Proper nutrition during pregnancy


During pregnancy one of the most "valuable" advice of relatives and friends is nutrition. A flurry of information from “you can eat everything and for two” to “you can’t do nothing — sit on bread and water.” How to understand. What and how you can actually eat during of pregnancyso that the food was both tasty and healthy. Let's discuss everything in detail.

Do not abuse ...

For some reason, it is believed that pregnant women should eat for two, but the child consumes very few calories and nutrients, because by the end of the pregnancy its weight reaches only 3-4 kg, and this is incomparable with the expenses of an adult. An ordinary woman spends, depending on lifestyle and type of activity, from 1,700 to 2,000 calories, her baby and pregnancy add up to a total of about 25% of her caloric intake. In total, during pregnancy, a woman needs 2500-2600 calories. This fully covers the expenses of the growing body of the baby and the energy that goes into the formation of the placenta, the membranes and amniotic fluid, the uterus.

Fat deposits and fluid always accumulate during pregnancy, it is physiologically justified and necessary to restore the circulating blood volume and replenish energy reserves after giving birth while feeding a baby. In addition, the liquid is needed during pregnancy to ensure adequate metabolism, update the amniotic fluid, prepare for Roma and ensure the elasticity and stretchability of tissues. That is why a woman gradually gains weight, starting from about 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

Fat mainly accumulates on the pope and waist, in the hips and back, it occurs evenly and approximately to 30-32 weeks. However, it must be remembered that excessive accumulation of fat, which is not consumed in the process of life, can adversely affect the process of pregnancy and childbirth. There is a definite relationship between body weight and the development of gestosis, late toxicosis of pregnancy, which changes the normal work of all organs and systems, the future of the mother and the fetus.

Therefore, the recommendations of our grandmothers to eat for two are wrong and even dangerous - they can lead to the deposition of excess fat and large fruit (weighing more than 4 kg). When a large fetus is delivered, there is a greater chance of injury and tearing in the mother and a serious condition for the fetus. The head of the baby is under great stress.

Overweight women are less likely to tolerate childbirth and their tissues are less elastic, and their recovery after childbirth takes longer, it is more difficult to come in child-bearing forms. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the calorie intake and weight.

But the other extreme is also bad - it is forbidden to go on diets and limit yourself in nutrition, it is harmful not only for a woman, but also for her baby. Most diets are inadequate and not balanced, they can not provide enough nutrients and energy for the increasing needs of women. This can lead to a deficiency of protein, fat or carbohydrates, or a deficiency of vitamin-mineral components. With chronic fasting or restriction of a pregnant woman in any components (for example, in meat), the fetus can develop defects, it can be born low in weight, with diseases of the nervous and immune systems, and women have a higher risk of premature birth.

What to eat?

At all, pregnancy - this is not a disease, but a physiological stage in the life of almost any woman, therefore, she shouldn’t impose any special restrictions on nutrition or lifestyle on a pregnant woman. The nature itself will prompt the woman in time what needs to be included and what to exclude from the diet, as the tastes of pregnant women change drastically. Someone pulls for sweets, someone for salty, so you should listen to your inner voice, the main thing is not to overeat. In the first trimester, the style and amount of food does not change at all, and for many women, because of toxicosis, the appetite decreases or becomes selective.

By the second trimester, well-being is recovering and with it the need for food ingredients grows. The appetite against the background of what was before may increase dramatically - but in order not to overeat, take it as a rule to eat a little, but often. You have to leave the table with such a feeling that “I would have eaten this cake”, that is, with the feeling that you did not eat it. Saturation comes later, when the first portions of glucose obtained from the products get into the blood, and by this time you can already eat too much.

You can make yourself three or four main meals, and you can eat fruits, vegetables, yogurt. Replace sweets with dried fruits and marmalades, limit sugar - there are few benefits and excessive calories. Cook cereals from whole grains, wholemeal bread. Prefer vegetable oils from fats, but lard and mutton fat should be excluded. Proteins should be varied, so you need to eat fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and legumes (but not very much - they cause bloating). If you are a sweet tooth - you have to limit yourself a little - the more sugar you eat, the higher the weight of the fruit will be, so you need to measure sweets and cakes.

In the third trimester, most recommendations are also relevant. But due to the large uterus, pressing on the stomach and the resulting frequent heartburn, will have to make changes in the rhythm of nutrition and in the composition of products. Useful dairy and vegetable products, raw or boiled, stewed or baked. But from roast, fatty and spicy heartburn increases. Protein in the diet should be a lot, but carbohydrates - especially sugar, you need to somewhat limit.

It is better to drink pure water - mineral or ordinary, but without gas. From drinks fit juices, compotes and fruit drinks. But from the sweet soda is better to give up - they are stuffed with chemistry. And gas bubbles increase the acidity of the stomach.

What could be dangerous?

Of course, now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the little man inside you. Therefore, very carefully approach the issue of product quality and shelf life. Food poisoning or intestinal infection during pregnancy can be deadly. The admission of raw or half-baked products - smoked meat and fish, salted bacon - there may be pathogens of salmonellosis. Seafood and land can also be dangerous. Microbes reproduce well in fish and there can be eggs of parasites.

Allergenic products should also be mentioned separately. If you yourself are allergic - it is necessary to follow the diet prescribed for you, the probability of having a child with allergies is high. But if you did not suffer from any allergies before pregnancy, you can not change your usual diet. Only this does not mean that you can safely eat pounds of oranges and chocolates, everything should be in moderation.

During pregnancy, avoid exotic dishes and seasonings. If you have never tried them before - it is not known how your digestion will react to this innovation, the risk in this case is not justified.

A common misconception about the restriction in the diet of a pregnant woman such foods (which are attributed to allergenic properties) like chicken, caviar, milk, rye, as well as brightly colored fruits and vegetables. If you have previously calmly consumed these products, do not exclude them from the diet and you can eat everything as usual. There is no proven version of the connection between children’s allergies and women’s nutrition during pregnancy.

At any time of the year, your diet should be complete, balanced, rich in greens and fresh, natural products. Pregnancy is the time to train yourself to a healthy lifestyle, which will be very useful in later life with a child. start eating right and it will become a habit for you, and allow you to endure a strong rosy cheek toddler !!!


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (June 2024).