July 28: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 28th.


Holidays July 28

Day of the baptism of Rus

In 988 Kievan Rus was baptized and proclaimed Christianity as its religion at the national level. This happened during the reign of Prince Vladimir (Red Sun), the grandson of Princess Olga. Kiev became the first Orthodox city; residents of other Russian cities began to gradually convert to faith. The process of baptism of Russia dragged on for several centuries, because not all Rusichs easily abandoned their former faith. For the complete eradication of paganism and the widespread spread of Christianity, it took several centuries.

In 2010, at the insistence of the Russian Orthodox Church, this historical event was given state status. From now on, on July 28, Russia officially celebrates the Day of the Baptism of Rus, which is honored by all Orthodox Russian people. The date of the celebration fell on July 28, as it was on that day, according to the annals, that Prince Vladimir was baptized in Chersonesos.

The nationwide baptism allowed Russia from disparate tribes and small principalities to turn into a powerful monolithic state, united by a single faith and purpose. Having adopted Christianity, Russia joined the pan-European culture, acquired writing, and received an incentive for civilized development.

July 28 on the folk calendar

Kirik Mokrodyrik. Julitta.

The church recalls the martyrs Ulitu and Kirik. According to legend, Julitta was a rich Christian widow. She lived during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. When pogroms and persecutions against Christians began, she left her hometown to save herself and her son Kirik. She led the life of an ordinary commoner. Once was recognized by former citizens. She was seized and brought to trial. The ruler demanded to renounce the faith, but Julitta refused. She was separated from her son, tortured. Three-year-old Kirik, seeing his exhausted mother, cried and asked her, saying that he was also a Christian. The angry ruler threw the boy off the stone bridge, and subjected the woman to new torture, and then beheaded. The Old Believers especially honor the memory of Ulita and Kirik, because they consider themselves to be the same as they, injured and persecuted for their faith.

Mother Ulita was especially revered and loved by rural women. They considered her their assistant and intercessor. They turned to her with prayers and lady's requests. The village hostess devoted Ulit's day to rest, peace and quiet. But the peasant women were unaccustomed to complete inaction and idleness. Therefore, they tried to use free time for the family: they introduced children to work and help with the housework.

On this day, no field or earthworks were carried out, as unclean power dominated the fields. Which often seemed to the peasants as visions, and they were afraid to be confused. It often rained on Kirik. Therefore, this day was popularly called "Kirik-Mokrodyryk." Yellow leaves appeared on the trees, recalling that autumn was just around the corner. Small-leaved linden began to stain in autumn colors first.

Historical events of July 28

July 28, 1914 - the beginning of the First World War

Armed large-scale conflict was brewing for a long time, because contradictions between the main world powers - Russia, England, Astro-Hungary, France, Germany - grew like a snowball. All that was needed was a small spark (lead) to ignite a large bonfire. And she was found. The reason for the start of hostilities was the murder a month earlier of the Austrian Archduke in Sarajevo. World society reacted to this tragedy calmly, like a normal accident. But the rulers of Germany and Austria decided to use this incident as a pretext for starting a war with Serbia. Russia defended the Serbian people and declared mobilization in the country. France, England, and another 38 countries were drawn into the conflict along the chain. The war lasted about four years and ended with the signing of defeated Germany in June 1919. Treaty of Versailles. The overall outcome of this war was the disappearance of four empires - the Ottoman, German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian, the emergence of revolutions in Russia and Germany, as well as human casualties: 12 million civilians were killed, 10 million soldiers and 55 million people were injured.

July 28, 1942 order of the People's Commissar of Defense "Not one step back" came out

This order, numbered 227, prohibited the retreat and withdrawal of troops without an appropriate command. He was to increase the discipline and responsibility of the soldiers in the Red Army, stopping desertion and exodus. Penal battalions were waiting for those who violated this order due to cowardice or insecurity. With the release of the order, barrage detachments, which were located along the back line of the main troops, became widespread. Their task was to prevent attempts of unauthorized withdrawal from the battlefield, as well as the destruction or forced return to the position of cowardly and unstable fighters.

July 28, 1995 Indian Bombay has been renamed Mumbai

The name was originally given to the city by the Portuguese when they occupied the island in the 16th century. They called it "Bombayn", which means "good bay." Later, the British redid it in their own way - Bombay (Bombay). But in 1995. Indian authorities decided to give the city the name of the local goddess Mumba Devi, or, as it is abbreviated as Mumba, and added the word "ai", which means "mother." Now officially the city is called Mumbai, although the former name still remains popular in the West and among the local population.

Born on July 28

Anna Burda (1909 - 2005), founder of the magazine "Burda Moden"

From childhood, little Anna was distinguished by her determination, perseverance and rebellious character. She did not want to take an example from her mother - a quiet and diligent housewife, while away all day in the kitchen. Anna has always dreamed of being different from others. At 17, she cut her long hair and went with a short haircut, and at 19 she changed her name. Now her name was Enne Burda. Up to forty years, her life was not much different from the rest of German women. Enne married, raised three sons. The family did not live well, but happily. In 1949 Enne Burda became the head of a small, barely balancing, publishing house. She did not think long how to attract readers. The country experienced a post-war shortage, including clothing. Therefore, Enne began to place models of fashionable clothes in her magazine, and apply patterns to them. From now on, every German woman who knows how to sew, regardless of wealth, could flaunt like a real fashionista. The first issue of the magazine, then it was also called “Favorite,” came out in a hundred thousandth edition, and was a huge success. It was in 1950. Today, the magazine "Burda Fashionable" is popular in one hundred countries. In Russia alone, its circulation is about half a million copies.

Jacqueline Kennedy (Bouvier) (1929 - 1994), American aristocrat

Whatever Jacqueline was a rich, beautiful and educated woman, the world would never have known about her if she had been in 1953. did not marry Senator John Kennedy, the future president of the United States. She was the first lady of America from 1961 to 1963, until the murder of her husband. Jacqueline was the favorite of the Americans and the protagonist of the secular world chronicle. She was loved and respected for simplicity, grace, beauty, elegance. And women of fashion around the world idolized as an icon of style. Being the first lady, she recreated the historical atmosphere of the White House, transformed the suburban residence beyond recognition, contributed to the art, preservation and popularization of cultural heritage.

Name day July 28

Name day celebrate: Vladimir, Peter, Vasily


Watch the video: BUZZR Christmas in July Promo XXL July 28th :30 (July 2024).