How to improve eyesight at home: effective methods. Exercises and folk recipes to restore visual acuity


Vision helps a person interact with the outside world.

Not surprisingly, a huge strain is placed on the eyes.

Recently, visual impairment has been observed not only in people of age, but also in children.

Experts attribute this trend to mass computerization.

Do not rush to put on the glasses prescribed by the doctor.

The first thing to do if your eyesight is a little worse is to try to restore it on your own.

Improve vision at home: is it possible?

About 50% of the people on the planet have any vision problems. Many of us are familiar with diseases such as myopia, hyperopia, dry eye syndrome, astigmatism. This is not all eye pathologies. Getting rid of serious illnesses requires consultation with an ophthalmologist and competent treatment.

Surely you have repeatedly wondered how to improve vision at home independently and get rid of the need to wear glasses and lenses. It's no secret that the fall of vision can not be stopped with the help of glasses. It turns out that there are many examples where ordinary people, guided by proven recommendations, were able to improve their eyesight. Experts believe that a lot depends on the person himself.

Causes of vision impairment

Let us single out the main 5 reasons, due to which visual acuity decreases:

1. Eye muscles work little. For a long time, focusing our eyesight on the text of the book or on the monitor screen, we deprive the muscles that control the lens of the eye, movement. They become weakened and lethargic.

To see well, both close and far, the eye muscles need to be constantly trained, to keep them in good shape. This helps the alternate concentration of the gaze on distant, then close objects.

2. Photosensitive pigment, which is in the retina, is destroyed with age.

Proper nutrition will help slow down the aging process. The diet should be rich in foods abundant in vitamin A: eggs, meat, fish, milk, carrots, blueberries.

3. Deterioration of blood circulation in the retina.

Special diets help normalize the blood circulation process. Also, for people with such a problem, it is very important to refuse a long stay in saunas and steam rooms, in which the vessels undergo severe pressure drops.

4. Excessive eye strain from bright light or insufficient lighting.

Do not forget about sunglasses, which will protect your eyes from intense stress. In low light, try not to look at small objects and read. Before you learn how to improve your vision at home, you need to give up reading in moving vehicles, where uneven light and swaying have a bad effect on vision.

5. Lack of moisture the outer surface of the eyes with tear fluid. Because of this, an unpleasant burning sensation occurs, pain and a feeling of sand in the eyes.

Moisturize your eyes if you cry a little. But if there is no reason to “tear”, special drops that can be purchased at any pharmacy will help to cope with dryness.

To improve vision, you need an integrated approach. It’s important to understand that it’s not enough to buy super expensive drops. To achieve a good result, you should change your lifestyle, enrich your diet with vitamins, and also regularly do exercises to improve eyes and restore vision.

How to improve eyesight at home: methods

Before setting the goal to improve vision, you should try to partially or completely eliminate the causes of its deterioration. The first thing we can do is protect our eyes from irritants - TV screens, monitors and poor lighting.

Among the methods, the following have proven particularly good:

• gymnastics for the eyes;

• eye massage;

• intake of vitamins;

• diet.

Exercises for Improving Vision

Special exercises for the eyes will help relieve tension, eliminate discomfort, fatigue and dryness. According to ophthalmologists, trained eye muscles guarantee good vision.

The exercises that we will now consider should be done daily - either in the morning or before bedtime. Repeat them from 5 to 30 times. In the first days we do the minimum number of repetitions, in the future we increase the load. So, how to improve vision at home with exercise?

Before gymnastics, contact lenses or glasses must be removed..

1. "Curtains". Blink quickly and easily for 2 minutes. This simple exercise will prepare your eyes for later work and improve their blood circulation.

2. We look out the window. You will need clay to complete this exercise. Make a small point and attach it to the glass. On the street we select any far located object. We look at it for a few seconds, then we look at the point on the glass.

3. Strengthen the muscles of the eyelids. For 5 seconds, we close our eyes tightly. Then open wide. When doing the exercise, we sit on a chair with a flat back.

4. Relaxation. Just close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine something beautiful and pleasant. This exercise will give a greater effect if you cover your eyes with warm hands, crossing the fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead.

5. Draw with your eyes. It is better to understand how and what to draw with a look this picture will help.

• We look up and down.

• Draw a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

• We move our eyes diagonally.

• Draw a square.

• We take a look along the arc.

