How to safely cleanse the body of toxins at home? An overview of healing techniques for cleansing the body of toxins


Modern statistics quite authoritatively states that absolutely healthy people simply do not exist.

And paraphrasing the famous statement, we can conclude that in a living person something hurts in the morning.

However, this statement is fundamentally contrary to the promises of proponents of cleansing the body of toxins, claiming that such procedures can solve the lion's share of health problems.

Of course, environmental factors, uncontrolled medication, addiction to junk food leave a mark in the body in the form of certain toxins and even affect the appearance. But is cleansing of toxins able to rid the body of such problems?

What to do when the natural cleaning function fails due to problems with the urinary or gastrointestinal system? To solve such problems, you need to contact a doctor who will help restore the natural balance in the body or choose decent and safe methods of cleaning the body at home.

To clear an organism of slags at home - indications and contraindications?

Purifying self-regulation is inherent in the body by nature. Any substances entering the body pass through a complex system of processing, filtration, neutralization and elimination. The complex mechanism of the excretory system is capable of eliminating dangerous, harmful, dead and waste substances, particles and cells from tissues and organs without interruptions and outside help. However, any debugged mechanism may fail. And here the problems begin, caused by the accumulation of toxins, which actually provoke self-poisoning of the body.

How to solve a similar problem, each person has to choose on his own. Proponents of cleansing the body of toxins argue that signs of slagging are primarily painful conditions that manifest themselves:

• causeless headaches;

• aching joints;

• constant fatigue;

• excessive irritability;

• increased sweating;

• skin rashes;

• unnatural bad breath;

• puffiness.

Such signs clearly indicate the presence of toxins that can accumulate not only in the hollow organs, but also in tissues, intercellular fluid, and even blood.

Go to the step that saves health by cleansing the body of toxins is possible only under certain conditions. And here a person is faced with a certain paradox. The reason for the appearance of toxins is certain health problems, but in order to get rid of this trash some purification methods require truly good health.

The list of prohibitions that few people listen to in order to cleanse the body is really impressive.

Cleaning is prohibited:

• with problems in the digestive system;

• in case of failures in the endocrine system;

• for problems with the cardiovascular system;

• if any pathology of the excretory system is observed;

• during pregnancy and lactation.

Cleaning the body of toxins is considered dangerous for patients with diseases such as:

• diabetes mellitus;

• stomach ulcers;

• increased acidity of the stomach;

• peptic ulcer of the duodenum;

• cholecystitis;

• colitis;

• pancreatitis;

• hypertension;

• pathologies of the heart or kidneys;

• oncological diseases.

Cleaning is not suitable for individuals who do not have a confidence in the healing methods of cleaning or are not completely convinced of its advisability. It is not recommended to cleanse the body of children, adolescents, as well as while taking any medications or vitamin.

Cleanse the body of toxins at home: a review of methods

There is a fairly impressive list of different methods of cleansing the body from toxins. Indeed, almost every self-respecting alternative medicine doctor considers it his duty to take care of the cleanliness of the organisms of his patients and issues his own ways of combating toxins.

However, there are several areas that adhere to when cleaning the body of toxins. All of them can be divided into fairly safe and dubious.

Water cleaning

This is perhaps the easiest and safest way to cleanse the body. Water helps to accelerate metabolic processes, is able to dissolve toxins and accelerate their elimination. For this, purified, non-boiled or bottled water is used.

Cleaning Scheme:

1. In the morning, drink at least 400 ml of chilled water.

2. After a couple of hours, drink the same volume, adding honey to the water.

3. After it is allowed to have a snack with fruits or vegetables.

4. Scheme of lunch and dinner to leave familiar.

5. It is necessary to refuse caffeinated drinks at the time of cleaning.

Duration of cleaning is a week.

Water purification is used in Ayurveda. But water with salt is used, after which a specially developed complex of yoga asanas is performed.

Adsorbent cleaning

Absorbent substances can absorb excess moisture in which toxins are present. To do this, you can use activated charcoal or rice.

Activated carbon must be taken at the rate of 1 standard pill per 10 kg of weight, dividing the dose into two doses.

Rice use on an empty stomach, boiling a pre-soaked cereal in water. There are several methods for soaking rice. You can soak the rice for four days, daily changing the water in the tank. With this method, you will have to add a new portion of rice daily, so that four portions are constantly soaked. Such cleaning is carried out for at least 40 days.

And you can use a simpler way: soak a portion of rice in the evening, and in the morning boil it and eat it with the resulting jelly. With any method, it is forbidden to use salt or spices.

However, adsorbents also absorb beneficial substances. Therefore, you will have to take care during cleaning to maintain the intestinal flora.

Skin cleansing

Human skin covers the largest organ in the body, which, in addition to its protective function, performs both thermoregulatory and excretory functions. Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse the body of toxins to stimulate the elimination of toxins through the skin.

