January 1: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays 1st January

New Year

Without a doubt, this holiday can be called the most anticipated and, if you like, mysterious, the New Year is always filled with cheerfulness and enchantment. This day is celebrated in all countries of the world, each nation has its own special traditions of holding this wonderful holiday. New Year can rightly be considered the most extensive international holiday. For the first time, the custom to celebrate the New Year appeared in Mesopotamia. According to scientists, the first celebration of the new year was made in the 3rd millennium BC. This holiday tradition was associated with landownership, which began in late March after the arrival of water in the Tigris and Euphrates. This event was celebrated for twelve days, organized by various processions, colorful carnivals and masquerades. According to tradition, it was forbidden to work and conduct legal proceedings on the holiday. Over time, the tradition of celebrating New Year has become increasingly popular. The Jews who were held captive by Babylon adopted this tradition, from the Jews this custom passed to the Greeks, and then the New Year came to the peoples of Western Europe. During the introduction by Julius Caesar of the new calendar, which is now called Julian, January 1 became the first day of the new year. The ancient Romans considered this day to be very favorable for undertakings in any sphere of life, sacrificed that day to the two-faced god Janus, and laid the foundation for major events.

Cameroon Independence Day

This day is considered very important in the history of the country. Independence Day is a celebration of reverence and pride for the entire population of Cameroon. This country was given independence a few months earlier than Nigeria. Therefore, residents of the British units were given the right to choose the territory that they would like to belong to Nigeria or independent Cameroon. The population of the prichadsky region remained under the leadership of Nigeria, and the people who lived in the western territory wanted to change their citizenship and joined the new independent state. Nowadays, Cameroon Independence Day is celebrated cheerfully solemnly and luxuriously. Cameroon on January 1 holds a variety of parade processions, which must be attended by officials and party leaders. Schoolchildren and famous music and dance groups also take part in parades. According to tradition, various cultural and entertainment programs and useful informational events are held on this day.

Cuba Liberation Day

January 1 is the day of the overthrow of the dictatorial regime of Batista and the country's entry onto the path of socialism. On this festive day, Cuba’s television and radio broadcasts a brief excursion into the history of the state: “In 1952, General Batista staged a coup and overthrew the legitimate president Prio Socarras. The long-term, dictatorial rule of General Batista began. With the first decisions, the dictator canceled the Constitution, dissolved parliament, tore everything apart relations with the countries of the socialist camp and canceled the next presidential election: The economic policy of the Batista government was aimed at assimilating the country's economy with large American capital.In 1953, a group of young patriots led by F. Castro attempted a coup d'etat by attacking the military barracks. , many of his members were killed or executed, Castro was sentenced to 15 years in prison.In 1955, Batista had mercy on Castro, he was expelled from the country and he settled in Mexico. In 1956, Castro with a detachment of revolutionaries made a new coup attempt. Sowing in the mountains of southeastern Cuba, he gathered strength and expanded his influence. Gradually, a small rebellion turned into a popular uprising, Castro's popularity was at the peak of fame. Batista was forced to renounce power, and fled the country. In 1959, Castro announced the start of the construction of communism.

Lithuania Flag Day

The flag of the Republic of Lithuania was first hoisted on January 1, 1919 in the city of Vilnius. It was raised by a small group of volunteers who were members of Lithuanian military units. From this very day on the first day of the new year, Lithuania celebrates flag day. For four centuries, the flag of Lithuania was red, the flag itself was an image of a white knight. A flag of this type in 1918 became the state flag of Lithuania. The Lithuanian Council established a special commission for the development of the national flag, and on the nineteenth of April of the same year, they adopted a horizontal tri-color, it used colors that were popular in traditional Lithuanian clothes. The yellow color represents the color of the sun and symbolizes the prosperity and honesty of the spirit. Green is the color of life that brings freedom with it and recalls the beauty of nature. And the last color is red, it is the color of blood and native land, symbolizes courage and blood that spilled for the Motherland.

January 1 in the folk calendar

Memorial Day of St. Ilya of Muromets

From ancient times Ilya of Muromets was considered an intercessor of ordinary people. According to tradition, this day was supposed to bow to one’s home and holy land. The person who was born on this day was trusted to conduct the trial, people believed that the trial would be honest and fair. It was believed that if the first day of the year is joyful and cheerful, then it will be like this all year, and vice versa. There is a tradition on this day, to guess what the weather will be like. It was necessary to take twelve onions, clean them of scales, pour a heap of salt on each onion and put them overnight on the stove. Then in the morning they looked at the bulbs, and if on one of them the salt became wet, then this month will be rainy.

