How to reduce the risk of breast cancer: a few simple ways


According to doctors, breast cancer is the result of not only genetic predisposition, but also environmental factors and lifestyle features. Experts are convinced that this terrible disease is completely preventable.

In particular, active exercise can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by one fifth.

A study was conducted, the participants of which were 120 thousand women who reached menopause. It was established that if the subject performed daily 15-35-minute jogs, she had much less chance of becoming ill.

Doctors recommend that women regularly undergo a routine examination, because the worst thing is the diagnosis of cancer in its final stages. Also, doctors say that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. It is curious that breastfeeding can reduce the likelihood of death from various circulatory diseases.

But scientists from Boston believe that women need to resolutely abandon alcohol, which, according to statistics, causes 15% of deaths caused by cancer. The explanation for this fact is simple - alcohol is one of the most carcinogenic substances in the world. Fatty foods, which increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 1/5, also cause considerable danger.

A huge danger is caused by saturated fats, which increase hormone-dependent cancer by as much as 28%. And London scientists have vividly proved that rapid weight gain is also one of the risk factors for breast cancer: an increase in the size of the skirt by even one size in 10 years by a third increases the risk of developing oncology after menopause.


Watch the video: Using Risk Models for Breast Cancer Prevention (July 2024).