The benefits of burdock: properties and composition. When should you not use burdock?


Burdock is a unique plant that incorporates many useful substances and vitamins. They have a positive effect on the body, so the plant is often used for medicinal purposes. Despite all the beneficial properties and unique composition, the plant can be harmful to health.

The benefits of burdock - a unique composition and storehouse of vitamins

Burdock is the largest and real storehouse. The roots of the plant are rich in protein, essential oils, vitamins of groups B, E, A, C, P. You can also find salts of minerals, various organic acids.

For the purpose of therapy, grass roots are used and the ground part is very rarely suitable. Tea has the following effects:

• diuretic;

• laxative;

• sweatshops;

• antiflogistic.

Burdock root is a highly effective tool for normalizing metabolism, healing kidney stones and gout. Infusions and decoctions should be used for gastritis, peptic ulcer, as a blood purifying drug.

In folk medicine, burdock root helps in the treatment of such conditions and diseases:

• anemia;

• migraine;

• with poor digestion;

• hemorrhoids;

• fever;

• children's diathesis;

• purulent wounds;

• chronic constipation;

• furunculosis;

• stomatitis;

• mercury poisoning;

• sexually transmitted diseases.

Infusions from burdock root help to cope with kidney pathologies. Also indicated in island inflammatory processes. The green part of the plant is used for mastopathy. In combination with other plants, it can be used for diseases of the genital area.

The benefits of burdock in the treatment of diseases

The root of the plant contains a large amount of inulin. It is a natural substitute for insulin. That is why experts often prescribe this plant in the treatment of diabetes. In addition to the ability to lower blood sugar, inulin is also used to normalize the intestines and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from poorly digested food. Inulin is able to reduce the effects of toxic substances on the body. This, in turn, quickly and effectively eliminates the effects of alcohol intoxication.

Constant intake of burdock root reduces the risk of cancer progression. After administration, the concentration of ammonia in the intestine decreases. As a result, the progression of tumors is dulled.

Thanks to inulin, atherosclerosis can be controlled. The substance suspends the deposition of fats, waste and cell waste on the walls of capillaries. In this case, the vessels themselves do not become less elastic. After application, the blood supply to the heart muscle is enhanced. There is also an obstacle to the progression of heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, inulin acts as an anticoagulant. Blood lumps do not appear in the blood and the digestibility of magnesium is adjusted. It is necessary to activate more than 300 elements. These substances affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

When eating burdock root, the intestinal microflora returns to normal. Thanks to it, the number of beneficial bacteria increases. The grass is able to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, fungal colonies, enterobacteria, viral colonies.

Any part of the grass can be used to replace chemical immunomodulators. Broths and infusions of herbs, experts advise to use to bring to normal metabolism, activate the body's defenses, and also as a stimulant for constantly occurring diseases.

The benefits of burdock when losing weight

Burdock also found its use in weight loss. The unique healing plant improves the appearance of the skin, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, suppresses appetite and dulls hunger.

For weight loss, burdock is useful in that it makes the stool more fluid and removes all excess fluid from the tissues. The plant prevents the appearance of puffiness. Unsaturated fatty acids and inulin accelerate the metabolism and give the most important result - eliminate appetite. Therefore, after drinking the drink for a long time does not feel like eating.

In order to lose weight, you should take the roots of the plant, as well as the fruits. The root should be dug up after the first autumn frosts. It was at this time that it had the largest number of important trace elements. Since the composition contains a large amount of protein and sucrose, it should be dried as quickly as possible so that it does not ferment.

There are several recipes for using burdock for weight loss. Nutritionists recommend consuming the root not only for preparing decoctions and infusions, but also making salads. The most effective recipes are as follows:

1. Salad with the addition of plant stems. Take a couple of stems and rinse them well. After eliminating all the hard fibers and cut into small cubes. You can add ingredients to taste as well as season, but an abundance of oil and mayonnaise will not give the desired result.

2. Infusion of burdock root and chicory. A small spoon of chicory and two tablespoons of burdock root pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour. Cover the container. Filter the composition of the donkey and divide it into three parts. To use three times a day for half an hour before eating food.

3. Infusion of the spine. 3 small spoons of the root pour a cup of cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the composition, and then drink one large spoon five times a day.

4. A decoction of the roots of the plant. Pour a couple of spoons of the plant with a cup of boiling water and put on low heat for 15-20 minutes. After composition, cool and filter. Drink 50 grams 5 times a day between meals.

5. Infusion of burdock, dandelion and chicory roots. To obtain a healing composition, take one and a half teaspoons of burdock root and half the remaining components. Mix the composition well and add 0.3 l of boiling water. Pour into a saucepan and cover. Leave the potion for an hour. After filtering and taking three times a day for 50 grams.

For weight loss, drugs are used for a month. But do not take more than 30 days.

Is there any harm from burdock?

The current environmental situation leaves much to be desired. Burdock gathers along roads where the plant is treated with harmful substances, pesticides. Grass is also collected in places with a high content of salts and metals. For this reason, people are very at risk for their health.

If the beneficial properties inspired the therapy with the help of the plant, then you should plant the grass in your garden. You can also buy dried powder at the pharmacy. If you collect the plant where necessary, then this is the risk of not only benefiting, but also harm from burdock, poisoning with toxic substances.

Also, the probability of intolerance to the plant and the appearance of allergic reactions when eating grass is not excluded. If you use funds from burdock to treat hair, then usually there are no negative consequences. As a food product, burdock can provoke a terrible runny nose, constant sneezing, redness of the mucous membranes and other unpleasant symptoms.

Burdock also has a strong metabolic unwinding effect. It is not recommended to use it together with caffeine, green tea and other stimulants. When using a plant, you just need to follow the dosage and follow all the doctor's recommendations. In this case, the burdock does not harm health.


Watch the video: Healing Magic of Burdock - Health Benefits of the Incredible Burdock Root (July 2024).