What to do if the baby choked: every mother should know! If the child choked: the most important thing - do not panic!


Little kids are happiness for every mom.

You can look at them endlessly, like fire and water.

They give us smiles, a feeling of tenderness and need, cause a flurry of love in us, although motherhood does not do without worry.

Especially alarming for all mothers are those moments when the babies suddenly choke on something.

In order to prevent a sad outcome in such situations, you need to know exactly what to do if the child choked.

When a child can choke

There are countless cases where a child can choke. Firstly, when feeding. If the mother is breastfeeding, then the pressure of milk can be very strong, or the baby is very actively sucking.

To contribute to the fact that the newborn choked, maybe the very structure of the female breast, improper attachment to it. Such situations are also possible when feeding from a bottle. Too large portions of the mixture arrive when an oversized hole is cut in the nipple of the bottle.

Feeding a baby in a horizontal position. Correct position - half-sided on the back with a raised head.

The baby may simply lose his breath, the mouth quickly fills with saliva. This is due to the fact that babies still do not know how to control and combine the process of swallowing with the process of breathing. In addition, unusual food for newborns, whether it is mashed potatoes, porridge or a mixture, gives babies new and unusual sensations.

A common case when children take in their mouth foreign objects that are in their reach. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor that there are no small parts of toys, rattles, lids, and so on near the child.

What to do, the newborn choked on regurgitation

The most common sign that a child is choking is a cough. If the baby is actively coughing after choking, it means that the airways are clear and nothing threatens them. In this case, mom’s help is not required. Most importantly, do not allow liquid, food or a foreign object to block the airways and cause suffocation, asphyxiation. It is much more dangerous when a child chokes on something and cannot get rid of it on his own. Signs that urgent and urgent care are needed can be signaled by such signs as: a blue tint of the skin of the child, wide-open eyes, fear in them, increased salivation, open mouth, the baby cannot cough and cry, constantly climbs its arms to the neck.

One of the saddest and most frequent cases when newborns choke on regurgitation. This is the cause of many deaths among babies, and the blame for all the irresponsibility and connivance of mothers. To prevent this from happening, you must follow a simple rule. After the child has eaten, you need to hold him in an upright position, "column" so that he burps.

What to do if the baby is choked, each mother should know how to multiply. Never shake it too much!

Take the newborn by the legs and lift upside down. Lightly pat on the back, but only carefully so as not to injure the child, the baby’s internal organs may suffer from strong claps.

Claps can be made and the baby, putting it on his lap tummy down. In this case, the head should be below the level of the chest. Patting is necessary strictly between the shoulder blades.

In no case do not knock on the back of a baby who is in an upright position. When patting, the baby's head and back should be tilted slightly forward.

Do not forget to monitor the general condition of the baby, his breathing and consciousness.

If the newborn choked, and then fell asleep - is it scary?

For many mothers, situations when a child chokes or chokes are real stress, much more than for the baby.

The most effective preventive measure in addition to the standard “hold column” is strict monitoring to ensure that the child in the first months of life sleeps on a barrel. Moreover, it is important to alternate these barrels.

After the baby has eaten, in no case put him on the back.

If the baby choked with a mixture or breast milk, coughed and fell asleep, then be calm, everything is in order with him. If the child choked on a foreign object, then you must take measures to remove it, and only when you are absolutely sure that nothing threatens the breathing of your child, you can put him to bed.

If the object still remains in the airways, but the child is breathing, wait for the ambulance doctor, put the baby on a barrel and pull the legs to the tummy. Do not let him roll over in a dream so that the subject does not move further.

What to do if a child chokes on solid food or a foreign object

Breast milk, a mixture, saliva is not the only thing a baby can choke on. Very often these are foreign objects, such as small details of rattles, caps for bottles with medicines, cotton, in a word, all that our baby can reach. In addition, some mothers from four to five months are actively introducing complementary foods, solid pieces of food can also get into the respiratory tract. As prevention - attention, attention and attention again! What to do if the baby choked on something by an outsider?

Take the baby in your arms and turn it back to you. Hold the baby with one hand so that the palm is at the level of the ventricle of the newborn. Tilt the back forward, gently pat the crumb between the shoulder blades with your free hand. A foreign object, due to this, will move forward and out of the respiratory tract.

The second way is to grab the baby by the waist at the back, place your palms at the level of the navel, press the tummy until the child coughs up an object or piece that choked.

You can lay the baby on his free hand so that your palm supports his chest, and pat rhythmically between the shoulder blades.

Another way: put the child on the back, with two fingers, index and middle, press gently under the sternum.

You can alternate the last ways: five claps - five presses under the sternum.

Thanks to vomiting, the air duct reflexively contracts and foreign objects come out of it. Fingers or a spoon, press on the root of the tongue, this will contribute to the fact that the airways begin to contract, therefore, all that is superfluous will be pushed out.

Do not forget that if the child has stopped breathing, it is necessary immediately, without losing a second, to do artificial respiration. Make sure that the baby’s chest lifts “on inhalation”.

If the situation gets out of control and nothing helps, call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, continue to try all the methods in turn.

Most importantly, keep calm, do not panic, this can scare the baby even more. Be collected, the life and health of your child depend on how quickly you begin to act. If the situation is not from the category of relatively safe “choking - coughing”, you must call a doctor to examine the child, since there is a possibility of hidden injuries, both physical and psychological.


Watch the video: Kids Say The Darndest Things 3 (June 2024).