Does a light brown discharge during pregnancy signal danger? Treatment for brown discharge in pregnant women


Most women are absolutely confident that with the onset of pregnancy no bleeding will disturb their next nine months. The share of truth in such reasonings is present.

Pregnancy without pathologies should not be accompanied by unnatural secretions.

But there are isolated cases when the discharge of light brown shades during pregnancy can be attributed to the body's natural reaction to certain processes.

Causes of light brown discharge during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, the structure of the mucous and flora of the vagina is changing dramatically in a woman, which occurs under the influence of hormonal changes. Therefore, the amount of permanent discharge increases significantly. If they are practically transparent and have no unpleasant smell, there is no cause for concern.

The appearance of light brown discharge during pregnancy always indicates blood impurities, which, mixing with the natural vaginal discharge, and give such a shade.

Blood appears only in cases of damage to any tissue. Situations when such a sign does not confirm the pathology are rare. Therefore, it is not worth while reading light brown secretions during pregnancy to guess on the coffee grounds, this is the norm or pathology. Seek advice from a doctor would be the most appropriate decision at such times.

Why do light brown secretions appear at the beginning of pregnancy?

Implant bleeding

At the very beginning of pregnancy, literally 8-10 days after conception, the embryo invades the uterine muscle wall. This can cause damage to small vessels, which are accompanied by insignificant secretions. For most women, the process goes unnoticed and is not accompanied by any unnatural signs. In some cases, when a woman does not yet know about pregnancy, such secretions of a light brown shade are perceived as missed periods.

Unlike menstruation, implant bleeding:

• slightly in volume of discharge;

• has a creamy texture;

• is not accompanied by smell, sharp pains;

• short on time.

The color of the discharge can be not only light brown, but also pink, beige.

Risk of miscarriage

The appearance of light brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy may be associated with a slight detachment of the endometrium. The process occurs against the background of progesterone deficiency. It is this hormone that is designed to resist an undesirable contraction of the uterus during pregnancy.

With an insufficient level of the hormone, the uterus tries to get rid of the foreign body, the fertilized egg can begin to exfoliate, which is accompanied by vascular damage and the appearance of blood.

Allocations may be insignificant. Concomitant symptoms may appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancy

In cases where the fertilized egg is fixed in the fallopian tube, there is a threat to the life of the woman. With the growth of the embryo, the tube is stretched and injured. The process is accompanied by light brown discharge, pain in the abdomen.

If the pathological formation is not removed in time, the tube may rupture, causing internal bleeding.

Bubble skid

There is pathology, fortunately, quite rarely. With such an anomaly, which appeared due to a chromosomal failure, a benign tumor is formed, in which there are bubbles with liquid. Such a tumor can grow and penetrate into the walls of the uterus. This causes damage, which is accompanied by light brown secretions with the presence of small watery bubbles. This pregnancy is urgently interrupted, as it threatens the life of a woman.

Frozen fruit

When the fetus dies, spontaneous rejection does not always occur. A dead embryo may remain in the uterus for some time. The most dangerous is that such a condition may not be accompanied by any signs. With partial rejection, there are light brown discharge, the woman feels weak, nauseous, abdominal pain, signs of intoxication appear.

Discharge at later gestational age

The discharge of light brown shades over long periods clearly indicates the pathology of pregnancy. Such signs may be present:

• with placental abruption, which in the later periods is not treated by conservative methods, but becomes the cause of premature birth;

• during the presentation of the fetus, which provokes minor damage to the vessels of the placenta and is an indication for a planned cesarean section;

• with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is expressed by shortening the cervix, which can cause preterm labor.

Selections of different colors, including light brown, may be precursors of childbirth. Before commencement of labor, the cervix is ​​released from the plug that seals it. At the same time in the outgoing mucus particles of blood may be observed. The process is absolutely natural and does not carry the threat of pregnancy.

Pathologies that are not related to pregnancy

In spite of pregnancy, the processes inherent in the ordinary person occur in the body of life. The aggravation of some pathologies, both acquired and aggravated during pregnancy, may be accompanied by unnatural secretions of brown color. This feature occurs:

• with cervical erosion;

• with an active ovarian cyst;

• under the influence of fibroids;

• due to mechanical damage to the neck or walls of the vagina;

• with andexitis;

• during endometriosis;

• with polyps.

