Vitamin E: the benefits and harms of beauty vitamin. Secrets to Using Vitamin E with Health Benefits


It is customary to talk about the benefits of vitamin E in connection with the rejuvenation of the body and the beauty of the skin. But negative information has recently appeared: scientists said that tocopherol can cause cancer. Whom to believe and is vitamin E useful?

For what and in what dosage is vitamin E responsible

Conflicting information about tocopherol is alarming. However, do not rush from one extreme to another: let's figure out why the body needs this substance.

Vitamin E (another name is tocopherol) is one of the most important substances, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. If the concentration of tocopherol is low, problems begin in all major systems and internal organs.

This vitamin is especially important for women:

• along with folic acid, it contributes to both the safe conception and the safe bearing of the child;

• The benefits of vitamin E are to normalize the menstrual cycle, increase libido;

• The normal content of the substance contributes to the overall healing of the whole organism.

However, for men, the value of tocopherol is great. This substance contributes to the normal production of sperm, and if they are deficient, it increases the number of viable specimens. With tocopherol deficiency in the male half of the world, interest in sex is reduced, and sperm production is reduced.

If a woman experiences a deficiency of vitamin E, she complains of increased climacteric syndrome (emotional instability, bad mood or sudden jumps, sweating), vaginal dryness, and cycle disruption. A pregnant woman may experience complications, so vitamin E protects the unborn baby from the negative environment.

There are common consequences for tocopherol deficiency for men and women:

• destruction of muscle tissue up to the development of skeletal muscle dystrophy;

• reduction of personal protection, frequent colds and illnesses.

How much vitamin E is required for the normal course of physiological processes in the body? Scientists have calculated the following rates of daily intake of a substance into the human body:

• children under the age of 14 - from 6 to 12 mg;

• adult women and men - 12 mg;

• pregnant and lactating women - 16 mg.

The body needs to receive vitamin daily. Otherwise, there will be a deficit. So carefully read the compositions of those vitamin-mineral complexes that you are taking.

Where is contained

Chemical vitamins from a pharmacy are a mysterious thing. Many scientists believe that the value is small, since only natural substances are perceived by the body as it should, and artificially created ones are of no use (and this is at best). So to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin E for the benefit of the body it is necessary in a more familiar way for him - with food.

The main source of vitamin E is edible vegetable oils, but only unrefined ones. It can be not only sunflower or olive oil, but also soybean, sesame, and flax oil. By eating just a spoon a day, we prevent total cell destruction. True, the entire value of the oil is preserved only if it was not subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, they need to season cereals and salads in the cold.

The good news is that tocopherol is also found in many foods that can be easily found in our kitchen. The list is as follows:

• eggs;

• whole milk;

• seeds;

• nuts;

• cereals;

• beef liver;

• butter;

• fresh herbs;

• spinach, radish, salad;

• potatoes, carrots;

• broccoli;

• avocado;

• sardines, salmon and other oily fish.

Vitamin E is well absorbed from natural products. Therefore, you need to properly plan your daily diet with an eye to enriching the body with tocopherol. Vitamin E can be harmful in extremely rare cases, and even then with artificial diet supplementation with synthetic vitamins.

Vitamin E Benefits

The main function of tocopherol is to enrich the blood with oxygen by protecting red blood cells - blood cells containing hemoglobin. Vitamin E, among other things, dilutes blood, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.

As a powerful antioxidant substance, tocopherol reduces the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the benefits of vitamin E are not limited to its ability to delay the onset of old age. A wonderful substance helps a person cope with other ailments:

• reduces the development of Alzheimer's disease by more than 30 percent;

• protects the lungs;

• reduces the risk of prostate cancer;

• normalizes the reproductive system;

• positively affects the endocrine system, which allows you to more effectively fight diabetes and asthma;

• reduces the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells.

Tocopherol is prescribed for hormone production disorders, for increased physical exertion, after chemotherapy and abdominal operations, for the pancreas, gall bladder and liver, for the treatment of alcoholism and nervous system diseases, for the treatment of cataracts.

Tocopherol is also indispensable for preserving the beauty of the skin. It prevents the appearance of senile age spots, deep skin creases and fine wrinkles, preserves the strength of nails and gives a vibrant shine to the hair. In addition, vitamin E protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Can Vitamin E Harm

If you do not exceed the recommended intake of tocopherol by the doctors, vitamin E will not do any harm. This substance is completely non-toxic. However, you should always remember that any medicine can turn into poison if you exceed the dosage.

Symptoms of excess tocopherol:

• nausea;

• diarrhea;

• flatulence;

• increase in pressure;

• internal bleeding;

• liver enlargement;

• bleeding disorder;

• skin allergic manifestations (rash, itching, urticaria).

It is dangerous to exceed the dose in the first weeks of pregnancy, since the harm of vitamin E to the fetus can be fatal: cause congenital heart disease.

With the simultaneous administration of tocopherol and steroids, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac), the effect of the latter is enhanced. Vitamin E may also be harmful if used together with iron preparations (anticoagulants). In addition, tocopherol tablets are not compatible with drugs for pressure.

Extreme care should be taken when taking tocopherol in the presence of the following diseases:

• myocardial infarction;

• cardiosclerosis;

• thromboembolism.

Scientists have found that smoking, frequent consumption of fatty foods negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system. However, taking tocopherol in tablet form did not improve the condition of these people. Therefore, it is not worth hoping that vitamin E will reduce the harm of fat and nicotine to the lungs, liver, stomach.

Treated with tocopherol, of course, is impossible. But as a prophylactic, as prescribed by a doctor, this substance will provide serious support to the immune system.


Watch the video: All About Vitamin from Vitamin E Benefits and More. Why is Vitamins for Skin Important (July 2024).