• We draw a rhombus.

• We draw bows.

• Trying to draw the letter S.

• Now you need to draw vertical arcs.

• Having brought a finger closer to the nose, we minimize the pupils to the bridge of the nose.

• Blink for centuries.

Eye massage

According to experts, it is enough to devote massage 10 minutes a day for a month to significantly improve vision. You will notice how your trained eyes will be less tired, gums and dryness will disappear. Eye massage can stop hyperopia and myopia.

We begin the massage with general relaxation. Sit comfortably on a chair and only then proceed.

So, improving the vision will help impact on the following points:

1. Press on the recess located on the side of the nose bridge - the inner side of the eyebrow.

2. With a gentle movement, we press in 2-3 centimeters from the middle of the lower eyelid (a recess in the cheek).

3. Now we press on the lower edge of the cheekbone.

4. With a slight movement, click on the cavity between the eyebrows located above the bridge of the nose.

5. We act on the temporal cavities, which are as close to the eyes as possible.

Hydromassage for eyes

Hydromassage can improve visual acuity by stimulating blood circulation in the vessels that feed the eyes. It must be done twice a day: morning and evening. After waking up, rinse your eyes first with warm, then cold water. Before going to bed, the procedure should be done in reverse order, starting with cold water.

Vitamins for Vision

You can help your eyes become vigilant and healthy by choosing the right vitamin and mineral complex. To slow down the aging process of the eyes and maintain their health, it is recommended to take complexes containing essential carotenoids, enzymes and antioxidants. For example, the dietary supplement Okuvayt® Forte. Its components - lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc, help to cope with eye fatigue, as well as prevent a decrease in visual acuity *.

Diet for vision

Another step towards healthy vision is eating foods that are good for the eyes. We are talking about greens, beans, apricots, fish, seeds and citrus fruits.

These foods should be eaten in accordance with the principle of diversity. Food will bring maximum benefit if you alternate and combine them.

How to improve eyesight at home: folk remedies

There are many recipes for traditional medicine, which are aimed at improving the eyes. Consider the most popular of them.

1. Blueberries are recommended to improve vision in any form. To get a good result, blueberries need to be consumed in a course of 4 to 7 weeks, 50 grams daily.

2. Decoction of calamus swamp. The crushed calamus root (1 tablespoon) is infused for 10 minutes in one glass of boiling water. Drink the resulting broth 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

3. Honey drops also help relieve inflammation and improve eyesight. Stir natural honey in strong black tea. Bury 5 drops in the eyes. Then it is recommended to lie down for 10 minutes.

4. Honey water has a beneficial effect on the eyes. You need to take it at night. In 1 cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon of honey should be diluted.

5. Rosehip in any form with regular use significantly improves vision. You can eat fresh fruits and cook compotes. You can also make a vitamin decoction of dry rose hips: 1 tablespoon of dried fruit pour 400 ml of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes, insist about an hour. The resulting broth we drink half a cup twice a day.

6. Infusion of dill seeds. For one cup of boiling water, you need one teaspoon of crushed dill seeds. We insist 15 minutes, filter. According to the prescription, treatment should be carried out for one year in courses. We drink 3 times a day, 70 ml 10 minutes before meals for a month, take a break a week.

Improving vision at home: causes of failure

Failed to improve your vision at home? There may be several reasons for this:

• constant stress;

• smoking;

• excessive drinking;

• lack of motor activity;

• heredity;

• poor visual conditions.

Stress provokes a decrease in visual acuity. Psycho-emotional experiences lead to the release of adrenaline by the body. The hormone sharply narrows the blood vessels, causing them to cramp. This often leads to hypertension, retinal embolism, and vascular thrombosis.

Nicotine and other harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke constrict the blood vessels in the retina. This in turn leads to damage to the optic nerve and clogging of blood vessels. As a result, smokers face sharp visual impairment.

Ophthalmologists also warn that atrophy of the optic nerve may be caused by alcoholism. In medicine, this concept is known as intoxication of the optic nerves.

Now you know how to improve eyesight at home. We need a competent integrated approach. Take care of your eyesight! Conduct preventive examinations in a timely manner, review your lifestyle and diet. Your health is in your hands!

* - Instruction for dietary supplement Okuvayt® Forte


Watch the video: Improve Your Eyesight, YOURSELF AND NATURALLY - With Leo Angart (July 2024).