How to wake up so that the morning is good. Do I need an alarm clock, shower and coffee: how can I replace them?


Wake up gradually reach out and the body will already begin to produce endorphins. Yawn - it will be a kind of breathing exercises. Nice and helpful to keep by the bed something delicious. Immediately after waking up, chew, for example, a toffee and the brain will understand that it is time to wake up and have breakfast. According to the method of Japanese Buddhists, you can also immediately after awakening drink a glass of cool water.

Helps wake up positive attitude. Call a friend or parents, cheer them up. Smile at last. It’s not scary if the smile turns out to be strained, the signal that “everything is fine” will still work in the brain.

Those who do not hear in the morning alarm clock, unite on thematic sites and wake each other up with calls from different parts of the country.

The inquisitiveness of the mind gives rise to strange methods of ascent, for example, pushing oneself out of bed. They say that over time, a reflex is developed to fall out of bed at the sound of an alarm clock. The main thing is to take care of a soft landing in advance.

There are ways and more radical. For example, have a pet. A hungry cat can wake anyone, and a well-fed cat purrs you in a good mood for the whole day ahead.

Or try to program two alarms. Let one lie next to the bed and play a pleasant melody. You can turn it off and sleep for another minute. Install the second louder and put in the bathroom. Let him play a melody that he wants to quickly turn off. In the morning, the most difficult thing is to get to the shower, and you will do it automatically. On the way, turn on the light and open the window, and immediately after the bath procedures, remove the bed so that there is no temptation to lie down on the track.

So, we are already in the bathroom, but still sleeping. Remember the tip about cold and hot shower? You can do without it. If in the morning to get under cold water the blood circulation will improve a little, but you will not get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. It is more useful to soak up a hot shower, and when the body warms up, you can make the water cooler.

Cheer up citrus or mint shower gel. And if you add coffee grounds to it, morning bath procedures will become even more effective, because caffeine is easily absorbed through the skin. Wake up the brain and a little morning exercises. While brushing your teeth, remember a poem or try count in mind three-digit numbers.

Cheered up, and now it's time energize. Surprisingly, a hearty breakfast helps to lose weight - you soothe your appetite, and the calories you burn are quickly burned. Instead of tea or coffee, you can brew ginger root. To do this, just rub it on a grater, pour boiling water and add honey and lemon to taste. Such a drink saves from colds, tones up, promotes blood supply to the brain and relieves fatigue. If you can not imagine a morning without coffee, follow the tradition. In the morning it is better to drink it with cream. It turns out a very substantial and nutritious breakfast - it was not in vain that coffee with cream was considered a separate dish for a long time, and not a drink. The main thing is that it be hot.

Temperature, it also matters. And either you take energy from yourself while eating something cold, or you take energy from yourself while eating something hot. If you want to get an energy boost of vigor, then it should be something sweeter, fatter, warmer and more fortified.

Want something exotic? Make a Texas Cowboy Recipe Breakfast. In a glass of tomato juice, add a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. You can add a sandwich to the drink: put an omelet and a thin slice of roasted beef in a baguette. After such a breakfast, sleep will be removed as if by hand.

And for those who are not used to having breakfast, there is a recipe for the morning “mojito”: in the evening pour half the lemon or lime in boiling water and add the mint leaves. Hot tea will produce exotic tea, and cold tea will produce a tonic.

And eat mint candy on the track. And now really - good morning!


Watch the video: How to wake up at 5AM everyday & not feel tired. 5 Tips on waking up early (July 2024).