Lenten vegetable soup - for vegans and fasting. Recipes for preparing lean vegetable soup


Porridge with salads is morning and evening food, but lunch is healthy and traditional.

First of all, it includes soups.

Soup is an inexpensive, tasty and healthy food.

Lean vegetable soup - general principles of preparation

The main ingredients are water and vegetables.

For lean soup, potatoes, cabbage, bell pepper, carrots, mushrooms, tomato, zucchini, turnips, rutabaga are used.

Potatoes are cut into strips and boiled in salted water. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil and added to the broth.

Depending on the recipe, canned peas can be added to the soup, as well as cereals - rice, pearl barley or vermicelli.

Served with crackers, bread rolls and fresh herbs.

Lenten vegetable soup "Sweetheart"


• Three carrots;

• Four tables. l rice;

• Half a liter of water;

• Flour (two tablespoons);

• One red pepper;

• Vegetable oil;

• Greenery.

Cooking method:

Carrots are peeled and chopped with straws. Rice sorted and washed. Vegetables are put in boiling water, salt is added. Cook for six minutes. The flour is passaged in vegetable oil and added to the soup. Sprinkle the first dish with fresh, finely chopped herbs and peeled, finely chopped pepper.

Lean Vegetable Vitamin Soup


• Half a kilogram of sorrel;

• Flour (one table. L.);

• Vegetable oil);

• A sprig of dill;

• One red pepper;

• Rice and potatoes in small quantities.

Cooking method:

The sorrel is washed and finely chopped. Salt and stew in vegetable oil, add one tablespoon of flour. Then add the right amount of cold water and cook for ten minutes. Serve cold chowder, sprinkled with pepper and dill. If desired, add rice and potatoes to the soup.

Lenten vegetable soup "Zucchini"


• Two zucchini;

• Salt, seasoning;

• Flour (three tablespoons);

• Dill.

Cooking method:

From zucchini peel the skin, cut into circles and boil in salted water. Take out the zucchini from the water and pass them through a meat grinder. Pass the flour in sunflower oil and add the broth in which the zucchini was cooked. Zucchini puree is added to the broth, sprinkled with seasoning and herbs.

Lean vegetable soup "Without leaving the garden"


• Half a kilogram of sorrel;

• A few feathers of garlic;

• Vegetable oil (three tablespoons);

• Flour - two tablespoons;

• Rice, parsley;

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Sort out, washed and finely chop the sorrel with garlic, stew them in vegetable oil. Add two tablespoons of flour and boiling salted water (until you get a thick soup). Put the right amount of washed rice and cook until cooked. Serve soup with herbs, fresh bread and vegetable salad.

Lean vegetable soup "Home"


• Carrot - 4;

• Potato (half a kilogram);

• Chives;

• Vegetable oil;

• Rusks, salt.

Cooking method:

Grate carrots, cut potatoes into slices, chop finely onion. Stew all vegetables in already warmed sunflower oil. All ingredients are added to boiling salted water and left to cook. The bread is cut into pieces, fried on both sides and added to the soup plates right before serving.

Lean vegetable soup "Mother-in-law generosity"


• Potato - 5;

• Carrot (3 pieces);

• Onion - one;

• Small turnip or rutabaga;

• One hundred grams of cabbage;

• Red pepper (one);

• Sunflower oil;

• Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Slices cut carrots, turnips (rutabaga can), chop the onion. Vegetables are added to the pan, poured with water, salt is added. Bring the soup to a boil, add potato wedges, chopped cabbage, lavrushka. Peeled and chopped peppers are added to the finished soup. Vegetable salad with sunflower oil is offered to the soup.

Lean vegetable soup "Meadow"


• Potato (one hundred grams);

• One hundred grams of young clover leaves;

• Carrot (sixty grams);

• Sorrel (one hundred grams);

• salt;

• Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Finely chopped potatoes are put in boiling water and boiled until half ready. Add chopped greens. Pass the carrots and add to the soup. Served with fresh tasty bread, sprinkle soup with spices.

