Cornflower - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Cornflower - general description

Cornflower - a growing plant from the family of buttercups. The height of the leafless stem is from 50 to 120 cm. The roots of a grayish tint tend to grow greatly in width. The triangular cornflower leaves are covered with soft villi, and green or brown flowers are a bit like wheat grain and collected in inflorescences. Flowering falls in mid-summer (June-July).

Cornflower - types and places of growth

Up to 150 species include the genus of cornflower. It is widespread in southern Africa, in the mountains of South America and in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This plant can be easily found in birch or mixed forests, on upland fields or forest edges. The most popular are cornflowers such as alpine, anemic, waterborne, bifolia, Delaway, yellow, tuberous, pseudo-petal, small, filamentous, Sakhalin, twisted and narrow-leaved.

Cornflower - medicinal properties

Effective use of cornflower for hypertension, convulsive conditions and neurosis, digestive disorders, diarrhea, liver disease, external and internal bleeding.

It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Cornflower infusions treat ulcers, pustules, skin rashes, etc. Poultices from decoction of the roots help improve the condition of joints with arthrosis and arthritis of various origins.

The cornflower is widely used for jaundice, epilepsy, malaria, colds, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, headaches, female diseases and metabolic disorders. Its general strengthening effect is also well known.

Cornflower - dosage forms

In medicine, rhizomes and the terrestrial part of this valuable medicinal plant are used. In June-July, leaves and flowers are harvested (the stem is not suitable), in September and October, the roots. It is noteworthy that the dried plant components of the same color as the fresh ones are almost odorless and have a bitter aftertaste.

For medicinal purposes, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, ointments and powders are prepared from dry cornflower. Shredded fresh leaves are also applied externally.

Cornflower - recipes

To prepare the infusion, you need to put a spoonful of dry grass of common cornflower into a glass dish and pour a glass of boiling water, then close the container and insist for an hour, strain. For medicinal purposes, take a tablespoon about three times a day.

Cornflower tincture can be prepared this way: mix its leaves with 70% alcohol in a proportion of 1:10, and insist in a dark place, shaking regularly, for seven days. Take at least three times a day, 15-25 drops of the drug are enough for one dose.

A decoction of cornflower roots: a teaspoon with a slide of dry raw materials, brew a glass of boiling water and stand for 10 minutes in a water bath. Then you need to let the liquid cool down well (it can take about an hour) and strain. Next, the broth should be poured into a measuring cup and add boiled water to it, so that in the end a volume of 200 ml is obtained. A feature of the use of this drug is that it must be taken with food. Usually limited to 2 tablespoons about 3 times a day. Store in a cold place (t - + 4 ... + 6 ° C) in a closed glass container for no more than 2 days.

For the treatment of purulent wounds, diaper rash between the toes and other skin diseases, crushed cornflower leaves should be applied to them.

Cornflower - contraindications

This is a poisonous plant, therefore, it is prescribed for oral administration in a strict dosage. It is forbidden to use for bradycardia, weak cardiac activity, hypotension and atonic constipation.


Zhanna 04/18/2016
There are a lot of varieties of cornflower. Just a whole list. And it is quite possible that in Russia, it has been cultivated for a long time. Therefore, do not be surprised that you saw him somewhere. Another question is how useful is such a plant ?!

Love 04/18/2016
I used this plant to treat a woman’s disease, and I must say - very successfully. And at the expense of a strict dosage - so all drugs must be taken in a strictly prescribed dosage !!! And pre-consult a doctor !!!

Svetlana 04/18/2016
It also seems to me that I personally saw such a flower. I am not special in plants, I don’t even have a summer house, but I have friends with such a wonderful hobby. And they have various, even exotic plants. True, for medicinal purposes, they are unlikely to use them.

Marina 04/18/2016
This plant, since its birthplace is Africa, it treats mainly purely African diseases: fever, various ulcers, etc. Of course, in our country it can also come in handy. After all, it also helps with female diseases and tuberculosis.

Ekaterina 04/18/2016
The first time I hear such a name - cornflower))) But, I don’t understand something - it doesn’t grow with us, it’s written so. But, it seems to me that I saw with my own eyes such a flower from someone in the garden !!! Or I'm wrong? Or maybe it can be grown decoratively.


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