Press exercises for women: how to quickly tighten your stomach. Simple and effective abdominal exercises for women: plank, vacuum and others


A flat, tight stomach with a beautiful relief is not a dream at all, but a completely achievable reality.

You just need to choose a full-fledged set of exercises for the press for women with a description of the correct implementation and training scheme.

Why tighten your stomach

In addition to aesthetic, aiming with the abdominal muscles solves another serious problem. It is directly related to health and longevity. The fact is that a tummy that swims with fat does not just look ugly, but also signals the presence of obesity in the internal organs.

Internal or abdominal fat presents a real danger, since it leads to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart attack, stroke, and other pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system. The reason for this is special cells - cytokines that cause chronic tissue inflammation. Therefore, the sooner the girl takes care of the big belly problem, the higher will be the quality of her life.

Another question is that losing weight locally is impossible. Therefore, you will have to get rid of external fat throughout the body and at the same time do the press. So, with a big belly, you need to change the diet and start moving more. Exercise on the press outside the complex will help only those who do not need to lose weight, but it is necessary to tighten the weak muscles.

Types of abs exercises

To increase the effectiveness of classes, the complex should include different types of load. There are three main types of abdominal exercises for women, described below:

1. static;

2. dynamic;

3. anaerobic.

Static exercises are performed while fixing a certain position of the body. Having fixed the pose, it must be held for a certain time. Under dynamic loads, vigorous repetitions of movements are performed. Anaerobic exercises are aimed at burning fat cells and simultaneously tightening muscles.

The simplest abs exercises for women

The simplest dynamic exercises for the abs are straight and oblique twisting of the abdominal muscles. Classic leg or body lifts train the rectus muscle. You can do them in three cycles of 15-20 movements in one cycle. To increase the load on the press, lifting should be done slowly.

To reduce the load on the back, you do not need to sit completely when lifting the case. Exercise will remain effective even if you take your shoulder blades off the floor. At the same time you need to reach with your hands to your knees.

A more complex version of this exercise is performed with arms extended upward, arms thrown behind the head. During the separation of the blades from the floor, you need to tear off your hands by 20-30 cm.


A slightly modified and complicated twisting allows you to work out the muscles of the lower abdomen and increase coordination. Starting position lying on your back. Raise legs and arms at an angle of 30-45 °. Take a breath, tighten your abdominal muscles. Exhale while lowering the left leg and moving the left arm behind the head. Repeat exercise for the right limbs. Make 10-12 repetitions.


The simplest and very effective exercise that can be done even by women who have given birth. In comparison with the usual one we twist the “Bicycle” involves more press muscles and forms a beautiful relief. It is carried out in a prone position with hands behind the head. Imitating riding a bicycle, you need to pull the opposite arm and leg to each other in the abdomen, while unfolding the body with the hand. It is optimal to do 12 movements in one cycle, only 3 cycles.


Excellent cardio exercise, which increases the heart rate and allows you to work out the muscles of the abs, arms and hips. To achieve a cardio effect, you need to perform movements at a fast pace. Take a pose for push-ups from the floor. Pull the legs alternately to the chest, holding the tension of the abdominal muscles throughout the cycle (15 movements for each leg). Make 3 cycles.

Reverse twisting

Exercise works out the lower abdominal and oblique muscles. Lie on your back, raise straight legs perpendicular to the floor so that the feet are located above the hips. Straining the stomach, tear the hips up from the floor, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor and return to the starting position. Make 2-3 cycles of 12 breaks from the floor.


Press the lower back firmly to the floor, put your hands along the sides. Raise legs at an angle of 45 °. Perform horizontal movements, opening the ankles for each other, simulating the movements of the blades. Perform at least 20 movements with each foot. If possible, repeat a full cycle 2-3 times.


