Dough for pasties - the best recipes. How to cook dough for chebureks correctly and tasty.


Hot pasties even in summer, even in winter are very popular. They are sold literally on every corner.

They got accustomed so much with us that many take them for a primordially Russian dish. This is not entirely true, the recipe for their preparation came to us from the East or Asia, because This is a traditional dish of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples.

It was they who first began to fry pies with meat filling and spices in a large amount of fat.

Initially, for the pasties they used the simplest unleavened dough of the three ingredients - salt, water and flour. Since then, much has changed, today the dough is kneaded in milk, kefir, mineral water, brewed with boiling water, add vodka and eggs to it. And each mistress considers her own method of making dough the best. Try it, maybe recipes will be to your taste.

Pastry for pasties - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Dough for pasties

This recipe could be the most common, if not for one trick. Oil (or fat) is added to the dough in a very hot, almost boiling form. It is hot oil that contributes to the formation of small bubbles during frying. And to make the dough softer and more tender, ordinary water can be replaced with mineral water.

Ingredients: 4 cups flour (600 g), 0.3 l of warm water (mineral water possible), sugar and salt - 1 tsp each, without slides, 80 g of fat (margarine, vegetable oil, lard).

Cooking method

Dilute salt and sugar in warm water and add flour to it. But not all at once, but so that the dough was half-thick. To navigate - the spoon should not stand, but slowly fall if put in the dough. That's it at this stage to pour boiling oil, quickly stirring with a spoon. When the butter is mixed, you can begin to sprinkle the rest of the flour and knead to make the mass elastic. Dough should be covered so as not to wind, and left for some time - about thirty minutes. Then thinly roll and cook chebureks.

Recipe 2: Dough for pasties choux (boiling water)

A very good recipe for the test. It turns out crispy, bubbly and not at all stiff. Although it is thin, it doesn’t break at all when frying pies and is easy to roll out. Below are 2 cooking options - with and without eggs.

Ingredients (1 option): 600g flour (about 4 cups), 300 ml of water, 2 tables. spoons of any grows. Oils (flavourless), 1 egg, half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of vodka.

Cooking method

Add oil and salt to water, boil. Add flour (incomplete glass) to boiling water and mix quickly to avoid the appearance of lumps. Into the cooled mass introduce egg and vodka. When they are soaked in the dough, add the rest of the flour and knead everything well. Before rolling, let the dough stand - the more time, the better (you can leave it overnight), but not less than an hour, and fry pasties.

Ingredients (2 option): 600 g of flour, 300 ml of water, sugar and salt - without a hill for 1 teaspoon. spoon, table. a spoonful of pork fat.

Cooking method

Mix and grind all ingredients (except water) with your hands so that the flour absorbs fat. Then brew the mass with boiling water (boiling water) and mix with a spoon first, and when it cools, knead by hand. Put the dough in the cold and in an hour you can roll it.

If you do not find lard, melt ordinary bacon in a pan, chopping it finely. Remove the greaves, and use the grease when it cools down.

Recipe 3: Egg Dough for Chebureks

Chebureks made from this dough are always soft and crunchy with bubbles. And they do not crunch because of stiffness, but precisely because of the fragility of the dough. The measuring shell is the egg shell. The shell is not broken in half, but a small hole is carefully made at the top, about a centimeter in diameter, an egg is released through it and an empty container is received.

Ingredients: 6-8 shells of water, 4 eggs, 1 shell of vegetable oil, vodka - 100ml, salt, flour (how much will take to make it not too sticky, but also not a tough dough).

Cooking method

Cooking everything is very quick and easy - mix all the ingredients, knead thoroughly and place in the cold for two hours. Then you can start rolling.

Recipe 4: Dough for pasties on beer

Beer is often used in cooking - stewed meat in it, added to sauces, soups, batter. And, of course, they knead the dough, which we will do now. You can use light, dark, even non-alcoholic beer. The dough needs to be rolled out very thinly. Serve them, like any pasties, preferably hot.

Ingredients: 1 glass of beer (250 ml), 1 egg, salt, flour - 3-4 glasses.

Cooking method

Mix the beer with the egg, add a pinch of salt and flour to knead the dough. At first it turns out to be tight (solid). To make it softer, it is left to lie down for some time (a couple of hours), covered with a napkin or towel.

Recipe 5: Dough for chebureks with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese, which is part of the test, makes it unusually juicy. And chebureks turn out to be soft both hot and cooled.

Ingredients: a pack of cottage cheese (200 g), flour - 1-1.5 cups, one egg, salt, soda - 0.5 tsp, vinegar - a few drops to quench soda.

Cooking method

Knead the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork so that there are no large lumps. You can even skip through a sieve. Add the egg, salt, slaked soda (drip vinegar on it so that it hiss), mix everything. At the end, add flour and knead not tight, but not sticky dough, so that it can be rolled thinly. If the dough sticks, you can add more flour.

Pastry for pasties - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Before kneading the dough on chebureks, you need to make sure that you have more flour in stocks than according to the recipe. Firstly, it is also needed for powdering, and secondly, flour can be of different grades, grinding, quality, and in order for the dough to get the necessary consistency, it may need more (or less).

- If the pastry of the finished chebureks turned out to be very firm, put them in a pile in a pan and cover, let them stand a little and soften.

- When frying pasties, be very careful with boiling oil: you need to put and turn pies only with dry hands. If even a drop of water gets into the pan, the oil will instantly shoot and may burn.

- To make the edges of chebureks more beautiful, you can pinch them not with your hands, but with the teeth of a fork, slightly pressing down.


a little 12/25/2016
Recipe 2: The dough for pasties brewed (in boiling water) the dough is good but you need to add more flour to make the dough a little cooler and salt you need to add not half a teaspoon but a whole but also ATP for the recipe

Tatyana 11/03/2016
Thank you for the recipe ... I prepared according to the 1st recipe (with vegetable oil), though I gave mineral water (on the advice of friends), it turned out very, very tasty, airy dough, with pimples, does not absorb a lot of oil, in short, dinner was a success !!! I recommend it!

Galya 10.24.2016
Hello! A very good recipe !!! And in 1 recipe you can add a tee, or will they ruin everything?

Alla 09/23/2016
I don’t know how anyone, I ate a pound, there is no result ... :-(

Catherine 04/14/2016
The dough according to the second recipe, very elastic, easily crackes and does not absorb oil from the pan at all.


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