How to return a husband to a family counseling psychologist


During the life of fate prepares the couple, not one test. Life, everyday problems dry up feelings, habit kills passionate relationships. And so, the rupture of relations, the husband leaves the family!

How to return the beloved spouse in the family

The break in relations is not the end, but only a stop, an opportunity to look at your family and yourself from the outside. To realize how much you love your spouse, or just the habit does not allow you to leave your outdated relationship. Sergei Kalmov and his series of articles will help to understand in more detail his relationship.

If the husband has left his usual home, and you are ready to fight for your family, then I suggest the method “how to return the husband to the family”:

1. Calmly discuss the options for further existence (especially if you have children together), if emotions allow, calmly discuss the reasons for the rupture of the marital bond.

2. In no case, do not sacrifice yourself, do not need to look for reasons in yourself and explain what happened, with your failure, in any sphere. Guilt, not the most constructive feeling to create a happy family. Remember that any result of your actions carries experience, and some semantic load. Respect the decision of your spouse.

3. Pause. Even if you really want to know how a husband lives without you, do not pursue him, do not call about and for no reason. Leave it alone. Be sure, even if the spouse has gone to a rival, he still has a "soul ache" and he is torn by doubts and guilt feelings. As you are used to “your” husband, so he is used to you and the children.
Let him get bored!

4. Try to lead a normal life in an unusual way. Allow yourself freedom and enjoy it. To remove the emotional stress well fit yoga, swimming. In addition to emotional balance, these activities will help to bring themselves in order. Visit the beauty salon more often, change your usual style!

Return the husband in one day, get rid of the painful feelings of resentment after the betrayal of her husband, will help the book "How to return her husband and save the family." You can download it without registration, for free.

The next step in restoring a love relationship will be the emotional attachment of the husband to the wife.

How to revive love - advice to the wife from the psychologist

Even Tibetan monks described the method of emotional infection of a person at a distance. So, to revive love, we need emotional promises only positive content. Therefore, this method should be carried out in a good mood.

1. Sit comfortably on the floor, you can in the lotus position, or pushing your knees under you.

2. Hands, palms up to the top, fully stretch your palms.

3. Mentally introduce your loved one, and send him your tenderness and warmth. Imagine that you are going to meet each other, slowly coming closer and hugging.

4. Mentally call him home, tell me how you are waiting for him.
Follow this technique daily, and you will see that after a while you will be convinced or he will call, be ready!

His advice offers Maria Kalinina, a family psychologist, whose lessons can be viewed on YouTube for free.

Feelings and passion in relationships

Over time, even the brightest and passionate feelings fade, the sex life becomes not so bright, and the interest of the spouses to each other fades away. The mid-life crisis adds fuel to the fire (here and there is a ruler).

Special courses and trainings on the disclosure of sexuality in themselves will help to preserve passion in relationships. To get acquainted with the trainings, some trainers hold the first lesson for free. Having a similar course, you just notice the changes in the quality of sexual life.
Save feelings and carry them through life is possible only with mutual respect and acceptance of not only the merits, but also the shortcomings of their spouses.

Diana Scherbanskaya is an experienced psychologist, a trainer of courses on the development of her sexuality.

How to return a husband to family prayers quickly

There are other ways to return your beloved husband home, it can be techniques for fulfilling desires from psychologists with international practice, prayers to saints, conspiracies and love spells.

How to return the husband to the family from his mistress at home

This can help SYMORON technicians. What is Simoron? It is possible to give a definition - miracle positive thinking. I will give a few techniques Simoron:

1. Technique "Rename". Allows you to be who you want to be at the moment. Look out the window - "I'm a sunny bunny." Make tea, "I am a sweet sugar." At the same time a great mood is guaranteed!
2. Simoron dances, these movements resemble shamanic magic. Dance freely, mentally making a wish, let the universe do the magic.
3. Peace - an endless gift! Allow yourself to be free, loved, rich, sincerely desire, and the Universe will surely reward you according to your faith!

Another mystery of the return of her husband from his mistress is a conspiracy and love spell. The strongest ritual items are hair, your wedding ring and your husband's personal belongings. At the heart of the conspiracy are techniques of emotional transference, and visualization. You can inspire melancholy, call your husband home, cause sexual desire by concentrating on one of the above items and transfer your message to your husband mentally.

How to return a husband home a prayer from the Matron

A pretty strong prayer, reading it daily, the success of the family connection is guaranteed.

Seeing the abundant river of miracles and healings, the grace of God flowing from you: walking the lame, relaxed and on the bed lying healing, possessed by the spirits of malice liberation, rush to you, mother, supposedly to the source of miracles inexhaustible, suffering and sick and wake for consolation and healing, with a tender heart, cry to thee: Rejoice, righteous woman, sent down from God to us; Rejoice, healer, all our afflictions healing. Rejoice, helping us with the edifying advice; Rejoice, all our doubts and perplexities are soon resolving. Rejoice, thou hast cast out demons from the afflicted; Rejoice, right path, leading to God, instructing. Rejoice, blessed old woman Matrono, the predatory miracle worker.


Watch the video: Psycho Family Therapy (June 2024).