The composition of face masks for wrinkles after 40 years. Ways to combat wrinkles at home after 40 years: mask recipes


A woman at any age should be well-groomed and beautiful. The most age-related changes are manifested on the skin of the face. It becomes thinner, more sensitive, wrinkles are indicated.

What components should be present in a wrinkle mask after 40 years

The composition of the masks is determined by the type of skin. The components must be combined with each other, complement each other, enhancing the expected effect on the skin.

For dry and combination skin are used:

• Milk, sour cream, kefir.

• Any vegetable oil.

For oily and irritated skin, you can use:

• Cottage cheese, yogurt.

• Lemon juice.

• Dill, sorrel and other herbs.

Components that are used for all skin types to smooth wrinkles:

• Honey.

• Egg.

• Carrot juice.

• Gelatin.

• Glycerin.

• Vitamins E, A, C, D.

• Herbs, etc.

The composition of the mask and the effectiveness of its effect are determined by the individual characteristics of the skin, so it’s worth experimenting several times to choose the best personalized wrinkle mask for women after 40 years.

Facial masks for wrinkles after 40 years with dairy products

Strong anti-wrinkle action is provided by masks made of milk and other dairy products.

The most popular formulations:

Composition No. 1:

• Cream (sour cream yogurt) 3 part.

• Honey 1 part.

• Cognac 2 parts.

• Yolk.

Superimposed on the face for at least 1 hour. The mask has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles.

Composition No. 2:

• Milk 1 part.

• Water 1 part.

Rubbing the face with this composition significantly reduces wrinkles, rejuvenates and whitens the skin.

Composition No. 3:

• Honey 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Milk 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

• Yolk.

• Lemon juice 0.5 tsp.

• Oat flakes 3 tbsp. spoons.

The mixture is applied to the face with a thick layer for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Facial masks for wrinkles after 40 years with honey

Honey is well known both as a beneficial product and in its beneficial effect on the skin. It nourishes, moisturizes, evens complexion, is used in many masks as a main component against aging of the skin, smoothing wrinkles.

The most powerful effect is the mask, consisting of several components. They enhance the beneficial effects on the skin and successfully fight wrinkles.

Composition No. 1

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey.

• 1 yolk.

• 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

The exposure time of the mask is 30-40 minutes.

Composition No. 2

• 1 part honey.

• 1 part glycerin.

• Egg.

The mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Composition No. 3 for the skin around the eyes

• 1 tbsp. a spoon of honey.

• Vitamin E 1 capsule.

• Yolk

This mask is applied both on the eyelids and on the entire face for 15-20 minutes.

Before applying honey masks, it is necessary to check the skin reaction to the components. To do this, a small amount of mixed components is applied to the inner side of the wrist for 10-20 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction, it is possible to apply a mask to the face.

Oil masks

The most popular are olive, linseed, peach wrinkle oils, vitamin E oil solution, etc. They help fight wrinkles, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Oils can be used as monomasks, add them to the cream, enhancing the effect of the latter.

Effective formulations:

Composition No. 1

• 1 part olive oil.

• 1 part applesauce.

Apples can be replaced with kiwi or banana. The mask is applied for 30-40 minutes.

Composition No. 2

• 1 part of linseed oil.

• 1 part aloe juice.

• 1 part cream.

Before squeezing the juice, the aloe is kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. The mask is done before bedtime, it is applied for one hour or more, can be left overnight.

Composition No. 3

• 1 part olive oil.

• 1 capsule of vitamin E.

This composition is applied with light movements to the skin around the eyes and left for several hours.

For all masks, it is recommended that the oil be preheated in a water bath to a warm state to improve absorption. You can make compresses from olive oil, applying it to the area around the eyes.

Berry masks

In the berry season, it is useful to use berry masks. The berries contain many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, peptides that help the skin of the face look young and beautiful. The peculiarities of berry masks are the coloring composition, so they are applied to the face for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Masks with berries:

Composition No. 1

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons of juice of any garden berries.

• 1 yolk.

Composition No. 2

• 2 parts of strawberry juice (strawberries).

• 1 part honey.

• 1 part lemon juice.

• 2 parts cream

The components are mixed, oatmeal can be added as a thickener.

Composition No. 3

• 1 part currant juice (black, red, white).

• 1 part aloe juice.

• 1 part of linseed oil.

Flaxseed oil can be replaced with olive, peach, almond, etc.

You can use any berries, replace strawberries with currants, blueberries, raspberries, etc.

The use of herbal infusions

Herbal infusions will also help fight wrinkles. Medicinal herbs contain in addition to vitamins and minerals tannins, amino acids, peptides, alkaloids, essential oils.

The following herbs help to fight wrinkles, have the following herbs: anti-aging and smoothing: mint, aloe, chamomile, ginseng, marshmallow.

Freshly prepared infusions are wiped on the skin of the face in the morning, before bedtime, after applying masks. Infusions can be frozen and wiped on the face with an ice cube to improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and rejuvenate skin cells.

A variant of ice cubes from wrinkles is a mixture of milk with mint leaves.

To reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, parsley lotions are used. To do this, finely chop the greens, knead until juice appears, transfer to gauze bags and put on eyes for 20 minutes. Parsley juice is also added to milk and oil masks.

The use of ointments as masks for facial wrinkles for women after 40 years

Pharmacy products will help fight wrinkles.

The most popular are:

Solcoseryl contributes to the production of collagen, so its use smoothes wrinkles. Often, the ointment is used with Dimexide to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

However, it is worth remembering that this tool is not intended for cosmetic care. It is used to heal wounds and is used as a temporary method, and also has a number of side effects: allergic reactions, itching, or irritation. Therefore, cosmetologists are wary of the use of solcoseryl to combat wrinkles, although they note its positive effect on the skin.

Heparin ointment relieves swelling under the eyes, it is successfully used to remove wrinkles around the eyes. Beauticians do not recommend using this tool more often than 2 to 10 days.

Lyoton gel, the main component of which is heparin, acts similarly to ointment. The structure of the composition allows you to add small and vitamins to the gel to enhance the effect. Cosmetologists note almost no side effects when using the gel, but they warn that the remedy will not work to combat deep age wrinkles.

Relief ointment with vitamin E and beeswax fights swelling, smoothing small wrinkles, promotes collagen production, evens complexion. But it can not be used for a number of diseases, and it is also not recommended for use around the eyes. Ointment can be used periodically no more than 1 time in two weeks, if there is no reaction to its composition.

Useful tips from professionals

To make the use of masks useful for the skin, extracting the maximum effect from their use, experts advise:

• A mask for wrinkles is applied to the face no more than 2 times a week, it can be done at night or at least for 30-40 minutes.

• To obtain the effect of masks, they must be applied in the system, and not from case to case.

• It is better to change the composition of the mask after 10 procedures so that the skin does not get used to the effect.

• Before applying the mask, the skin is cleaned with a lotion.

• To improve the effect of the mask on the skin of the face, it can first be steamed in the bathroom.

• The mask made is used immediately; it cannot be stored, even in the refrigerator.

• Be sure to do a preliminary test for sensitivity to the components of the mask.

• Before applying pharmacy products in the form of face masks for wrinkles after 40 years, it is better to seek the advice of a cosmetologist who will give personalized recommendations.

After 40 years, a woman’s skin needs special care and care, however one cannot overdo it in applying face masks, it must be remembered that “everything is good in moderation”, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.


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