A separate group includes some infectious diseases, in which there are not only brown discharge, but also an unpleasant smell. With such diseases, itching, irritation of the mucous membrane may appear.

Diagnosis for light brown secretions during pregnancy

The situation when even slight light brown spots are found on the laundry should not be allowed to take its course. It is necessary to try as soon as possible to visit the gynecologist to dispel all doubts. If, in addition, there were unexplained pains, the temperature rose, you have to hurry.

To determine the cause of bleeding, having a light brown color, the doctor will have to:

1. Interview the patient to determine the associated symptoms and find out the events that could trigger the discharge.

2. Inspect, if necessary, the woman on the chair, which will determine the state of the neck.

3. Listen to the heartbeat of the fetus, to determine the compliance of the actual size of the abdomen with the expected period.

The most informative examination remains ultrasound. It allows:

• determine the location of the fetus;

• find out the state of the placenta;

• examine the fetus for developmental disabilities.

Laboratory examinations will also be required. Pregnant with light brown secretions will need:

• general tests;

• analysis of hormones;

• analysis of flora materials to determine the presence of infections.

In situations where emergency surgical intervention is necessary, no additional examinations are performed.

How do they treat light brown spots during pregnancy?

The gynecologist selects methods of treatment, depending on the reasons that provoked the deviation:

1. With the threat of miscarriage due to hormonal abnormalities, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment with hormonal drugs. This will restore the balance of progesterone and signs in the form of light brown discharge during pregnancy will disappear.

2. If the discharge is triggered by implantation bleeding, special treatment is not required. But the doctor may recommend to donate blood to determine the level of hormones, hemoglobin. Also need to eliminate problems with blood vessels and blood clotting.

3. For ectopic pregnancy and fetal fading, an emergency operation is performed, during which the fertilized egg is removed. If this is not done on time, the consequences for the woman can be disastrous.

4. Bubble skid removed uniquely. And well, if the tumor that appeared in such a pathology, will be benign without metastasis.

5. In case of placental abruption, the issue of urgent delivery by cesarean section is resolved.

6. Corrosive-cervical insufficiency is eliminated with the help of hormone therapy, retention ring installation or suturing.

Problems with pathological gynecological formations in the form of erosion, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, polyps, giving light brown discharge, during the course of pregnancy are not fundamentally solved. The doctor may recommend maintenance therapy to prevent pathologies from progressing. Surgical or minimally invasive methods are used if the disease threatens the course of pregnancy.

Quite a different way with inflammatory and infectious pathologies. In these cases, emergency treatment is required. Because various infections have a negative effect on the development of the fetus and may even cause its death.

To to choose the right treatment, determine the type of infection that provoked pathology. After this treatment can be carried out:

• safe antibiotics;

• antiviral or antibacterial drugs;

• antifungal agents.

Most of these drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor can choose a safe combination of medicines. In these cases, it is necessary to prescribe potent drugs, since the effects of infection on the fetus are worse than the possible side effects of the drugs.

How does light brown discharge threaten an unborn baby?

Discharge during implantation of the ovum and the discharge of the cork are natural, therefore, in these cases, worries about the health of the baby are unnecessary.

Situations when the blood begins with hormonal disruptions, with detachment of the placenta, during problems with the neck in the form of shortening, the pregnancy itself is under threat of termination.

If the question has become about the removal of the ovum, it is about the health and life of the mother. In such cases as fetal dying, ectopic embryo attachment, developmental abnormalities, the pregnancy is interrupted by artificial means.

In infectious diseases during pregnancy, accompanied by offensive light brown secretions, the fetus may experience developmental abnormalities associated with the formation of vital systems and organs.

The best prevention of pregnancy pathologies will be the interaction with the gynecologist. Timely examinations by a doctor, ultrasound examinations of the fetus, tests that are so important during this period, help to prevent possible deviations and, in case of detection of pathologies, respond in time, avoiding disastrous outcomes.


Watch the video: Bleeding and spotting during pregnancy (July 2024).