Soup diet: 3 recipes for healthy soups. How to cook cabbage and Thai soup for weight loss?


Soups have a positive effect on the health of the whole body, but in addition they will help to lose weight without harm to health. Soup diet is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a quick, effective and proven method of weight loss. This diet consists of very low-calorie soups, so it is suitable for women with a very slow metabolism who do not need a lot of calories. Soup diet is not recommended for men and people with very fast metabolism.

Those who want to try this diet in practice, it is important to know that soups will be your main food within 5 days. Soups are prepared from seasonal vegetables, most often cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, leeks, celery and parsley, as well as peas, mushrooms, spinach or broccoli. The ingredients for the soup can be fried, and the soup itself seasoned if desired. Refrain from adding cream and noodles; you should also not eat bread soup!

Breakfast of such a diet consists of light soup. For lunch, it’s better to cook yourself a soup based on high-protein foods - fish will be an ideal choice.

1. Cabbage soup

Ingredients: 6 large onions, 5 tomatoes, cabbage, 2 green peppers, a large amount of large celery, broth cube.

Cooking - Pour finely chopped vegetables with water, add a little salt and sprinkle with parsley. Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, after this time, reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables soften. Then you can stir the soup and either drain somewhere, for example in a thermos, if you leave, or put it in the refrigerator and eat, heating in the microwave.

2. Spinach Soup

Ingredients: spinach leaves, a clove of garlic, lean broth, smoked tofu, olive oil.

Cooking - put the spinach in a pan with water, after a few minutes, stirring, add the lean broth. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the garlic and chopped smoked tofu. To improve the taste of this wonderful soup will help a spoonful of vegetable oil, added to taste in dishes.

Similarly, you can cook a delicious soup by mixing broccoli, peas and pumpkin.

3. Thai soup

Ingredients - 300 ml of chicken stock, 100 g of mushrooms, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 cup of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of curry paste or adjika, 1 stem of lemongrass, 30 g of rhizome of Kalgan, 3 tablespoons of fish sauce, 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 a tablespoon of cane sugar, 3 tablespoons of lime juice, 3 chili peppers, coriander, basil.

Preparation: heat the oil in a frying pan, put adjika or curry paste in the heated oil. Add chicken stock, lemon grass, galgan leaves and lemon to this mixture and bring to a boil. After a while, add coconut milk, carrot slices, mushrooms, tomatoes, a little fish sauce for taste, lemon juice and chili. Cook over low heat without digesting, otherwise the soup will burn. The soup is served with herbs - coriander, basil, and chili can also be added separately.


Watch the video: Tomato Basil Soup (July 2024).