All methods of propagation of geraniums at home. Suitable dates for breeding, seedling preparation and care


Pelargonium or everyone’s favorite geranium today is represented by many varieties that differ in color, size and shape of inflorescences. This flower takes its rightful place not only on the windowsill, but also on the flowerbed. However, the decorativeness of geraniums quickly disappears, the bush requires constant care and attention. Lush flowering pleases only a young plant, so it is important to know how to propagate geraniums in order to preserve its decorative qualities.

When is better and how to propagate geraniums

At home, planting pelargonium is very simple - it is an unpretentious plant that is well rooted. There are several main ways:

• cuttings;

• leaf propagation;

• sowing seeds;

• division of an adult bush.

The choice of breeding method depends on the variety and the needs of the grower. You can propagate the flower all year round, but in winter it is better to give it a rest. And in the spring or summer to get to work.

Winter reproduction is difficult, pelargonium will need to be illuminated with phytolamps. Indeed, for successful rooting, lighting is required for at least 12 hours a day.

How to propagate geraniums by cuttings

All grades of geranium can be cutted - this is a reliable method that gives a 100% result. The main thing is to know all the subtleties of the process.

1. Royal pelargonium is cut only in spring or summer, rooting cuttings better in the ground.

2. Zone geranium is propagated almost all year round. Root shoots in the sand with peat.

3. Fragrant pelargonium is best rooted in water in early spring.

4. Ivy-shaped or ampelous geraniums are cut in spring and autumn.

On cuttings choose even shoots from the top of the bush, the length of which is no more than 12 cm. The lower cut is made directly under the kidney, then roots will develop there. It must be direct. A couple of leaves are left on the cuttings, all the rest are removed. The slice is dried outdoors for several hours. Next, the cuttings are prepared for rooting; for this, they are kept in a solution of a growth stimulant or dusted with the Kornevin preparation. Root shoots in any convenient way.

Important! Cuttings are cut only from healthy plants, whose age is at least two years.

Method of rooting geranium cuttings in water

In order to root shoots in water, you should take a transparent container. Water is used thawed or rain, it should reach only the first kidney, otherwise the stalk will decay.

During rooting, the liquid is periodically added or changed. When the roots reach 5 cm - geraniums are planted in the soil.

Rooting cuttings in the ground

However, experienced gardeners recommend rooting geranium directly in the soil. First, a suitable substrate is made from a mixture of peat, sand and perlite. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

Rooting is carried out in small glasses, which are filled with loose soil. Be sure to make drainage holes. Prepared cuttings are buried 3-4 cm. To stimulate root formation, seedlings are kept in greenhouse conditions, but not in direct sunlight. Shoots are regularly watered and aired.

Important! It takes up to two weeks to root.

How to propagate geranium leaf

Few people know that you can breed a favorite sort of pelargonium with a leaf. The method is similar to grafting:

• large leaves are cut with a sharp knife;

• petioles are treated with Kornevin;

• sheet platinum is cut in half.

Next, the leaf is planted in loose soil and placed in a greenhouse. Rooting takes a little longer than when grafting.

Sowing seeds is an effective method of propagating geraniums

The seed propagation method is longer, but the seedlings are viable, bloom profusely and for a long time, so it is worth tinkering. To see the flowering bush in the summer - sowing is done in December. Loose soil is selected, placed in a container and compacted. Next, they begin to sow:

• seeds are laid out at a distance of 5 cm;

• sprinkled with washed sand;

• cover with glass or bag.

The container is regularly ventilated, the soil is sprayed from the spray. Germinate seeds at a temperature of 22 - 25 ° C. After emergence, the seedlings are transferred to a cool place and grown for three weeks, then dive into separate containers.

Advice! So that the seeds germinate faster - they are treated with a growth stimulator and subjected to stratification. For this, the seeds are kept for some time on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Reproduction of adult geranium by division of the bush

Refreshing an adult bush of pelargonium will help dividing the bush during transplantation. However, this method is most traumatic for the plant, the roots may not tolerate the transplant. You need to act carefully:

• the bush is pulled out of the pot, the excess soil is shaken off;

• the rhizome is cut into several parts with a sharp knife;

• Old shoots are cut and thrown away.

Each new delenka should contain replacement buds that will give young shoots. Planting a bush is done in a standard way.

What to do with geranium cuttings after rooting

You can judge the success of rooting when pelargonium leaves new leaves. Then the flower is transplanted into a new container for further cultivation. The earth lump is completely preserved.

The pot is chosen a little more spacious than the previous one. In a large capacity, geranium will not give buds for a long time, but will spend energy on building roots. To form a bush, pinch tops of shoots.

Pelargonium is grown in a bright place without drafts. Watered sparingly to avoid root rot. It is not necessary to spray the bush, pelargonium does not tolerate this. But fertilizing during the growing season is a must. Use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.


Watch the video: How to Propagate Bougainvillea from Cuttings (July 2024).