5 months old baby


The child has already grown noticeably - he was 5 months old! The active and independent baby has changed a lot - it seems that yesterday he was lying in a stroller and slept almost all the time, now he is constantly busy with important things: he considers, stretches somewhere, grabs things, throws him to the floor and listens with pleasure to the sound of falling, watching. Most importantly, he just needs to communicate with mom, dad, grandmothers, other family members. He already perfectly recognizes loved ones. After birth, the baby’s weight has more than doubled, and although each little man develops in his own way, almost all babies by this time grow 13-15 cm, increase weight over the past month by an average of 650-700 grams.

Child development at 5 months (what should be able to)

The intellectual development of the baby has progressed noticeably - he already pronounces several vowels (a, e, s, and), some consonants (b, d, k, m). Looking in the mirror, he distinguishes his reflection, pulls any object into his mouth, squeaks, and even growls with pleasure. Looking around in the new room, the baby notes things that are interesting to him and reaches for them, does not give away toys when trying to pick them up by force, starts to whimper or cry loudly.

The baby is distrustful of strangers, especially does not like women. Motor development also gives the result: the baby holds his hands firmly in his hands, plays with rattles, tweeters, bites his toes and easily turns over from the tummy to the back, while holding the head well. At this age, some children are already trying to sit in pillows and in the arms of adults.

5 month baby care

At the fifth month, the baby becomes very mobile, and irritation may appear on the skin in some places. Red spots on the back, head, legs, prickly heat are common, do not worry. No need to wrap the baby, wear a lot of clothes, often keep naked (if the temperature in the room allows). Make sure that the baby is not irritated by hard seams on sheets and clothes, do not use a diaper for more than 3 hours. Wash the baby after each change of diapers, in extreme cases, wipe with napkins or a damp towel.

You need to bathe your baby daily, but use soap no more often than 1-2 times a week. It is better to spend bathing before bedtime, but for hyper-active babies who only get a boost of energy from bathing, it is better to transfer the procedure to the first half of the day. Wash your face every morning, wipe your eyes. Clean your ears and nose as they get dirty. Caring for the baby remains the same, but much more opportunities open up for its development. The baby is awake between daytime sleep for 1-2 hours.

Often he is capricious, and his behavior very often depends on the behavior of adults. Calm parents talking to the baby without irritation, in a calm measured tone, the baby feels it perfectly and calms down much easier. The baby does not yet love strangers, so try not to leave him alone with strangers. The baby can be taken with him in a kangaroo or slings, the presence of the mother nearby makes the baby bold and allows him to look around. Watching their communication and behavior.

5 months baby nutrition

At 5 months, infants can still completely get by with mother’s milk, as a complementary meal - just a couple of spoons of applesauce and fruit or vegetable juice. If the baby is calm, sleeps well, it means he has enough food, but when he began to gain weight poorly, he was more capricious, this could be due to malnutrition. Gradually introduce more serious complementary foods - liquid cereals. Within a month, the baby will get used to new food, and one feeding will be completely new. The first adult food is not only porridge, but also potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini. Boiled vegetables are mashed with mashed potatoes along with a decoction until the consistency of kefir.

Give the baby a spoon, gradually increasing the dose. Minerals and complementary vitamins alter intestinal motility. You need to carefully monitor these changes, stool and skin condition may become different. For the introduction of complementary foods, strict rules must be followed - you can not do this in the presence of any disease. If breast milk is not enough, it is better to feed the baby with milk mixtures from a bottle with a pacifier. After complete recovery, you can very carefully give other food. Vegetable puree is best given to a hungry baby. If he does not like the new food - do not insist. Better to wait. Let your baby play with napkins and spoons at the table.

5-month baby day regimen

The fifth month in the life of the baby brings a change in schedule - he is awake for almost half of the time in the afternoon, the active period lasts almost two hours. In the evening, it is better to reduce it to 1 hour. Morning sleep passes after breakfast, afternoon sleep after lunch, two intervals, at night he sleeps for 10-11 hours, with short breaks, sleeps a good deep sleep. It is better to adapt to the baby's biorhythms and put him to sleep according to his health and his will.

The temperature in the room during sleep should be 21 degrees - do not raise it, it is better to ventilate the room, in the warm season, the window can be left open. Do not neglect outdoor walks. For the baby, the optimum temperature is from +30 to - 10 degrees C. In summer, 2-2.5 hours are enough, and in winter 2 hours, 2 times a day. While caring for a child, he needs to pay maximum attention, talk with him, sing songs, talk about the world, plans for the day. Physical exercises gymnastics, massage are also useful. The kid is trying to crawl - do not interfere with him and do not push.

