Birch sap: health benefits and harms. What more? The opinion of a dietitian


Birch sap is one of the most natural products that everyone has been familiar with since childhood.

The taste of nectar resembles a sweet water with a slight smack of wood. Such juice has long been very popular due to the content of useful substances and healing properties.

However, not in all cases, nectar can have a positive effect and benefit. Therefore, before use, you need to become familiar with this product.

The benefits of birch sap

Birch drink contains a large number of mineral elements, sodium, iron, copper, potassium, calcium and vitamins. Regular consumption of nectar gives the following healing effects on the human body:
• removes excess toxins and toxins;
• activates the entire immune system;
• completely tones up the body;
• heals small cuts and wounds;
• cleans the kidneys and relieves them of pebbles;
• eliminates vitamin deficiency;
• normalizes the entire digestive tract;
• fights blood diseases;
• relieves swelling on the legs and arms;
• treats cough and tonsillitis;
• normalizes heart function;
• improves brain function;
• treats benign tumors;
• reduces pressure;
• relieves headaches and migraines;
• normalizes metabolism;
• improves mood after the winter period.

For women

With constant use of birch sap:
• actually slows down the aging process;
• removes prolonged insomnia and depression;
• restores the condition of the skin, hairs and nails;
• fights with all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms;
• reduces wrinkles and rashes on the face.
During pregnancy, a birch drink is allowed to be included in the diet only if there is no allergy, and nectar itself is normally tolerated by a person. You can drink a drink at any time. In the first trimester, the drink eliminates toxicosis and saturates the body with vitamin C. And in late pregnancy, nectar normalizes weight and sugar level. The main thing is to observe the dosage. Pregnant women are allowed to consume no more than one glass per day.
During lactation, birch sap can be drunk only when the child is two months old. For the first time, it is enough to use half a glass of nectar diluted with boiled water. Further, the amount of juice can be increased only if there is no allergy. Doctors strongly recommend consuming one glass of birch sap no more than twice a week.

Birch sap also helps to lose weight faster.

To do this, it must be used in combination with certain exercises and a special diet. To lose weight, you need to drink a glass of nectar before eating. Birch drink will reduce appetite and give the body micronutrients. The main thing is to monitor your own condition. In some cases, due to the presence of glucose, a natural product, on the contrary, can increase appetite, as a result of which it will not be possible to lose weight.

For men

Strong sex is recommended to use birch sap to improve sexual function. Nutrients and nutrients of nectar normalize body weight, as well as restore metabolism in the body. With the help of these indicators, the production of testosterone, so necessary for men, is being established.

In addition, nectar:
• restores the nervous system;
• increases the level of libido;
• increases working capacity;
• facilitates the absorption of fairly heavy foods;
• relieves of an irritable state;
• relieves accumulated chronic fatigue.

For kids

Birch sap will be an excellent substitute for any carbonated drinks that children love so much. Nectar contains vitamin C, natural acids and sugar, due to this:
• reduced risk of obesity;
• tooth enamel is strengthened;
• prevents the destruction of the gastric mucosa;
• protects against acute respiratory infections;
• stimulates the production of immunity.
It is best to give children the nectar collected in early spring, since it is during this period that the child's body needs vitamins.

Reasons why you should not eat birch sap

Birch sap is a completely natural product, so it does not have any special contraindications.

Nectar does not cause serious harm to the human body.

Such juice must be carefully included in the diet for people with an ulcer in the digestive tract and urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that nectar contains diuretics and acids that can trigger an exacerbation.

Also, birch drink is not recommended for those who suffer from diabetes. Therefore, before using nectar, you need to consult a therapist. For allergy sufferers, birch sap is prohibited, as it can cause completely undesirable body reactions.

How to get a birch drink?

Active movement of the drink under the bark of trees begins in early April. Therefore, it is during this period that it is recommended to collect nectar.

In this case, you must follow the clear instructions:
1. Select the appropriate tools. To collect nectar, you will need a container, a tube, a screwdriver (if it is not there, you can use a hammer).
2. Choose a birch grove away from the carriageway, villages, villages and industrial events.
3. To obtain a birch drink, only adult trees with a trunk diameter of 20 cm should be found.
4. It is necessary to make a hole in a birch a couple of centimeters deep. After that, stick the tube cut at an acute angle.
5. From one tree you can collect only 1 liter of nectar. It is necessary to close the hole with wax or moss.

If you do not follow this instruction, the birch may die. Collected nectar can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. If you want to make a harvest, birch sap should be boiled and poured into sterilized jars. Thanks to this, nectar can be stored for six months. The main thing is to keep it in a dark and cool place.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Flaxseed - Tiny seed, nutritional powerhouse (July 2024).