Cervicitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the vaginal cervix. The disease is characterized by cloudy (purulent or mucous) secretions, dull or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, quite painful intercourse and urination. Chronic lingering cervicitis leads to erosion, thickening (hypertrophy) of the cervix, the spread of infection to the upper parts of the reproductive apparatus.

With certain factors, the protective function of the cervix is ​​disrupted, which prevents the infection from entering the upper genital tract (mucous plug, protective secretion, narrow cervical canal) and the uterus. The penetration of foreign microflora begins, which causes an inflammatory process - cervicitis, including endocervicitis (inflammation of the inner lining of the cervical canal) and exocervicitis (inflammation of the vaginal cervix).

Cervicitis - causes

Cervicitis can occur with a nonspecific infection caused by opportunistic microflora: Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, fungi, streptococcus and specific (mycoplasmas, syphilis, chlamydia, gonococci, viruses, trichomonads), and some parasitic infections. Conditionally pathogenic microflora penetrates the cervix through the blood or from the rectum through the contact way, specific through the sexual way.

Certain factors contribute to the development of the disease: various injuries of the cervix during abortion, diagnostic curettage, childbirth, during the installation and removal of contraceptives. Benign cervical tumors and a decrease in immunity can provoke cervicitis.

The disease rarely develops in isolation, as a rule, cervicitis is accompanied by other diseases of the reproductive system, such as vaginitis, vulvitis, bartholinitis.

Cervicitis - Symptoms

According to the degree of damage, diffuse and focal cervicitis are distinguished, with a course of chronic and acute. In some cases, cervicitis proceeds in an erased form. Acute cervicitis is characterized by profuse mucous or purulent discharge and dull pain in the lower abdomen. There is a protrusion of the mucous membrane, hyperemia and edema of the external opening of the cervical canal.

Cervicitis has different manifestations, it all depends on the state of immunity and the nature of the pathogen. Untreated or undiagnosed cervicitis goes into a protracted chronic form. Allocations become turbid-mucous, the growth of a cylindrical epithelium (pseudo-erosion) occurs in the vaginal area of ​​the uterus. Inflammation can pass to the surrounding glands and tissues, a significant compaction of the cervix.

Cervicitis - diagnosis

Typically, cervicitis is asymptomatic and the disease is detected by chance by a gynecologist at routine examinations. The diagnosis is established on the basis of the following data:

- the result of colposcopy, which details the pathological changes in the epithelial tissue of the cervix (erosion, hyperemia, the presence of vascular loops, swelling of the mucosa);
- examination using mirrors of the cervix;
- laboratory methods (bacterial culture for sensitivity to antibiotics and microflora, smear microscopy, cytomorphological studies);

Cervicitis - treatment and prevention

Treatment of cervicitis is designed to eliminate predisposing factors (immune, metabolic, hormonal disorders) and associated diseases. Treatment of cervicitis depends on the pathogen identified and includes the use of antiviral and antibacterial agents. In the chronic stage of the disease, operational methods of treatment are used - laser therapy, diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy. Treatment of cervicitis should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of laboratory tests and colposcopy.

Prevention of the disease consists in the timely treatment of endocrine disorders, personal hygiene, the prevention of abortion and the elimination of genital infections.


Watch the video: Cervical Cancer Symptoms (July 2024).