This method is quite simple and consists in applying:

• active sports activities that increase sweating, normalize metabolism, blood circulation, develop lungs;

• water cleansing procedures;

• procedures in the bathhouse, sauna;

• healing cleansing baths with salt, soda, turpentine.

It is advisable for the time of cleaning to abandon the use of dubious cosmetics and hygiene products.

Juice cleaning

Juice therapy is quite common and successfully used to treat various pathologies. Juices from fresh vegetables and fruits have a healthy effect on the body. And thanks to its specific properties, they help to cope with problems of various kinds.

To carry out cleaning in a day, you need to drink about a liter and a half of freshly prepared juice. A single serving of juice and the number of servings is selected individually. The volume of juice drunk at one time should not cause discomfort.

When choosing products for the preparation of a healing drink, one must take into account that:

• cucumbers help with constipation and cleanse the liver;

• Jerusalem artichoke is able to remove toxins, has anti-cancer properties;

• pumpkin - helps with chronic constipation;

• potato - combats constipation, relieves inflammation;

• cauliflower - cleanses the liver, fights against atherosclerosis.

It can be used for cleaning both monosoks and mixtures.

Questionable cleaning methods

Each purification method has both supporters and opponents. Adherents of certain methods can reasonably prove a positive effect on the body, omitting dangerous consequences.

Perhaps such methods bring certain benefits, but only when carrying out procedures under the strict supervision of specialists. Independent experiments can have rather dire consequences.

One can distinguish fairly popular, but no less dangerous methods of cleaning the body, used at home.

Cleaning the intestines with enemas. The procedure is able to completely destroy the beneficial intestinal flora, which leads to an imbalance in the body. The consequences of prolonged use of enemas for cleansing are manifested by intestinal injuries, chronic constipation, chronic dysbiosis.

Starvation. Refusing any food intake, a person does not allow toxins to enter the body. But at the same time, irreversible processes begin to occur, knocking down the work of almost all systems. Quite often, such experiments end even with resuscitation.

Urinotherapy. The victims of this technique use their own waste products for cleaning, claiming that the kidneys in this case are forced to filter the plasma with a double effort. What can end such mockery of the body can not predict any doctor.

Lemon oil for liver cleansing. The rapid one-time release of bile, provoked by the consumption of an aggressive mixture, contributes to the entry into the intestine of huge volumes of greenish clots. It is these formations, consisting essentially of dehydrated bile, that the proponents of this technique call hepatic slag. However, such procedures lead to intense unnatural liver function, resulting in bleeding. And the excess produced bile spreads throughout the body, causing yellowing of the skin, spastic constipation and loss of strength.

Cleanse the body of toxins at home: folk remedies, recipes

Traditional medicine offers a general cleaning in the body with the help of herbs and various food products. Most often, phased cleaning is proposed, covering all organs and systems of the body.

For complex cleaning, you can use the following proven recipes:

Nettle tea. Brew 2 tablespoons of fresh or dried leaves in 2 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Drink like regular tea for 2 weeks. After a couple of weeks, repeat the course.

Horsetail Drink. Place 4 tsp in a container. grated raw materials and add 900 ml of boiling water to it. After half an hour, drain the tincture. For the day you need to drink half a liter of the drink, dividing it into three doses.

Dandelion drink. Use freshly picked flowers to clean the liver. Pour 5 tablespoons of flowers with a liter of boiling water, let the drink stand for about 2 hours. After filtering, you can use it. Drink healing tea before each meal in an incomplete glass.

Grassy broom. To prepare a healing potion that helps to get rid of fatty deposits, toxins and normalizes metabolic processes, you need to stock up on chamomile flowers, birch buds, St. John's wort, and immortelle inflorescences. Grind and mix all components thoroughly. Drink only freshly prepared before each meal for half an hour. Prepare a grassy "broom" from a collection spoon, filled with boiling water in the volume of half a liter.

Cleanse the body of toxins at home: a doctor’s opinion

After the emergence of the theory of slagging of the body, put forward by the German doctor Rekeveg, disputes about the advisability of purification do not subside. Proponents zealously argue that the body is not able to function normally in the presence of harmful waste products.

More conservative opponents argue the opposite. The human body does not work as waste-free production. And all the decay products, as well as the so-called slag, are removed naturally. Whether or not to maintain such thoughts is a private matter for everyone.

But in any case, it is necessary to choose a cleaning method that is not able to harm health. And the best way to restore metabolic processes and really cleanse the body is a balanced diet.

After all, indeed, there are many products that can significantly speed up cleaning.

So, products in the form of olive oil, parsley, apples, cucumbers will come to the aid of the liver.

To improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, you can apply echination and sorrel.

You can get rid of excess fluid with nettles, apples, zucchini, and cucumbers.

Fiber, water, beets, and prunes can be used as natural laxatives.

And to increase sweating, you can use onions, mustard, green tea, garlic.


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