Lessons with a child at 5 months (how to develop)

The kid at five months of age acquires an interesting habit - he is happy to throw toys on the floor. Some mothers are annoyed, but there is a huge element of development. Do not scold the baby, but bend over with him and offer him to raise objects. The crumbs will be interesting - it will result in a kind of game. He acts like an adult! The child notes for himself - how quickly this object falls, sounds loudly or muffled. In addition, it develops motor skills, coordination of movements.

Perfectly develops the baby game "Come on, catch!" - with a ball or a squeaker toy. Name the toys by name when the baby pulls the handles - try to push the subject further. To stimulate the baby's vocabulary, show him large color pictures with animals or bright objects, talk about the components. Show your photo and tell where the nose, mouth and so on. Enrich the knowledge of the crumbs about the world around us, describing the actions - rides a bicycle, laughs, waves his hand and so on. Some babies are already sitting, trying to stand, but doing it ineptly.

Games and toys for children in 5 months (how to entertain)

When choosing toys, you need to think about what the baby likes. Will it be interesting to the child, not you. Toys are the best way to develop, besides they are very distracting if the baby is naughty.
In addition, you can play games with him:

"Grab and pull"
For a baby, any part of the body — yours and yours — is a welcome toy. When they pull you for something, shout “Oh!” Loudly. If the baby reaches the bottle or grabs your hand - pull it. Try to take it from him, but then give it back - the baby will be happy. Consciousness of their own achievements enthrall them.

At this age, cubes are considered the best toy for children. It is better if they are soft and without sharp corners, small, bright and contrasting. Today environmentally friendly wooden toys are fashionable.

Pillows of various shapes
Starting from 5 months, games with foam pillows of various shapes - cylindrical or wedge-shaped, triangular - are recommended. Let them be soft and bright - with a contrasting pattern, striped.
Put your baby on his stomach on such a cylindrical pillow and ride, put him on top, and watch how he behaves. Put it on the curly pillow and let it sort out small toys in front of you.

Medical observation at 5 months

At 5 months, the child needs a pediatrician examination. Initially, weight and height are measured, and the physical and mental development process is evaluated. In boys with suspected cryptorchidism (undescended testes), a urologist is required. Also, if pathology of the hip joints is detected, you need to consult a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. Some children may “scream” a hernia - at the slightest suspicion, consultation with a pediatric surgeon is required. If there are no contraindications, a routine vaccination is carried out. If your baby is apparently healthy, but constantly naughty - show it to a pediatric neurologist. Also consult with a pediatrician if the baby is bitten by mosquitoes and irritation occurs, the doctor will prescribe an antiallergic drug, gel or ointment against itching.

Useful Tips for Parents

Naughty child - what to do?

Every little one is naughty to varying degrees, and sometimes her mother "lacks any nerves." This is understandable - after all, babies cry for any reason, only their crying can be different. This must be taken into account to calm the screamer. After all, the child still does not know how to express his feelings in another way. It is necessary to calm the child, and preferably, as quickly as possible, despite some opinion that he should do it himself. To begin with, it is better to identify the cause - it can be hungry, freeze or vice versa, sweat from the heat. Sometimes he is acting up just like that - for no reason - perhaps he is just bored. In this case, the toys themselves will not help to distract him - it is better for someone from the elders to play with him.

If the rash does not go away

If the baby is irritated by disposable diapers, and drops, ointments, and powders do not help, he may be allergic. Ask the doctor to prescribe special drugs for you, change the appearance of diapers, wear them only at night and for walks. Rinse irritation with a solution of potassium permanganate, infusion of chamomile, string, oak bark. Cream with panthenol helps. An allergy is possible for some foods or milk sweeps - try to exclude from the diet what causes even the slightest doubt.


Catherine 08/03/2016
Everything is well stated in the article. But one thing. But. Why even wear a diaper and torture a baby? We are not using them for 2 months, nor at home. nor on the street. In them, everything is fine and not hygienic. And by 5 months your child will be asked to write, he is a little man. You just need not to be lazy and not afraid to change the sliders in unexpected cases. My oldest daughter and I grew up without them. I recommend to everyone


Watch the video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 4-6 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (May 2024).