Rib injury - what is the danger of injury, how to treat it? Is it possible to alleviate my condition with bruised ribs, when to call a doctor


Rib contusion is a painful injury, its degree depends on the cause of this condition.

Injury to this area is possible not only in the event of an accident or injury.

Many people, being at home, injure their ribs in the fall or even a small blow.

Rib Injury: Ambulance

Before providing first aid to the victim, you need to recognize a bruise. To do this is quite simple, according to the following symptoms:

• when moving the entire body, severe pain occurs;

• when you inhale, there is discomfort;

• hematomas are the most important sign that the ribs are injured;

• the first few hours, the injured area will be slightly swollen.

Similar symptoms can also indicate fractures in the bone or fractures, which is why if at least one symptom has been identified, it is better to contact a medical institution for a complete diagnosis.

But before you go to a specialist, you can and even need to take certain actions.

If the bruise is small, the pain is weak and there is no need for a medical examination, you need to take the following measures - take a comfortable position and immobilize. It is better not to use a pillow, but instead put a roller made of dense material. It is recommended to lubricate the injured area with cream or an ointment of absorbable action.

If the bruise is characterized by severe pain, while the victim cannot perform the usual actions, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible, and apply cold to the site of the bruise.

In more severe cases, where rib fractures are present, it is not recommended to touch and transport the victim. The only thing that can be done is to completely immobilize him and call a specialist.

Rib bruise: medications and devices

An important point in the treatment of the injury is anesthesia, only because of this the victim will be able to fully breathe and cough.

In no case should you suffer pain from bruises and fractures of the ribs, because due to the constant sensation of pain, surface respiration will occur, which will subsequently cause infection of the respiratory tract.

That is why painkillers will improve overall well-being, and also protect the respiratory tract from unwanted infections. In the case when the patient smokes or suffers from asthma, medicines are prescribed to him without fail.

There are three types of analgesic therapy, which is prescribed for bruises and fractures of the ribs:

1. Paracetamol.

2. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen.

3. The use of analgesics for pain relief, they should include codeine.

Regardless of which painkillers were prescribed, they must be taken regularly, without waiting for the moment when the pain becomes unbearable. The dose of drugs will gradually decrease as the bruise passes.

Possible side effects:

1. Paracetamol - if there is no individual intolerance to the drug, no side effects will be observed.

2. Drugs containing codeine - drowsiness and constipation may occur. During the healing period of bruises, drowsiness is even a good side effect, since you can rest and "sleep" the injury.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - they must be washed down with plenty of water. You can not take simultaneously with those drugs that interfere with blood coagulation.

Non drug treatment

An important point in case of rib bruises is the application of a belt or bandage to an injured place. During rest, the bandage loosens slightly.

When you contact a traumatologist, he will examine you, determine the exact location of the injury and prescribe a set of measures aimed at a speedy recovery. They include the following:

• try to completely limit physical activity. It is better not to disturb the painful place and spend the next few days in bed;

• taking medications;

• applying a cold compress. The body must be given an elevated position, and then fix a tight bandage on it;

• warming compresses. As soon as certain results are achieved, you need to use a warm compress that will allow tissues to recover faster;

• exercise therapy. This includes special exercises that will stretch the body, due to which it will be able to recover faster.

Rib injury: folk remedies

If the diagnosis showed that there are no serious injuries, and a bruised rib can be cured independently at home, then all the instructions of the attending physician must be followed. In most cases, the next steps are as follows:

1. Take a small cotton cloth and put ice in it.

2. Apply the compress to the site of the bruise, and wait until the pain begins to subside.

3. Do this three times a day, leaving the compress for 15 minutes. You can’t keep a cold for more than this time, as you can catch a cold. With rib bruises, the cold is useful, it allows you to get rid of pain, relieves swelling.

4. Stay on bed for several days. If this item is ignored, the rehabilitation time will increase several times. After a few days, the pain will not be so severe, which means that you can start the exercises for recovery.

5. The load increases gradually, slopes are performed, but without sudden movements.

Other folk methods are also used to treat rib bruises. Recipes came to us from our grandmothers, all of them are time-tested and are very effective:

• A cabbage leaf is applied to the injury site, and then it is fixed with a bandage. It is necessary to apply it twice a day;

• you can warm the injury site with beans, first you need to cook it and grind it well;

• crush the leaves of aloe and mix them with honey; use the product to lubricate the bruise;

• Bodyaga is a universal plant, on the basis of which many different creams and ointments are prepared. Ready ointment can be bought at the pharmacy or prepared on your own. Take the plant and grind it to a powdery state, and then dilute it with water in a 1: 2 ratio. The resulting product needs to lubricate bruises;

• if the bruise was received long ago, but still continues to bother, attach boiled potatoes to it, cut into small slices;

• Fresh bruises can be cured by plantain: apply leaves or make pulp from them and lubricate the affected areas.


For the treatment of bruised ribs, not only medicines and ointments are used, but also tinctures that are drunk every day.


If you have bruised ribs, you can treat using calendula flowers. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps damaged tissues recover a little faster. In order to prepare the tincture, take one spoonful of dried flowers, boil two glasses of water and fill them. Within two hours, the remedy will be infused, after which it is drunk four times a day for half a glass.


With a diagnosis of rib injury, an effective treatment is to take a decoction of geranium. The plant has the same beneficial properties as calendula. Take a spoonful of dry grass and pour boiling water. Put the container on the fire and cook for 5 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it needs to be filtered, moistened with a napkin and applied as a compress to the sore spot.


Thanks to the root of chicory, you can anesthetize bruised ribs. To prepare the product, take 100 grams of the plant and fill the floor with a liter of vodka. The drug should be infused for exactly two weeks. After that, lubricate damaged areas.

When all of these actions are completed, your condition can be alleviated all in a few days.

Rib injury: in which cases you need to contact a specialist

You need to contact a medical institution if the pain is constantly felt and causes a lot of discomfort. Treatment initiated in a timely manner can alleviate the patient’s suffering.

With bruised ribs, treatment should be started immediately. In the first stages, it consists in ensuring peace.

It is impossible to independently determine the degree of localization of the bruise, as well as to identify the absence of fractures. That is why, in the event of severe pain, it is necessary to go to a medical institution.

In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, a specialist will give great importance to the anamnesis. First, you need to identify the cause of the injury, whether it was a mechanical injury or a fall.

A general examination is important, palpation of the chest and bruise, this will reveal the presence of wheezing and noise.

When a rib is bruised, it is recommended to carry out radiography in two projections - lateral and straight. This will eliminate the fracture of the ribs, which in the first stages can impersonate a common mistake.

If such a study fails, another technique may help. In the patient's supine position, the doctor will press on the chest from the side and front. With a fracture, severe pain will occur, with a bruise, such pain will be absent.

If a bruise has occurred in the area of ​​the heart, in no case can not be treated independently.

In many cases, you can’t even touch the site of the injury without the presence of a specialist, as injuries can be dangerous, especially if severe hematomas are observed.

An injury like rib bruising has many complications. That is why treatment with folk remedies is allowed to be carried out only after a doctor's examination.

Be attentive to your body and try to avoid such injuries.


Watch the video: Rib Pain Without a Fracture (July 2024).