April 2018 lunar haircut calendar: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair coloring


The April mood is arousal, a premonition of imminent warmth and enjoyment of the bright sun. Many girls plan experiments with hair that is tired of hats and constant stress during the winter for this month.

Astrologers advise carefully studying the tips of the April lunar calendar of haircuts in order to maintain a positive attitude and not spoil the hair before the summer season.

The main lunar events of April

• the full moon will happen on April 30;

• the "losing weight" moon is visible in the night sky from the 1st to the 15th;

• the new moon will occur on April 16th;

• The lunar disk will grow from April 17th to 29th.

In the full moon, you can do anything with curls: cut your hair, trim the tips, sneak or do perm. The potential of this day is so high that harm to the health of the hair will not happen, and even the most complex haircuts will succeed. It is important to take into account the energy of the day so as not to spoil your mood for several months in advance.

April 2018 lunar haircut calendar - hair curl

One of the most cardinal procedures, perm is still popular, despite the high invasiveness for hair rods. And this is not surprising: curled curls look romantic and stunningly feminine. Thanks to the "chemistry" can radically change the image.

So that the chemical composition does not spoil the curls, choose the right curl days. It will be successful in the days of the moon moving through the zodiac of Virgo: from April 25 to April 27. Hair will retain vibrant elasticity and shine.

But on the days of the royal Leo, only owners of tough and naughty curls can schedule a curl. The “Lion period” in April will last only two days, on the 23rd and 24th. Girls with normal-structure hair cannot be curled these days: the curl will turn out very cool, because Leo enhances the waviness of the hair.

Water signs of the zodiac adversely affect the hair rods during the curling process. Refuse the procedure on such days:

• from the 2nd to the 4th of April (Scorpio);

• April 10th, 11th (Aquarius);

• April 12-14th (Pisces);

• April 21st and 22nd (Cancer).

Tip: wash your hair after chemistry with special gentle technology. You can dilute the shampoo with water, pour into a sprayer and apply not to all curls, but only to wet roots. When you wash your hair, the product will spread over all the hair rods and clean them without additional friction.

April 2018 lunar haircut calendar - hair coloring

Many women constantly tint their hair or regrowth once a month. That is why it is important to choose the right day for this procedure, especially since it is carried out more often.

The easiest way to outline staining for the full moon or the period of growing up of a young moon sickle. Aggressive chemistry will damage the locks less. In April, this is the period from April 17 to April 30. Caution will not hurt on the 13th lunar day (April 27th), when a negative effect on the staining result is possible.

You can positively influence your life with the help of the staining procedure if you outline it on the following days:

• April 4, you can dare to experiment to attract strong and clean energy of new opportunities;

• 7th lighter (compared to natural) shade will attract good people and cheer up;

• On the 8th, the financial situation will improve;

• 9th mood;

• 13th, 29th staining will bring pleasure and increase self-esteem;

• 16th can be dyed with natural dyes (chemical can burn vulnerable hair);

• On the 17th, 25th natural dyes of henna basma will maintain healthy hair and strengthen relationships with others;

• the 18th staining with natural vegetable paint will strengthen the financial situation;

• on the 19th, 21st, 26th, 27th staining will bring joy, good luck and improve understanding with family and colleagues;

• The 30th staining in a darker color will protect from trouble.

Hold off with staining need April 6, 11, 15, 20, 22 (a quarrel or a major conflict is possible), April 28 (the state of health will worsen).

Tip: when choosing a color, be careful. Black color rarely goes to someone, besides aging. Brunettes are unlikely to face red shades - they do not harmonize with the skin tone.

April 2018 lunar haircut calendar - auspicious days for haircuts

Any easy or complex haircut spent on the right day will not only bring pleasure. It can positively affect health, strengthen relationships and even increase wealth.

To get the expected result, need to schedule a visit to the salon on the days of the passage of the night through the houses of friendly signs:

• Virgin (April 25th, 26th, 27th);

• Taurus (April 17th, 18th);

• Capricorn (April 7th, 8th, 9th);

• Gemini (April 19th, 20th).

By scheduling a haircut for these numbers, you will get real pleasure from your updated look and make your curls healthier.

In addition, astrologers recommend taking into account the general trends of the lunar day, as they allow you to combine a haircut and the introduction of positive changes in your life:

• April 3 is a favorable day for haircuts;

• On the 7th, 8th of April, a haircut will make the mood great, and also strengthen health;

• 13th will improve well-being and strengthen relationships with colleagues, friends and relatives;

• the 15th promises well-being and joy;

• 19th improves mental state, relieves depression and even strengthens the sphere of finance;

• on the 22nd of the 26th haircut or trimming of the tips will lengthen life, give the image an attractiveness;

• The 28th will improve hair condition and relationships with loved ones.

An ambiguous day for a haircut is April 29th. The procedure can spoil the mood, reduce tone, but at the same time can attract luck and money.

Tip: To turn a short office hairstyle into a good option for a party, you can either comb your hair smoothly back and fix it with gel, or shake it in youth style. In the latter case, you need to focus on individual strands using colored chalk or tint foam, and raise the entire volume of hair at the roots and fix with varnish.

April 2018 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

It is believed that cutting the tips and spinning wheels during the descending period of the lunar disk is not worth it: hair will grow slowly. However, this feature must be borne in mind by those who cut their hair short and want to keep their haircut shape longer. In addition, the roots of the hair cut at this time become stronger, the hair stops falling out and generally heals.

Unfavorable days for the procedure are considered the period when the beautiful moon is resting in the zodiacs:

• Scorpio (2-4, then April 29 and 30);

• Aries (April 15, 16);

• Aquarius (April 9-11);

• Sagittarius (April 5,6).

If you schedule a haircut these days, your hair condition may get worse. They will become brittle, weak, dull. It is possible that the master will fall out of hand, and visiting the salon will not bring joy.

Based on the recommendations of the astrological calendar, you should not assign a haircut for the following days:

• April 1 will cause a headache, provoke setbacks and even injury;

• 2nd, 5th worsen health, attract failure;

• 4th, 10th worsen well-being;

• 6th will spoil the mood;

• on the 9th, 20th, 21st will lead to a breakdown, quarrels with others;

• on the 11th will worsen the health of the hair, reduce immunity, counting part of the vital energy;

• 12th will cause depression;

• the 14th will shorten life;

• 17th for a long time spoil the hair;

• on the 18th will disrupt plans;

• on the 23rd, 24th, 25th provokes illnesses;

• on the 27th will cause failure, worsen the state of health;

• The 30th threatens injuries, headache, failure.

On April days, you need to be especially careful when choosing a day for a cardinal change of image, as well as for the usual care routine.

You can trust yourself on adverse days only to a very experienced or permanent master. A lunar haircut calendar will help you choose the best day for a visit to the salon or do it yourself home dyeing.


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting. Thicker Hair. YVONNI (June 2024).