In detail about the dangers and benefits of corn porridge: we study the composition and properties. Corn porridge: to whom, how much and in what form it should be eaten


Corn grits are one of the main elements of a healthy diet.

Corn porridge is prepared in water, milk, meat or vegetable broth.

With or without various additives.

Regardless of this, corn porridge does not lose beneficial substances during heat treatment and always tastes great.

The secrets of the proper preparation of corn porridge

Corn grits for porridge are made by crushing grains. The resulting grains differ in size from each other.

Depending on this, corn grits are divided into 5 numbers. The higher the number, the larger the grains. For more viscous cereals, use the first numbers of cereals.

The finest grinding is suitable for making porridge of delicate texture with a viscous structure. Coarse grinding is mainly used for making corn sticks and other sweets.

In some cases, porridge is also prepared from such cereals. Then it turns out friable and heterogeneous. To make the dish as aromatic as possible, use saturated yellow cereals.

Cooking porridge from corn has its own peculiarity - the mass constantly sticks to the walls of the dishes and quickly burns. Therefore, for cooking, it is worth using a container with a non-stick coating or a cast-iron cauldron.

Consider the recipe dietary option of corn porridge. For this we need water, cereals, salt and sugar.

Stages of preparation:

1. Pour 350 g of water into the pan. Bring it to a boil. It is worth noting that the final density of the product will depend on the amount of water. Those who like more liquid cereal can add 3 cups.

2. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum power, after which we fall asleep 6 tbsp. l cereals. Pour groats with a thin stream with constant stirring. This will prevent the formation of lumps.

3. Add salt and a little sugar to taste.

4. Cook porridge over minimal heat for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to constantly stir the mass.

5. After the mass has swollen, turn off the heat and close the pan with a lid.

6. Leave the porridge to languish in a sealed container for 10-15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the porridge can be considered ready.

Silent is added to the finished porridge butter, dried fruits, berries, etc.. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the components attached to the porridge add calories. Of course, not only water, but also milk can be taken as a basis. It all depends on preferences, the one to whom this dish is intended.

Useful properties of corn porridge

The benefits of corn porridge due to the chemical composition of cereals. It includes elements such as iron, potassium, magnesium and other substances necessary for the body.

Croup contains a large amount of vitamins. The peculiarity of corn porridge is that all substances do not break down during the cooking process, and therefore this dish is considered to be most useful for people recovering their body after diseases or surgical interventions.

Let's consider in more detail its main useful properties:

• corn grits is a low-allergenic product, therefore porridge is recommended for young children;

• since corn provokes increased production of enzymes, porridge is recommended for people with enzymatic insufficiency of the intestine. That is why cereals are used to make special nutrition of a biospecific type;

• the use of cereal from corn grits has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: improves the color and structure of the skin, increases its elasticity;

• macroelements included in the composition actively break down the cholesterol accumulated in the vessels and prevent the deposition of new plaques. This reduces the risk of a heart attack stroke;

• corn has an antitumor property, so porridge is introduced into the diet of cancer patients;

• a complex of nutrients helps restore normal heart function and strengthen it;

• taking cereal porridge from corn grits is indicated for diabetics, as it significantly reduces sugar absorption;

• such a dish is indispensable for intestinal pathologies. This is due to the fact that porridge prevents fermentation and easily breaks down rot products;

• B vitamins and phosphorus strengthen the nervous system, as well as help fight depressive conditions;

• porridge eaten for breakfast gives a lot of energy, which is enough for the whole day. At the same time, there will be no uncomfortable sensations in the stomach, as happens after a heavy meal;

• phosphate, located in the croup, activates the work of brain cells and ensures the accumulation of protein. This is important for an organism exhausted by a disease.

When is it harmful to eat corn porridge?

Corn porridge can bring a person not only benefits, but also harm. Such a dish has little energy value. Therefore, it is not recommended to get involved in porridge people with a lack of body weight and severe impaired appetite.

If a person aggravates pathology of the esophagus or stomach, then this dish should be avoided. It is not advisable to consume corn porridge for those who have high blood coagulability, since some elements found in cereals contribute to an increase in this indicator. A negative effect of porridge on people suffering from epilepsy has been noticed.

In chronic kidney disease Doctors also do not recommend introducing porridge into their diet. This is due to the presence of copper in the cereal. The reception of corn porridge during menstruation also depends on this. Do not eat such food if menstruation is problematic.

High Vitamin B Content makes corn porridge unacceptable for people with increased nervous irritability and suffering from an upset digestive system.

Frequent use of corn cereal porridge leads to insufficient absorption of certain trace elementsfor example zinc. It is strictly contraindicated to introduce such a dish into your diet with a stomach ulcer. All of these contraindications are general and only a doctor can give recommendations based on the characteristics of your body.

How much benefit and harm does corn porridge bring to pregnant and lactating mothers?

Corn porridge should be present in the diet of both pregnant and lactating women. These are not just words, but a fact confirmed by medicine. Due to its composition, porridge brings undoubted benefits to both the child and the mother.

Since cereal is not an allergenic product, it can be consumed daily during breastfeeding. The elements that make up cereals participate in the synthesis of enzymatic compounds, thereby improving the digestion process and beneficially affect the intestines. Corn porridge is especially useful for pregnant women, as it promotes the development and growth of fetal tissues.

The use of this dish normalizes blood flow and increases the immune defense of the mother and child. It is very important to eat porridge with iron deficiency anemia. After all, it contains copper, which helps to absorb hemoglobin iron.

In the same time, copper facilitates the work of the liver, removing unnecessary substances from it. Some women experience depression in the postpartum period. In this case, the same porridge from corn will help prevent it, since it provokes the production of hormones of "joy".

The absence of gluten allows you to use this porridge even for a weakened body of the mother or child. Great content

significantly reduces the risk of premature birth, and also prevents the risk of abnormal fetal development. Corn porridge is recommended to be included in the menu for nursing mothers, as it can eliminate colic in the abdomen in a child and reduce the severity of fermentation processes in the mother.

The silicon content allows you to keep the teeth and bones of the pregnant woman in a healthy state, preventing the leaching of useful substances from them. The combination of elements that make up corn grits ensures the normal functioning of the hematopoiesis, gastrointestinal tract and urinary systems. Due to the fact that all useful substances are stored in porridge, the body of the mother and the child will receive a sufficient amount of the elements necessary for the body.

Small benefits of corn porridge for weight loss

The high caloric value of corn porridge is misleading to anyone who wants to lose weight. Because of this, many refuse to enter it into their diet. But they do it in vain, since with high calorie content porridge has the property of being digested for a long time.

Having eaten a small portion of porridge, a person will quickly get enough thanks to the high content of polysaccharides. In this case, a feeling of satiety will last a long time.

Macronutrients that are part of the corn, effectively break down the fats present in the body and prevent the accumulation of new.

A large group of useful elements gives a charge of vivacity for the whole working day and fills the body with necessary substances. In addition, corn porridge is rich in fiber, which intensively cleanses the digestive tract.

At the same time, do not forget that this type of porridge requires large amounts of water. Corn porridge does not give quick and noticeable results in losing weight, but it effectively supports the body in proper shape.

If you carefully consider all contraindications and eat porridge correctly, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the body.


Watch the video: Which Is a Better Breakfast - Cereal or Oatmeal? (June 2024).