Also on this day a rich table was set up, the main dish was a roast pig. To this day in ancient times, peasants could guess what the new year will be in terms of productivity. By tradition, people went to the crossroads, they drew a cross with a stick on the ground, touched the cross with their ears and listened: when it was heard that it was as if the sled was riding with a heavy load, it would mean a good harvest. People noticed that if a strong wind blows on that day, then there will be a remote harvest of nuts, if there were many stars at night, we will have many berries, lentils and peas. It was believed that if the day was clear, warm weather, it would be possible to harvest a good crop of rye.

Historical events of January 1

1968 year first time program "Time"

In the late 1960s, televisions appeared in almost every home. The repertoire of the program guide, at that time, was very meager. Broadcasting continued for several hours in the morning and evening. Mostly films of the war years and propaganda newsreels were broadcast. On January 1, 1968, a new program, Time, was broadcast. The program was of an informational and analytical nature, was presented in a new way and aired regularly. The first leaders of the new project were: Nona Bodrova, Aza Likhitchenko, Igor Kirillov and Anna Shetilova. The main objective of the Vremya program was the ideological education of the Soviet people. The news agency had its representative offices in more than 40 countries of the world. The program covered official events of the USSR and the world, cultural and sporting events, as well as weather. Information materials of the program were strictly regulated and passed a special check. The style of transmission was too strict and dry. Nevertheless, Soviet TV viewers loved the Vremya program, because it was the only “living” source of information and made it possible to learn about what was happening in the vast expanses of a vast country. In 1991, during the collapse of the USSR, the program was closed, re-aired in 1994, but this was not the time program anymore. Redesigned and remade, it was significantly different from the classic version. The music and the screensaver have changed, the scenery of the program has changed significantly, new presenters have appeared.

1801 year discovered asteroid "Ceres"

On January 1, 1801, astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid in the history of astronomy and named it Ceres, in honor of the Egyptian goddess of fertility. However, in the XX century, the scientific community questioned the asteroid nature of Ceres, the debate continued until 2006, when the interstate union of astronomers ranked Ceres as a class of dwarf planets. Classification difficulties arose due to the presence of Ceres in the asteroid belt, but its size is much larger than that of the giant planet satellites. The diameter of the planet does not exceed 1000 kilometers, the mass is 6000 times less than the mass of the Earth. Now Ceres is being intensively studied using the Hubble telescope. The spacecraft AMS Dawn was launched to Ceres, landing on the planet is planned in 2015. Scientists hope that the device will help to study Ceres much better, because a number of researchers suggest that there are huge reserves of water ice on the planet.
The planet is constantly exposed to the impact of asteroids, which are present in many in the asteroid belt. Apparently, the planet does not have an atmosphere, and the temperature on it is very low. However, scientists are primarily interested in the processes that led to the formation of a celestial body, as well as the search for water, which is here in a frozen state.

2011 accident of Tu-134 aircraft in Surgut

The disaster occurred on January 1, 2011, at the territory of Surgut Airport. From January 1, 2011, the ship was supposed to open regular flights on the route Surgut-Moscow. At about three in the afternoon, for unknown reasons, when trying to take off, the Tu-154 fuselage caught fire. In a matter of minutes, the fire spread to the main hull of the ship. The captain of the ship announced an emergency alarm and turned off the engine of the aircraft, the car was de-energized, an order was given to immediately evacuate passengers and personnel. An emergency situation on the ship was reported to the control room with a request for the organization of a fire and rescue operation. The crew did not have time to begin the evacuation of passengers, when a powerful explosion rang out - fuel tanks exploded. The explosion was so powerful that in a radius of 1000 m², a fuel spill occurred that threatened an environmental disaster. The plane burned out completely within twenty minutes. Onboard the ship were 134 people, including crew members. As a result of a strong fire, 3 people died, 43 got burns and carbon monoxide poisoning, the rest were not injured. Forty fire engines and 150 personnel extinguished the plane; the fire was extinguished an hour after the fire. According to the results of the work of the commission of inquiry, it was found that the cause of the fire was an electrical circuit that occurred in the electrical circuit of the aircraft. On the fact of a fire in an aircraft that resulted in the death of people, the prosecutor general’s office opened a criminal case. Aircraft of this class were decommissioned.

