Scientists: fighting obesity takes up to 25 years to avoid obesity


According to scientists, if a person could not overcome the excess weight to 25 years, he has a serious risk of getting obesity in some ten years.

It is no secret that obesity can provoke serious diseases, among which are various diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, oncology. Moreover, obesity is one of the factors of early death.

The United States, where the number of people suffering from obesity is extremely large, invests in its health care system additional funds to solve this problem. In particular, overweight people cost US health care $ 147 billion a year.

Scientists have long struggled with the problem of finding out the causes of obesity. In particular, it has been established that children-Caesarians in adulthood face the problem of overweight. The reason for this is that cesareans, being prevented from passing through the birth canal at the time of birth, are not found with beneficial bacteria. Moreover, in people born by caesarean section, the intestinal microflora often has a number of features, as a result of which their body is not able to fully process excess fat.


Watch the video: Weighing the Facts of Obesity (July 2024).