Lean vegetable mushroom soup


• Dried mushrooms - fifty grams;

• Onion - one;

• Carrots - two;

• Three potatoes;

• Sunflower oil;

• One third of a glass of pearl barley;

• One tomato is red;

• Crispbread, salt;

• Fresh greens.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms are soaked for three hours, boiled in the same water and filtered. Add cereal to the broth, salt and begin to cook. Mushrooms are chopped, carrots are chopped, onions are chopped and everything is fried in oil. At the end of frying, chopped red tomato is added. After this, slices of potatoes and passivated mushrooms are added to the boiled cereal. Cook for another ten minutes. Served with fresh herbs and toasted crackers.

Lenten vegetable soup "Useful"


• One hundred grams of dried mushrooms;

• Five pickles;

• flour;

• Sunflower oil;

• One parsley root;

• Dill branches;

• Six potatoes;

• Onion - 1;

• 0.5 cups of pearl barley;

• Salt, bread.

Cooking method:

Boil the broth from mushrooms and chopped peeled pickles. Finished mushrooms are chopped and fried in vegetable oil with a chopped onion. Roasting is added to the broth. Add flour, passaged in oil, chopped parsley and pulp of cucumbers, barley. Cook over low heat with the lid closed. Served with dill and toasted bread.

Lenten Vegetable Soup "Healthy Pickle"


• Ten pickles;

• Two fresh cucumbers;

• Carrot;

• One parsley root;

• Flour - one table. l .;

• Sunflower oil (one table. L.);

• Fresh greens.

Cooking method:

Cucumbers are peeled, cut into slices and put in a pan. Shredded carrots and parsley are added. Pour the vegetables with water and cook over low heat. Half an hour before readiness, season with flour mixed with vegetable oil. You can pour cucumber pickle to taste. Served with greens and fried white bread. Finely chopped fresh cucumbers and put in the soup.

Greenpeace Lenten Vegetable Soup


• Two beets;

• Four potatoes;

• Carrot;

• Onion - 1;

• One hundred grams of green onions;

• Spinach - 200 grams;

• Sorrel (two hundred grams);

• One and a half liters of mushroom broth;

• Sugar - one tea. l .;

• Salt, lavrushka;

• Pepper, greens.

Cooking method:

Carrots are passaged in sunflower oil, green onions (chopped two centimeters) are added to the pan. Beets are boiled whole, and potatoes are sliced. In a pre-cooked mushroom broth, beets cooked and cut into slices, potato wedges, parsley, pepper, salt are put. Cook for twenty minutes. Leaves of spinach and sorrel are cut into three parts. Five minutes before the end of cooking, put sorrel and spinach, pour beetroot broth, add sugar. Season the soup with herbs.

Lean vegetable soup "Gin"


• Half a kilogram of lentils;

• One and a half liters of water;

• Sunflower oil (three tablespoons. L.);

• Salt - one tea. l .;

• Fifty grams of finely chopped spinach;

• One red pepper;

• Fresh greens;

• Spices, black bread.

Cooking method:

Lentils are washed. Heat vegetable oil in a pan and fry finely chopped onion in it. now add lentils, salt, fill with water and boil. Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking put spinach. Add spices. Seasoned with herbs, peeled and finely chopped pepper. Fried bread slices are placed on top.

Lean vegetable soup "Green"


• Five potatoes;

• One can of green peas;

• Carrot - one;

• Onion;

• Salt, fresh herbs;

• Bread.

Cooking method:

In boiled salted water dipped peeled, sliced ​​potatoes, and carrots - in small triangles. Lay the whole onion and cook for ten minutes. Take out the onion, green peas are added with the liquid. Served with fresh herbs and fried bread.

Lean Vegetable Soup - Tips and Tricks

• To make the broth in the soup clear, peeled potatoes should be held in cold water for a little while to leave starch.

• When adding beans to the soup, it should be soaked and boiled until soft.

• Toasted mugs of onions improve the taste and appearance of the broth. They brown faster if lightly sprinkled with flour.


Watch the video: How to Make Lentil Soup. Soup Recipe. (June 2024).