1874 year Introduced all6 general military service

On January 1, 1874, Emperor Alexander II signed a decree introducing compulsory military service in the empire. Attracting the male population to military service has been attributed since the age of 21. The Emperor’s main goal was to reform the army and significantly increase its strength in the event of a large-scale war. As you know before the introduction of universal military service, soldiers in the Russian army were recruited from among the nobility and philistinism. Due to the low number of these strata of society in front of the bulk of the population, recruitment kits did not allow to bring the number of troops to the level of standard European armies. In addition, the losses of the recruiting army hit the country's cultural and intellectual resources especially hard, because, as mentioned above, the noblemen and bourgeoisie went to the recruiting army, and these were mostly highly educated and cultured people. The clergy, doctors and teachers were exempted from compulsory military service, as well as if the family had a single son or a man, the only breadwinner with young children. According to the decree, the period of active military service was 6 years, and in the Navy 7 years, 9 years in reserve. The performance of military service provided for the provision of a number of benefits to military personnel and their families. Military garrisons were formed according to the territorial principle. The first two years of military service, conscripts underwent intensive training in military skill. The reform significantly increased the size of the Russian army, and increased its combat readiness.

1700 year Peter I introduces the Julian calendar

The Julian calendar appeared on January 1, 45 BC, as a result of the reforms of Julius Caesar. Until 1492, the beginning of the new year in Russia was March 1, and with the beginning of 1492, the new year began to be celebrated on September 1. On December 19, 1700 Peter I issued a decree according to which the date of the beginning of each new year was announced on January 1. And the chronology began from the event of the Nativity of Christ. As a result of tsarist innovations, 1699 in Russia was extremely short and lasted from September to December. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks introduced the so-called Gregorian calendar in the country, which was enshrined in the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 01.24.1918. An amendment of 13 days was also introduced. The Gregorian year is 26 seconds longer than the so-called tropical one, the day difference accumulates over 3323 years. The calculated difference between the old and new styles is 11 days for the 18th century, 12 days for the 19th century and 13 days for the 20th century. The week days in both chronologies coincide, so the transition from one calendar to another does not cause a shift in the days of the week. Nowadays, the Gregorian calendar is called the "new style", and the Julian calendar is called the "old style." A number of world denominations and churches have preserved the reckoning according to the Julian style. The Russian Orthodox Church adheres to the same chronology, the goal of this conservatism is to try to preserve the old traditions.

Born on January 1

Lorenzo Medici (1449-1492), ruler of the Florentine state

Lorenzo was born on January 1, 1449 in the city of Florence. He was brought up by his mother Lucretia. Then the teachers hired by her mother taught Lorenzo foreign languages, philosophy, history and poetry. In his youth, he carried out important diplomatic missions, works as a courier under the government of Florence. In 1469, Lorenzo marries a noble girl named Clarice. After the death of his father, Lorenzo Medici, becomes the de facto ruler of the Florentine state. The people called Lorenzo, magnificent. This indicates that citizens of the state loved and honored their ruler. In his reign, Lorenzo makes a lot of efforts to erect monumental cultural and religious structures. He spares no money on the development of art, literature and artistic skill. For the people organizes magnificent festivities. His reign is endless carnivals, masquerades, theatrical productions and knightly tournaments. Throughout his life, Lorenzo collected a beautiful library, he loved books with all his heart and sometimes bought them far beyond the borders of Italy. He also collected paintings, coins, sculptures, etc. Lorenzo was an excellent diplomat, and skillfully used his talent in interstate affairs.

