Vak-belyash - a juicy pie for a couple of bites! Recipes of different wakelashes: with meat, potatoes, rice, cabbage, mushrooms


Vak-Belyash, aka Vak-Belyash, is a Tatar pie, but not simple, but with a very juicy and aromatic filling.

The pastries are hearty and often replace the main course.

Wak-Belish is served at lunch with a bowl of broth, for tea or just for a snack with a glass of tomato juice.

But how are Tatar pies prepared?

Vak-belyash - general principles of preparation

The dough for vak-belash is mixed on buttermilk with kefir. Soda is used for loosening. But sometimes you can find recipes of the Tatar dish with yeast or puff pastry, which is also not prohibited.

There are a lot of fillings in wak-whitewash and it mainly consists of raw meat and vegetables. Products are cut into small cubes and mixed with spices. Sometimes some of them are passer in oil.

What is used for the filling:

• meat, poultry;

• mushrooms;

• vegetables;

• rice;

• spices;

• greenery.

You can sculpt vak-belyashi in the form of ordinary whitewash with or without a hole. The first option is preferable, since a liquid is poured into the hole, providing juiciness to the filling. This is usually a broth in which oil can be added. Sometimes the hole is covered with a ball of dough that simulates a cork and the products look like small pots. When adding the broth, it is picked up with a knife, and then returned to its place.

Bak bak on the baking sheet in the oven. Since raw products are used for the filling, you should not make a high temperature. 180 degrees is enough.

Recipe 1: Tatar Vak-Belyash with meat and potatoes

The recipe for classic Tatar wak-belish pies stuffed with meat and potatoes. The number of products calculated for the preparation of 20 pieces. Veal is used for the filling. You can take beef, but in this case, it is advisable to cut the meat and marinate it for a couple of hours in spices, so that it becomes more tender.


• 0.8 kg of flour;

• 0.25 kg butter;

• 0.5 l of kefir;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 1 tsp salt.

For filling:

• 2 large onions;

• 0.4 kg of veal;

• 7-8 potatoes;

• salt with pepper;

• 300 ml of meat broth.

Egg for greasing pies.


1. Making the dough. To do this, rub the cooled oil into the sifted flour and rub it with your hands. Put soda in kefir, add salt and mix thoroughly. Pour into the butter with flour and stir. It should be cool dough. Let him lie down a little while the filling is preparing.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes, also beef and onions. We mix everything. As mentioned earlier, the meat can be pre-marinated in spices so that it probably has time to cook.

3. We take out our dough and divide into 18-20 identical pieces. Each round and roll a flat cake.

4. Put the prepared filling in the center, pinch the edges into the assembly, leaving a hole in the center. The pie will look like a regular open whitewash.

5. We transfer products to a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we take out and pour 3 tablespoons of broth into each. If there is no meat broth, then you can simply boil water with a piece of butter or use from a cube.

6. Beat the egg, grease the wak-whites and bake for about half an hour until cooked.

Recipe 2: Whisk with Beef and Rice

Many do not like to add rice to the pie filling, as it makes the mass drier. But vak-belyash is not the case! Thanks to the addition of broth, the rice filling with meat is very juicy and tasty.


• 1 cup of kefir;

• 1/3 teaspoon soda;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• flour;

• 1 egg.

For minced meat:

• 70 grams of rice;

• 250 grams of beef;

• 150 ml of broth;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. The dough is cooked with an egg. To do this, beat it with kefir, add soda and salt. Let stand for five minutes. At this time, grind the flour with margarine or butter. We connect everything, knead a cool bun.

2. For the filling, boil rice. It is better to use large grains - long or rounded. Combine it with chopped onion, add the meat, cut into cubes. Stir together and season with spices.

3. We take out the dough, form a wak-whitewash. We spread it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for about twenty minutes.

4. As soon as the crust begins to appear and the products become harder, we take out and evenly pour the broth.

5. Grease the pastry with an egg and fry until cooked. Serving such vak-belyashi is possible with broth or tea, but rice filling is especially successfully combined with tomato juice.

Recipe 3: Puff Pastry Whisk

For the preparation of such wakels, an ordinary puff pastry bought in a store is used. For the filling used potatoes with chicken, but you can take any meat.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 3 potatoes;

• 0.2 kg of chicken;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 0.14 ml of broth;

• 40 grams of oil;

• spices;

• 1 egg.


1. Immediately make minced meat. To do this, cut the chicken into pieces up to 0.5 cm, add chopped onion and finely chopped potatoes. Season with spices, stir.

2. Break the egg into a bowl and beat with a fork.

3. Roll out the dough layer with a layer of about three millimeters, cut into rectangles or squeeze out circles. We grease everyone with an egg.

4. Spread the filling and form the whites. Fasten firmly, transfer to a baking sheet.

5. Lubricate with the remaining egg and bake for about fifteen minutes.

6. Pour the broth. Before this, you need to add oil to it and heat the mixture until the pieces are completely dissolved. If the egg remains, then you can grease the product again. From this they will only be prettier and rouge.

