September 24th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 24th.


Holidays September 24

International Caravan Day

An interesting and unusual holiday is celebrated by participants of transport columns and ship caravans, and the focus is on caravan leaders. An unusual profession is also found among truckers, in crews of merchant ships and crews of escorts. It was founded by the international association for the rationalization of transport enterprises. The date was chosen in honor of the birthday of the famous navigator and navigator of the 16-17 centuries, William Adams, who traveled by sea to Japan and lived there for more than 20 years. Adams played a huge role in establishing trade relations between Japan and European countries, England, Holland, etc.

There is another version from the followers of the Muslim religion - this day was timed to the end of Hijara - the memory of the resettlement of the first Muslims to Medina. Previously, merchants united in a caravan to make the trip safer. The concept of "Caravan" also included animals - donkeys, camels, horses. The East Silk Road connecting China and Asia has been known for over a thousand years. Caravans were also used in Venice; convoys of transport vessels followed the icebreaker across the Arctic Ocean. River caravans consist of several barges or rafts.

Church holidays September 24

Day of St. Silouan of Athos

In the Christian peasant world, the saint is better known by the name Simeon. He lived in the 19th century in one of the villages of the Tambov province. Born into a hardworking and pious family, Simeon absorbed kindness, kindness. He always received wanderers, shared the latter with people. He only had to study at school for two winters, and when he got older he decided to take tonsure, but his parents did not give him their blessing. As a result, the saint entered the military service.

During the service, he became prosperous and left the church, fully enjoying the worldly temptations. He had a dream or a vision - no one knows how it really was, but Simeon clearly remembers the voice of the Virgin who lamented that the young man had strayed from the righteous path. Towards the end of the service, he asked for blessings to go to the holy mountain Agathon in order to devote himself to the service of Christianity. He became an ascetic, lived in the monastery for 46 years. Simeon was among the people, but never again succumbed to worldly temptations.

Folk calendar 24 september

Fedorin's evenings

Rev. Fedora of Alexandria lived in the 5th century, was married to a pious person. Their marriage was very successful, but her beauty was carried away by a rich gentleman and began to seduce her. He deceived Fedora, explaining to her that past events at night were not a sin. The woman succumbed to persuasion and cheated on her husband, but her conscience did not stop torturing her. She realized her sin, and she hated her body.

The story of Mary Magdalene washing Christ's feet with her tears prompted her to repent and go to the monastery. So that her husband could not find her, she changed into a man’s dress and stayed in a man’s monastery. She lived there for several years, until her death, no one could recognize in her that beautiful girl who sinned and left her husband. Only after her death did her husband learn about her feat and forgave, and later he himself became a monk in the same monastery.

Fedora Day marked the third coming of autumn and a full farewell to summer. After the autumn inclement weather began, the remnants of the crop, for example, onions, were removed from the field, the beehives in the apiary were taken to a safe place. The girls spent cabbage evenings on Fedor, fermented her for the winter, cheerfully poisoned the tales and cooked cabbage dishes - cabbage rolls, cabbage soup, pies. Men were making beer.

Historical events of September 24

September 24, 1801 - Russian Emperor Alexander I signed a manifesto according to which the Kartli-Kakheti kingdom ceased to exist, thus, East Georgia turned into a Russian province.

September 24, 1893 - the first football match (“foot ball”) took place in Russia, in which representatives of the St. Petersburg circle of athletes and the Sport team took part. Such a significant event for domestic football took place at the St. Petersburg hippodrome, today this place is known to residents of the northern capital and visitors to the city on the Neva, as Pioneer Square.

September 24, 1938 - the ANT-37 "Rodina" aircraft led by a female crew for the first time made a direct flight Moscow - the Far East, setting a range record. Prior to this date, such distances obeyed only to men (in June 1938, the flight Moscow - the Far East was made by Kokkinaki and Bryandinsky). The female crew was managed by Valentina Grizodubova, the crew included Osipenko and Raskova. The route was 5,910 kilometers, which were overcome in 26 hours 29 minutes. In November 1938, the pilots were awarded the title Heroes of the Soviet Union, their images were printed on postage stamps.

September 24, 1990 - The countries of the Soviet Union entered the path of free enterprise, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev was given broad powers to transition to a market economy. This decision was a real breakthrough for the state system and even ideology that existed in those years.

Born on September 24

Horace Walpole (Horace) (1717 - 1797) - an English writer in the genre of the Gothic novel

The 4th Earl of Orford was sometimes called Horace Walpole or Khoreisho. Having a brilliant education, and starting a political career, he became famous in a completely different direction. His hobby is writing books. Horace invented a new direction in book writing - a Gothic novel. The horror in the Gothic style described in his novel "Otranto Castle" was enthusiastically received by the public, despite the gloomy details - a helmet that kills the prince, falling straight from the sky, a statue with drops of blood, a gigantic hand. Another well-known novel describes the history of incest, and therefore became scandalous, theaters refused to stage performances on it.

Larisa Rubalskaya (1945) - famous and beloved by the public poetess

The first song of Larisa Alekseevna was written for Valentina Tolkunova together with Vladimir Miguley, and since then the poetess has become a regular participant and laureate of the contest "Song of the Year". She wrote dozens of songs for popular artists, spent themed nights in a place with composer Berezin, worked as a translator. Transparent and melodic phrases, simple words are very fond of both composers and the public. Particular attention is paid to the poetess of female destiny and love.

Natalya Arinbasarova (1946) - Soviet Russian actress

Natalya Utevlevna’s childhood dreams of becoming a great ballerina did not come true, but she was lucky in the career of an actress - Yegor Konchalovsky saw her, and immediately gave the main role in the film “The First Teacher”. The girl nevertheless received a diploma of a ballet dancer, but the first teacher was the most significant film, for which several high awards were received. She became a world celebrity and starred in many films, even played supporting roles, which turned out to be original and deep. She studied directing in the workshop of S. Gerasimov, and the master, as an exception, allowed her to act in this time. One of Gerasimov’s films “By the Lake” captured his entire course, followed by the films “Good day at the end of the war”, “Song of Manshuk”, “Visit to the Minotaur”, “Jamilya” and many others.

Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko (1911 - 1985) - head of the Communist Party of the USSR

The 4th General Secretary of the CPSU occupied this place quite a bit, but his whole life as a prominent political figure of the Soviet Union was prepared for this. From a young age, his life was associated with party activities. A series of various posts, ranging from the simplest posts of the inspector of the propaganda department of the Komsomol organization, to the first secretary of the party demonstrate an excellent career. His friend and colleague Leonid Brezhnev helped him in this. Konstantin Ustinovich became the last Communist Party leader to be buried near the Kremlin wall.

Name day September 24

Name day celebrate Oia, Roman, Sergey, Fedora, Karp, Dmitry, Evdokia, Nikolai, Leo, German, Peter.


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