Stepan Bandera (1909-1959), head of Ukrainian nationalists

Stepan Bandera was born on January 1, 1909 in the Stanislav region, in the family of a priest. From 1919 to 1927 he studied at the gymnasium.Upon completion, he joined the ranks of the Ukrainian nationalist organization. He was assigned to the intelligence department, later to the propaganda department. He was a member of several nationalist and extremist organizations. According to several researchers, he was involved in a group attempt on the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland, for which he was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, in 1939 he was released. In 1940, Bandera held senior positions in the OUN UPA. Bandera is also accused of punitive actions against Polish police and officials. In early 1941, he held important meetings with the leadership of German intelligence. The German command decides to finance the activities of Bandera. Bandera conducts a number of sabotage operations on the territory of the USSR, just before the start of the war. With the help of the Germans, Bandera dreamed of creating a Ukrainian state, even if in vassal dependence on Germany. At the beginning of the war, by order of Hitler, Bandera was imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen camp. Some scholars believe that by such an act Hitler showed Bandera that in their relationship the main Hitler, and Bandera "no one", the miserable slave of the master. Soon he flees from the camp and no longer trusting either the Germans or the Soviets, begins a large-scale struggle, both with Soviet troops and with the Germans. The armed activities of the OUN-UPA continued even after the end of World War II. Nowadays, in Ukraine, mainly in the cities of the western part of the country, there are many monuments to Stepan Bandera.

John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), head of the US FBI

For almost fifty years, John Hoover headed the special power agency of the United States - the FBI. At his post, Hoover served eight presidents and for such a long service became the most influential political figure in the United States. Born 01/01/1895 in Washington. He graduated from the law department of the University of Washington, and after training, he joined the US Department of Justice. In the early 1920s, Hoover became an assistant and then deputy director of the service. From 1924 to 1972, the director of the FBI. Thanks to the activities of Hoover, the FBI has become a powerful tool in the fight against political opponents and against organized crime. In the 1930s, the FBI, led by Hoover, successfully fought against organized crime and its gang leaders. Much work has been done to combat the communist plague and not spread it to the United States. After the war, Hoover paid special attention to the fight against espionage and sabotage. It also continues to struggle with the Communist Party and seeks its complete elimination. The entire leadership of this political force is condemned, some receive large prison sentences, and some are deported from the country. John Hoover was never married and was never seen in relationships with women. This has become fertile ground for the spread of all kinds of rumors and gossip about his supposedly homosexual orientation, but there is simply no evidence of this fact. Hoover fully devoted his life to the service of society and the state.

Kim philby (1912-1988), head of British intelligence, Soviet spy

Kim Philby comes from a wealthy English family. Born 01.01.19012 in colonial India. After school, he studies at Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. In 1933, he accidentally met the Soviet intelligence officer Deutsch, who recruited Kim to work on the Soviet side. Then he gets a job at the Times news agency, where he, as a special correspondent, is sent to hot combat points. In addition, Philby has access to government documents for a long time, which is very important for Soviet intelligence. Incredibly, for several months, Philby manages to take the post of deputy chairman of the British intelligence. In 1944, Kim served as the head of the 9th Directorate of "SIS", whose task was to identify and control communist agents in Britain. After the war, Kim Philby is sent to Istanbul, where he becomes the chief of staff of British intelligence in Turkey. In 1940, he obtains important information about the activities of US intelligence. In 1955, on suspicion of working for Soviet intelligence, Philby was suspended from work in the British intelligence services. Then they again call up for service and send them on a mission to the Middle East, from there he leaves for the USSR and since 1963 lives in Moscow. For services to the Soviet Union, Philby was awarded a number of honorary orders and awards. World historiographers, he was recognized as an outstanding Soviet intelligence.

Friedrich Canaris (1887-1945), German admiral

Friedrich was born on January 1, 1887 in the vicinity of Dortmund, in the family of an industrial magnate. He served on the fronts of the First World War. In 1915 he was sent to serve in Chile. Since 1916, has been with an intelligence operation in Spain. There he develops powerful espionage activities and builds an extensive intelligence network. After 1918, Canaris served as an adjutant to the Secretary of Defense, Noske. He is the organizer of the murder of communist figures Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. Participates in the Kappava putsch in 1920. A few years later he served in the German Navy. And since 1934, a member of the National Socialist Party of Hitler. In 1935, Hitler appointed Canaris the head of German intelligence - Abwehr. His activities as Abwehr leader turned the organization into a powerful weapon in the fight against foreign intelligence. As head of the intelligence department, he was responsible for the preparation of all military operations of the Third Reich. The main task of Abwehr was the demoralization and disorganization of troops and the population of border regions, sabotage operations aimed at the collapse of border communications of rear resources. He is known as the organizer of large-scale provocations under the Anschluss of Austria, the capture of Poland and the annexation of Czechoslovakia. In 1944, he was implicated in a conspiracy against Hitler, as a result of which he was arrested and soon executed.

January 1st

Timothy, Ilya, Tryphon, Gregory.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).