Lunar calendar haircuts for August 2016 - favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts


What is the moon for our soul - a symbol of the subconscious, the conductor of feelings and emotions. Sensitive and receptive, it drives the person’s response. But the Moon is only a reflection of our energy, a symbol of femininity, intuition, and sometimes even phenomenal and sensory abilities. And because the Moon Horoscope hairstyles is so important for women, and especially - the days of the full moon and new moon, which in August 2016 fall on the 18th and 4th numbers.

Our Lunar calendar will be an assistant in determining the favorable time to perform a haircut or dye, as well as a real adviser for manipulating hair cutting, dyeing or curling.

Lunar haircut calendar for August 2016 - favorable days for hair coloring

For longer preservation of color, it is recommended to dye hair on a growing Moon, in August it is from 5 to 17 a number. Favorable time for changing hair color when the moon is in the constellation Libra - 7.8, and Capricorn - 14,15,13.

Stretching color or dyutonal coloring - the latest trends in hair coloring. Ombre, degrade, Brond - what will make your hair style stylish and fashionable. This method of coloring is a smooth transition from a dark color to light or vice versa. The colors here can be various, natural with lightened or, on the contrary, darkened tips. A very beautiful effect is given by coloring in bright and saturated colors - chestnut and red, black and white.


Dye your hair only when it is in good condition. Porous dry hair absorbs paint faster, which can result in staining. After changing the color, it will be necessary to select suitable products for the care of dyed hair.

Lunar haircut calendar for August 2016: favorable days for curling hair

With the help of beautiful curls, you can make a spectacular styling, even on not the most successful haircut. In addition, curls - a great solution for those who decide to grow hair. And short hair no more than 5 centimeters long look very stylish with twisted tips.

In order for the perm to last longer, it is recommended to do it on the growing Moon, this month it is 5-17 numbers. Also favorable time to create curls when the moon in the constellation Libra -7.8, and Leo - 2,3,3,3,31.

Hair can be curled with curlers, curling, do chemistry. Also curls can be made rectifier. Despite the name, it not only straightens hair, but also curls it. Of course, clear graphic strands are unlikely to be done, but soft and voluminous curls will necessarily be obtained with the help of an iron. This method of waving more careful than curling, saves time, and also allows you to do styling on wet hair. But do not forget that the iron is a thermal effect on the hair, its frequent use can make the hair brittle and dry.


Curling hair with special devices, use heat protection agents. Before use, ironing hair must be washed. When curling strands, you do not need to stretch them much, and it is not recommended to wind the same strand several times.

Lunar calendar haircuts for August 2016 - favorable days for haircuts

Short haircuts are back in trend. In pursuit of equality, women won the right to short hair, and the smartest representatives of the stronger sex were at once with them, because a haircut that complements the depth of the eyes, opens ears, emphasizes the line of the neck and neck - this is very sexy. Ladies short haircuts are very diverse, suitable for any type of person and will satisfy every taste.

A special charm will give short haircut accessories for hair - headbands, hairpins, decorative combs, headbands, flowers, lightweight hats. Thanks to various styling tools, you can create many styling options.

Another type of hairstyle that allows you to look trendy - avant-garde short haircuts. This is a combination of strands of different lengths, as well as creative coloring. However, such a haircut requires special care and frequent trips to the hairdresser, because in the neglected form it does not hold its shape and loses its attractiveness.

Cut the number to the growing moon in August from 5 to 17 and your hair will grow back faster. Favorable time for a haircut, when the moon is in the constellations of Leo - 2,3,3,3,31, Virgo - 4,5,6 and Libra 7, 8 numbers.

Lunar calendar haircuts for August 2016 - unfavorable days for haircuts

Full Moon and New Moon are considered unfavorable days for haircuts. In August, the Full Moon - 18, New Moon - 4 numbers. It is recommended to refrain from haircuts on days when the Moon is in Cancer signs - 1, 27, 28, 29 and Pisces - 19, 20 numbers. Do not forget to care for your hair!

For rinsing hair, it is recommended to apply a mixture of milk and lemon: add lemon juice to boiling milk, quickly mix and remove from the stove. Then, when the milk is divided into whey and curd, separate them with gauze. Rinse the hair after washing with this serum. If you add a decoction of burdock root, the application of the mixture will be even more effective. This procedure has cleansing and nourishing properties and is useful not only for the hair, but also for the scalp.

Lunar calendar haircuts for August 2016 - conclusion

Long hair is a sign of beauty and femininity. Almost every beauty dreams of such hair. But we must remember that the hair, basically, have a combined structure. They are dry at the tips, while fatty at the roots, and therefore need additional nutrition with the help of masks and balms.


Masks for feeding the tips of the hair are composed of any vegetable oil. It is also recommended to use aloe, honey and lemon juice masks for the scalp and hair roots. The mixture is applied to the hair about half an hour before washing, covered with polyethylene and warmed on top.

And, of course, let our Lunar hairstyle calendar always be on guard of the beauty of your hair!


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