Lady Gaga is going to marry a "vampire"


The extravagant American pop diva never ceases to amaze her fans. Lady Gaga’s romance with handsome Taylor Kinney seems to end in a wedding anyway. About this the other day Gagi's close friend let slip: a couple in love plans to legitimize their relationship this summer.

The actor, who became famous for his role in the series “The Vampire Diaries”, and the American singer met in the fall of 2011. The stars worked together on the You and I video, which pleased Lady Gaga fans with very candid shots. After the filming, the lovers behaved in public very modestly - the paparazzi could not catch them for hugs and kisses. Only ceremonial joint dinners in restaurants and chastely woven fingers.

It was obvious that the matter was confidently going to the wedding. But all of a sudden in May it became known that the Lady had broken off relations with the sexy handsome Kinney. The reason was the upcoming tour. Official representatives of the singer said that the artist wants to focus on concerts, and personal relations supposedly prevent her from pursuing a career.

Then a similar end to the relationship did not surprise anyone. The public decided that the shocking singer simply played with Kinney, but it soon turned out that Lady Gaga was serious - in June the stars were noticed on a joint walk.

For a long time, the press did not say anything about lovers. They wrote only about the health of Gaga and her endless performances. And finally, the other day, the tabloids published a sensational statement by a girlfriend of a pop star, in which she assured fans of the star that the celebrity wedding will take place in the summer.


Watch the video: Lady Gaga - Marry The Night Official Video (June 2024).