Shins in mayonnaise - you can’t imagine a simpler recipe! Cooking the most delicious chicken drumsticks in mayonnaise with pepper, potatoes, apples


Shanks in mayonnaise - a universal dish, beloved by the hostesses for their taste, satiety, accessibility of products and the easy process of preparing the ingredients and directly preparing the dish. The shanks in mayonnaise are good both at a family dinner, and at a meeting with friends or a festive table. They can be served as a hearty snack, as the main component of a hot dish with a side dish of vegetables and cereals.

Shins in mayonnaise - general principles

The set of products for the basic recipe is minimal: the drumsticks themselves, mayonnaise, salt, spices.

Get the shins of the same size so that they are both marinated and baked. Rinse the selected legs thoroughly, dry. After that, boldly proceed either to pickling, or directly to heat treatment.

Chicken meat is soft and does not require long soaking. Therefore, if you decide to marinate the drumsticks, you just need to mix the mayonnaise with your favorite spices and herbs, put the legs in this mass and let them stand in the marinade for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

You can significantly speed up the process by carefully rubbing the legs with a similar mixture. For great taste, in this case, it is recommended to make small incisions in the legs.

Mayonnaise I use both store and home. In addition, herbs, oregano, cardamom, garlic, curry, a mixture of peppers are most often laid - there are no restrictions, chicken meat is combined with almost all spices.

The dish will turn out much more satisfying if you add vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes and others. The shanks in mayonnaise with prunes, dried apricots, apples are interesting and unusual.

Most often, an oven is used for cooking. But no less tasty is obtained in a pan, in a slow cooker, in a microwave. And the barbecue on the grill from the legs in mayonnaise goes beyond all praise.

1. Drumsticks in mayonnaise with spices


15 chicken drumsticks;

salt, hot pepper and black allspice powder - 15 g each;

thyme, turmeric - 15 g each;

mayonnaise - 80 g;

vegetable oil for greasing the pan;

half a bunch of parsley.

Cooking method:

Wash the legs thoroughly.

We put the prepared legs in a deep large bowl.

In a clean plate, mix red, black pepper, thyme and turmeric, rub all the drumsticks with this mixture.

Coat the shins with mayonnaise and leave with the lid closed in the refrigerator for half a day.

Put the pickled chicken drumsticks on a deep greased baking sheet, put in a hot oven and bake for 45 minutes at a moderate temperature.

When serving, spread the legs on a portioned dish, decorate with dill sprigs.

2. Shanks in mayonnaise, baked with vegetables


4 chicken drumsticks;

5 medium potato tubers;

1 tomato;

1 zucchini;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

20 g mayonnaise;

salt - 25 g;

vegetable oil - 30 ml;

spices for chicken dishes, spices for vegetables - 20 g each;

half a bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

Put the drumsticks in a deep bowl, salt, coat with mayonnaise, let it marinate for 40 minutes.

Spread the drumsticks in a deep greased baking sheet.

Peel, rinse, cut the potatoes into small slices, cut the carrots into slices, and the onion into thin strips, spread the vegetables on top on the drumsticks.

Cut the washed tomato and zucchini into rings and spread on top of the onions with carrots.

Sprinkle the entire contents of the pan with spices, pour over sunflower oil.

We put the baking sheet in a preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes at a not very high temperature.

Every 20 minutes, open the oven, prick the vegetables with a fork to check their readiness.

Serve on a serving plates, 2 pieces per serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

3. Shanks in mayonnaise, baked with apple


8 chicken drumsticks;

5 onions;

mayonnaise - 1 glass;

9% vinegar - 30 ml;

seasoning for meat - 20 g;

allspice black powder, salt - a pinch;

1 red apple

oil for greasing the frying sheet.

Cooking method:

Put the prepared drumsticks in a large bowl.

Cut the peeled onion into strips, knead it a little with your hands and put it in a cup to the lower legs.

We put mayonnaise, pour in the vinegar, sprinkle with seasonings, stir well, leave the shins to marinate for half an hour.

I’m washing my apple, cut the core together with the seeds, cut into small pieces.

Put marinated drumsticks on the prepared pan, put apple slices on top.

Put the pickled onions on the apple and lightly water the entire contents of the pan with the marinade.

We send to the oven for one hour at a temperature of 190 degrees.

During baking, every 20 minutes, open the oven door and pour the shin with marinade.