Among the simplest exercises on the press for women, performed in the static version, we can name a yoga pose, known to many girls. Legs need to be pulled up and stand on the shoulder blades, supporting them with your hands. The main thing is to maintain a vertical arrangement of outstretched legs. The retention time of the posture depends on the development and strength of the muscles. Exercise is very beneficial for women's health.


The exercise is similar to the previous one, but does not require vertical support of the body. Legs should be crossed at the ankles, drawn in to draw in the stomach and put behind the head. Hips off the floor. Hold this position for several seconds, then release the thigh clamp and exhale. 10 repetitions is enough for a start.

The most effective abs exercises for women

To achieve a raised abdomen, you do not need to train your abs for hours. On the contrary, experienced fitness trainers do not recommend pumping the stomach so as not to make the waist square due to oblique muscles.

The most effective for working out the press are exercises with heavy weights. The heavier legs with the weights give the load to the largest muscle - the gluteus maximus, while simultaneously working out the abs cubes. At home, it is difficult to perform such an exercise if there are no special weighting agents.

However, there are other ways to maximize the load on the abdominal muscles.


A popular static exercise that is one of the most effective abs exercises for women. Outwardly, it looks very simple, but actually standing in a static pose for at least a minute is extremely difficult. Therefore, you need to start from 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration of the rack. "Plank" tightens the stomach, works out the muscles of the hands, hips, calves, back, buttocks. With proper exercise, there is no load on the spine, which means there is a risk of injury.

How to perform: lie on the floor, then place the body horizontally, leaning on your elbows and toes. Legs are shoulder-width apart, elbows too. The back should be perfectly straight, the head looking forward.

You can complement the classic bar by swaying from socks to your hands. This version of the exercise is called "Saw."

"Plank" with push-ups

Complicated basic exercise with dynamic elements. It is extremely difficult to keep a fixed position of the case and simultaneously push out. The muscles of the whole body work, and the legs and arms are strained as much as possible. To perform the exercise, you need to stand in the classic bar, align your palms under your head. Straightening your elbows, do push-ups and again fall back to the starting position. Perform as much as possible 5 to 15 times.

Russian twist

One of the most effective exercises for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen. You can pick up the ball or just connect your palms. Performed sitting on the floor. Bend your knees at an angle of 45% and keep it on weight. To maintain balance, slightly tilt the housing back. Turn the body and hands from side to side. Make 10-12 turns in 2-3 sets.


An effective, but very simple exercise, which can be compared with the bar in popularity, allows you to tighten even the deepest muscles of the press. You can perform it while standing or lying down.

The bottom line is to exhale completely from the lungs, draw in the stomach and tighten the muscles. Hold on until count 7-8, inhale slowly. Repeat exercise 5-6 times. If you make a "vacuum" while standing, the sequence is as follows:

• take a deep exhalation, then inhale sharply and immediately release air, maximally freeing the lungs;

• lean forward, put your palms on your knees;

• to hold the breath, draw the stomach in and up;

• hold this position until the count of eight;

• inhale slowly.

Repeat 6-7 times. It is important to perform an exercise with an empty stomach. Therefore, the most convenient time for classes is in the morning, before breakfast. The fat cell burns most readily in the morning hours, which is explained by the biological characteristics of the human body.

"Plank diagonal"

Complicated basic bar for trained people. Going to this exercise makes sense when the usual plank seems too simple.

Not only the press works, but also the arms, lower back, thighs and buttocks. Exercise literally makes fat burn and melt. How to do: stand on the usual level, with your feet a little wider and your arms straightened at the elbows. Raise the right arm and left leg at the same time, holding them parallel to the floor. If you hold the pose too hard, you can lower yourself on your elbows and perform the exercise from this position.

To quickly tighten your stomach, you can choose a set of 5-6 exercises dynamic and static and perform it 3 times a week. Fat-burning "vacuum" is recommended to be done daily.


Watch the video: 5 Lower Ab Isolation Exercises That Will Make Your Lower Belly Fat Cry (June 2024).