are often encountered, such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and loss of appetite. Many migraines are also accompanied by increased sensitivity to noise and light. In many cases, the disease is treated medically.

However, there are also many natural methods and home remedies for migraines that can help.

Putting cold on whiskey is an effective way to quickly relieve a headache attack.

Caffeine also helps some patients, but high doses cause anxiety and dependence.

According to preliminary scientific data, ginger is able to relieve headache for 6-10 hours. Hot ginger tea can be combined with lemon and a small piece of sugar. If simple remedies do not help, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Headache and Migraine Triggers and How to Prevent Them (July 2024).