Keanu Reeves - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves) - American actor of television, theater and cinema was born in Beirut in 1964, September 2. Keanu in life looks absolutely the same as on the screen - surprisingly beautiful, a little thoughtful, eccentric and not very sociable, very polite and incredibly modest.

Father - half Hawaiian, half Chinese, came from a fairly wealthy family and met his mother Keanu Patricia in Lebanon. Unfortunately, when the boy was six years old, his father left the family.

The family moved to Canada and, interestingly, the actor still retains Canadian citizenship. Keanu finished elementary school in Toronto. But the boy was more interested in hockey and theater than in school. At age 17, Reeves was expelled from school for poor performance.

Keanu Reeves moonlighting, sharpening skates and pruning trees, and in 1984 made his debut on stage in the play "Boy Wolf", which has become a cult in Canada. The producers drew attention to the young actor and already in 1986 Reeves received an offer to star in the film "Young Blood". And after the release of the movie The Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted, Keanu Reeves became a real youth idol.

Keanu Reeves - the beginning of a stellar career

World recognition and fame Keanu Reeves brought the action movie "Speed". Brave and inventive Jack Traven instantly captivated the audience. Matured Reeves has become a real "star" of Hollywood. The directors bombarded him with invitations, and the amount of contracts exceeded seven million dollars.

Keanu Reeves himself does not consider himself exclusively an actor in action films. He convincingly proved this by brilliantly playing the role of a young lawyer in Taylor Hekford's film Devil's Advocate.

Keanu Reeves - gaining popularity

It is safe to say that the previous achievements of the actor simply faded against the backdrop of the fantastic success of The Matrix (1999). The picture collected at the box office half a billion dollars and was a huge success with the audience. No less successful were the following parts of the trilogy: “Matrix 2: Reboot” and “Matrix 3: Revolution”.

Criticism was quite restrained about the work of Keanu in the films "Sweet November" and "Hardball", which almost failed at the box office. But fans forgave the actor all the mistakes for the excellent work in the movie “Constantine. Lord of Darkness".

Keanu Reeves perfectly succeeds in the roles in the fantastic action films, however, he periodically stars in low-budget films such as Kings of the Streets and Lake House (2006).

Keanu Reeves - The Most Notable Roles

One of the most prominent roles for Keanu Reeves critics consider the role in the film "My Personal State of Idaho," in which Reeves played with River Phoenix. The picture became a cult and enjoyed incredible box office success. Well, and, of course - the legendary "Matrix". The actor had to go through several months of grueling training, but the result was worth it. The Wachowski brothers told in an interview that they were looking for the role of Neo the craziest of Hollywood stars, who would have embodied a novel comic on the screen. And they were not mistaken with the choice, Keanu Reeves brilliantly coped with this role, becoming the idol of millions.

Keanu Reeves - personal life

Keanu Reeves carefully protects her personal life from the yellow press. It is known that his affair with Jennifer Syme ended tragically. Their child in 2000 is born dead. A year later, Jennifer dies in a car accident. Today, little is known about the actor’s personal life. At one time in Hollywood, there were rumors about the actor's homosexual orientation, but Reeves himself was not at all interested in the public opinion.

Keanu Reeves - interesting facts

In childhood, Keanu suffered from dyslexia (inability to read), which is the reason for his some isolation.
Keanu Reeves does not have a personal computer, rightly believing that communicating with living people is much more interesting.
The actor is afraid to have children.
Reeves participated in the band Dogsta (played bass).
He is fond of motorcycles and hockey.
Keanu is left-handed.
Has British and Canadian citizenship.

Keanu Reeves - today

Keanu Reeves travels a lot, passionately fond of riding motorcycles and horses. The most enviable bridegroom of Hollywood is not going to bind herself by marriage. Reeves has grandiose creative plans and most recently became the producer of the documentary "Side by Side".


lijageo 02/15/2016
his favorite actor ... it’s a pity that he did not have a family life


Watch the video: The Unbelievable Life Story Of Keanu Reeves (July 2024).