Hepatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver. Viral hepatitis is the main cause of acute liver damage. Acute hepatitis can also be caused by knowoviruses, which cause intestinal infections, leptospira, infectious mononucleosis viruses, some tropical parasites, and also septic bacterial infections.

There are also acute toxic hepatitis caused by drugs, industrial poisons, mushroom poisons, pale grebe and morels, as well as due to radiation or radiation damage, in case of serious infectious diseases and toxicosis of pregnant women. The use of alcohol also leads to the development of hepatitis.

Hepatitis Symptoms

In mild cases, hepatitis can be almost asymptomatic, and can only be detected in a random or targeted examination. In the most severe cases, the symptoms of this disease begin to develop faster, and sometimes in combination with signs of intoxication. In the midst of hepatitis, icteric staining of the mucous membranes and skin, white-clay stools, urine the color of dark beer, and hemorrhagic phenomena are characteristic.

Skin color can be saffron or orange. In mild cases, hepatitis is visible only in good daylight, and at first staining of the mucous membrane of the palate and sclera appears. Often there are nosebleeds and petechiae, patients with hepatitis can be disturbed by a depressed mental state, skin itching, insomnia and increased irritability, as well as other signs of damage to the central nervous system. The spleen and liver will increase slightly.

Hepatitis - treatment

With proper and timely treatment, a full recovery can occur. But in some cases, acute hepatitis can turn into chronic hepatitis, and then into cirrhosis. In some cases, acute liver dystrophy may develop with acute failure, from which one can die. Patients and those infected with acute hepatitis must be hospitalized in a specialized department of the infectious diseases hospital, and sanitary-epidemiological measures must be carried out at the site of infection. Patients with toxic hepatitis must be hospitalized in the poisoning center, where they need to take measures to remove poisons from the body.

Patients with acute hepatitis must be prescribed bed rest, as well as a sparing diet with a limited amount of fat and an increased content of carbohydrates. It is imperative to consume a large number of different fruit juices. In the most severe cases, with severe vomiting and anorexia, it is necessary to inject from 5 to 10% glucose solution up to 500 milliliters by drip.

When there are signs of coma or congestion with an urgent indication, massive plasmapheresis is necessary. Using a special separator or centrifuge, it is necessary to remove 1.5-2 liters of plasma and introduce 2 liters of freshly frozen plasma. The prognosis may depend on the etiology of the disease, as well as the severity of liver damage and the timeliness of treatment.

Hepatitis - prevention

Patients with chronic hepatitis without exacerbation should follow a special diet with the exception of spicy and spicy foods, animal fats and fried foods.

It is highly recommended to use daily cottage cheese up to 100-150 g, cheese, low-fat fish in boiled form. Patients with chronic hepatitis need proper employment, there must be a restriction for severe physical exertion, and diet must be observed. Patients with aggressive hepatitis are transferred to a disability of group III or II.


Watch the video: What is Hepatitis C and Why Should You Care? (June 2024).