Madonna and Sean Pen: are they together again?


Western media are vying to say that Madonna is tired of her boyfriend Brahim Zebat. After a vacation in Paris, the singer along with her daughter Lourdes, the relationship between the lovers finalist went wrong. Nearby stars claim that they have not seen Brahim and Madonna together since the end of summer.

While Brahim is looking for a new passion, Madonna decided to renew relations with her ex-husband, actor and director Sean Penn. The source reports that the couple are happy with each other. In addition to friendship and sympathy, the couple is also united by a common cause - charity work. It is too early to say that Penn and Madonna are a full-fledged couple, since the singer has not officially broken her previous relationship. But Sean and Madonna visit the same center of Kabbalah together, and this already says something.


Watch the video: Madonna - Live To Tell Official Music Video (July 2024).