Serve the prepared drumsticks in mayonnaise marinade on portioned plates, next to it we put a side dish of stewed vegetables, sprinkle with herbs.

4. Drumsticks in mayonnaise and Tabasco sauce


6 chicken drumsticks;

basil greens - half a bouquet;

Tabasco sauce - 30 ml;

chives - half a bunch;

mayonnaise - 30 g;

sugar - 15 g;

parsley - 5 branches;

For Tabasco sauce:

fresh chili pepper - 3 pods;

5 tomatoes;

onion head;

wine vinegar - 30 ml;

garlic - 5 cloves;

sugar, salt - 20 g each;

parsley - 3 stalks.

Cooking method:

First of all, prepare the Tabasco sauce: cut the chili into two halves, remove the seeds, cut into small crumbs or grind in a special mortar. Pour the tomatoes for some time with hot water to make it easier to peel, cut the flesh into a small cube. My greens, finely chopped, grind the garlic in a garlic press. We grind all prepared ingredients in a blender to a homogeneous dense mass. We lubricate the metal container with sunflower oil and pour the prepared slurry into it. Put a little chopped parsley in this gruel, put on low heat and cook until the mass thickens, about 20 minutes. Three minutes before the sauce is ready, pour in the vinegar, pour salt and sugar, mix well, boil for another two minutes and remove from heat.

We wash the chives, basil, cut into a small cube.

Mix the prepared sauce with mayonnaise, add a little sugar, salt, add the prepared chives and basil.

In the marinade, spread the washed and dried shins, mix and leave for half an hour.

We cut the foil into small squares, wrap one pickled drumstick in each, put on a sheet, put in the oven for 40 minutes at a moderate temperature.

A few minutes before readiness, open the oven, slightly unfold the foil and bake.

Serve the finished drumsticks on a portioned dish, garnishing with parsley leaves.

5. Drumsticks in mayonnaise in a pan with cheese


half a kilogram of chicken drumsticks;

garlic - 5 cloves;

30 g mayonnaise;

seasoning for meat dishes, black pepper, salt - 25 g each;

frying oil - half a glass;

a small piece of hard cheese;

dill - 4 stalks.

Cooking method:

Wash the legs and rub with salt and black pepper.

Spread the drumsticks on a hot oil in a frying pan, fry on both sides until crisp.

Peel the garlic, rinse, pass through the garlic press.

We dilute the garlic gruel with a glass of filtered water and pour the drumsticks with this liquid.

Lubricate the drumsticks with mayonnaise and again spread on a hot pan and fry on low heat until cooked.

Sprinkle with cheese a few minutes before the end of the frying.

Serve on a flat dish, sprinkled with chopped dill.

6. Drumsticks in mayonnaise with lemon juice


7 chicken legs;

juice of one lemon;

50 g mayonnaise;

black pepper, salt - a pinch;

frying oil - half a glass;

half a bunch of fresh parsley and dill.

Cooking method:

Put the lower legs in a bowl, add salt, and pepper.

Pour lemon juice into the drumsticks, put the mayonnaise, mix, let it marinate for 40 minutes in the refrigerator.

We heat the pan by pouring sunflower oil, spread the drumsticks and fry until crust on one side and the other on a small fire.

Serve the fried drumsticks on a serving plates, two pieces per serving, sprinkle with herbs, put mashed potatoes or any other side dish next to it.

Shins in mayonnaise - secrets and tricks

Making the shins get an appetizing crust, while not remaining raw inside, is easy. When baking drumsticks in mayonnaise in the oven, cover them with foil, removing it 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Frying the shins in a pan, cover them with a lid, which you will also need to remove at the end.

If you want a cheese crust, sprinkle with cheese chips shank 5 minutes before cooking. Choose high-quality cheese of hard or semi-hard varieties that will stretch after melting.

Vegetables added to the legs can be pickled with chicken, or you can sprinkle with oil separately and sprinkle with salt and pepper. All the ingredients are laid out together.

Since the dish turns out to be quite high-calorie, it is recommended to serve light side dishes to the legs: for example, stewed, steamed, fresh or canned vegetables. Shin is also good in mayonnaise with buckwheat, rice, chickpeas. You can use salads of fresh vegetables, herbs, herbs, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil of the first extraction or low-fat sour cream as a side dish.

Any recipe presented here is suitable not only for drumsticks, but also for other parts of the chicken: thighs, legs, wings. Good appetite.


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