7. Cooking the wak-belash for another half hour.

Recipe 4: Whisk with yeast dough

Another variant of the popular wak-belish pies, which are prepared with minced meat. The richness of the filling is provided not only by the meat broth, but also by a large amount of pickled onions.


For the test:

• 500 ml of water or milk;

• 1 sachet of yeast;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 250 grams of margarine;

• flour.

For filling:

• 0.5 kg of minced meat;

• 0.35 kg of onions;

• vinegar, spices.

For refueling, you need any broth to lubricate the egg.


1. Since the dough is used yeast, it is advisable to cook it 3 hours before the estimated time of modeling the whitewash. To do this, we dilute the yeast and salt with sugar in a warm liquid, after five minutes add the melted margarine and pour the flour. Knead well and keep warm. The dough should rise twice. After that, it will be possible to start modeling.

2. For minced meat, dice the onion. We take 0.5 water and add 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Pour onion and pickle. Time is unlimited, you can leave it for an hour. Then drain the liquid, and stir the onion with minced meat. Add the spices.

3. We take out the yeast dough, roll out circles and sculpt ordinary whites with a hole in the middle.

4. We shift to a baking sheet. Remember that products made of yeast dough will increase in size. Therefore, we leave enough space between them.

5. Lubricate with a beaten egg, put in the oven for 15 minutes. Then add the broth and bring to full readiness.

Recipe 5: Wak-Belyash with cabbage and minced meat

You can take fresh cabbage or sauerkraut to prepare such wakelashes. We choose to your taste. We make the dough on kefir with margarine.


• 0.25 kg of margarine;

• 0.4 l of kefir;

• 1 tsp salts;

• salt and flour.

For filling:

• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 1-2 onions;

• some oil;

• 0.25 kg of minced meat;

• spices;

• 0.25 L of broth.


1. Combine kefir with a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt, stir. We grate the softened margarine with 500 grams of flour, add kefir, make the dough, add more flour during kneading.

2. Fry onion in butter, cut into medium cubes.

3. Chop the cabbage and add to the onion, fry almost until done. Cool the filling. If sauerkraut is used, then first you need to squeeze it from the brine.

4. Add minced meat with spices to the cabbage, stir and you can sculpt the whites.

5. Divide the dough into small pieces, roll out the cakes and form open cakes.

6. Bake in the oven until the crust hardens. Then we get it, add two tablespoons of the broth, grease it with the egg and again send it to bake. Now it’s completely ready.

Recipe 6: Whisk with Rice and Dried Fruits

The recipe for sweet vak-belisha with rice filling. Candied fruits can be added to taste.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• 2 cups of flour;

• salt, soda;

• 100 grams of butter per dough and toppings;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.2 kg of raisins;

• 0.2 kg of dried apricots;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• 1 cup of sweet tea or compote;

• 0.12 kg of rice.


1. Put a pinch of salt and the same amount of soda in kefir. Grind the butter with flour and combine with kefir. We make elastic and not liquid dough. If necessary, add more flour. While we leave aside, covering with a bowl.

2. Pour raisins and dried apricots with warm water and stand for at least half an hour. Then squeeze and dry a little. Dried apricots cut into cubes, but it is possible and straws.

3. Boil the rice, drain the liquid. Add raisins and chopped dried apricots. Put softened butter and granulated sugar. Stuffing mix well with your hands.

4. We take out the dough, we make ordinary whites out of it. We bake until half-ready and pour in each a little tea or any compote for the juiciness of the filling. Bake to the end.

Recipe 7: Wak Belyash with Potatoes and Mushrooms

For mushroom filling, ordinary champignons will be used. They can be laid in vak-belyashi and in raw form, but with preliminary roasting it will be much more aromatic. Knead the dough on yogurt. You can see in any of the recipes above.


• 0.5 kg of champignons;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 0.4 kg of potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• spices;

• 180 grams of broth;

• 1 egg.


1. Rinse mushrooms, remove damage, cut into cubes.

2. Peel the onion, fry for a minute with oil. Add mushrooms and cook all together. We make a big fire and fry the mushrooms well so that they do not have time to give the juice. Turn off and cool.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices, mix with fried mushrooms, season with spices.

4. We take out the dough, divide it into pieces, and make ordinary wakelashas, ​​as in other recipes.

5. We put it on a baking sheet, grease it with an egg and bake for a quarter of an hour. We get out, add the broth and bake another thirty minutes.

Vak-belyash - useful tips and tricks

• No meat broth? No problem! You can use the broth from the cube, vegetable or mushroom broth. And if there is absolutely nothing, then we take ordinary water, add spices, butter and boil it.

• To pour the broth on pies, you can use a teapot or saucepan with a spout.

• Wake-whites turned out to be hard after baking? You need to cover the pan with a kitchen towel, fold the hot cakes, cover with a towel, and top with a lid. They lie down and become softer.

• Bak-Belyash is a small copy of the traditional Tatar cake "Belish". And if there is no time to work with the test, then you can always create a larger original.
